tviringtoulkGdoaors,Aoaeeaitheodter endoftheincomesole,ahoutsakguardingtheir salaries). Not for the childrm who will gt less Lastly, Ecker promises "mme equity" in the sysem,lmtthedetaikt0erplanrnAemetmtt toaskequitrktrlmt?CsaiNrrtotkrrthe caregiverswhowillsemheiraheadrridicukntdy krwsalarsesdmpby$4500(yetthepmvinrris Similarly, Echerk Mmmd "tttme Bement. ty"isacttrioustme"elaxVildingcode rTutrPentsiorchiki-tuesisorte%rin whichthepmvincetvi0e-fkailgekwilt aisoincmasethermmberofcMdrenhateach caregiverisalimvedtosterse,lowertheti+ queasy of ministry impaction and My dereasethetrainingthateachchikicaiewok ermusthave. means reversing a 1072 policy recognizing that children, parents and taxpayers an better served by a non-prom system It means using provincidtaxtiollarstosubsidueth-tuso7 privatetatorsirtseadofth-sofchiM care workers. It means claiming credit for expanding the number ofspaca, while severely undermining the quality of are. ty and more equity when It comes to paying for, using or delivering child care,' said Minister Edam" The above lines, the opening _ (T paragraph at a government - statement released last Thursday, may sound tnnocuom enough at IirstAsusuatittakesacerGinamoumosg and perseverance to get past the soothing words of the Queeny Park spin doctors. It's only after reviewing the details of the Tories' new "improving Ontario', Child Care System" discussion paper that parents and other con- cern citizens will discover the gtrvermnettt's real agenda - a very regressive and frightening thousands a? new subsidized' Spam (or children. Om; mm: dtoice,moretkxiW 'rruetyoreqitatitrchiid- o.rtiomrrparentiandomte 'eaiarpoettoarrea- ment1ingchanrstuwouid "yi.erofcormmartitran4 so.cial.Services, Janet Ecker To the provincial govemmmt, “me dwicc' Proposed dial to child care system put 21311?an at risk participatedintherevtme,Icana-the Mhitsterthattheydortottedkxtmiste-nordo therameeottdwtththewtitesotmostofthe odterpamttstutiknorr. . "umttsthatrtalksotegmethatthevvanta systertohidtteuogrtizesheinhemuamuaiic- don between perAt and why use. They ettdtervemmettttornaintainandstrictfr ettiortrcunenthdotattdararerrtiirtgtrair; Tlteretoeetthewarsofthepeork ,Htopedbmsstscholuabkservicziitsate.. gttHrt-dtihhen.ukettornm,E-ig betteanVatthosep-sinthemtmtttsartd 'eetfoet-evettttst+tehasalreadrstt- ttalkdthrstteistmlrinastedinheariufse vimvsandtneaingtheneedsdtheprivaeihiu caeeopeotoes,lkigmm'ngtheneedsMchir dmn,parentsartdtaearers. -tqltltttlert. lamb-m. EdamhouduhoCd'masa new "star"torqlareherkmtterbms,thecfmmia. 1reeedrseuttnmchi,amihetn-e cmlihititrtrcktoaminirtrrtttatwiuar tmdmttinedbrhisamwtttandahamintA. tteroGkalinethpubliccoetcemsAstitenew miniedtemrplauditttheimesestingposs titr1ateaivimareroetthatsttehadpihGd tvhi1ear'adiamemaryAsri-toddGitut she’ll may! the teummerttbiortsat the! mainland. 1yhiktheee-tsthat'utexpoet and its proposals lulled new: and duct 'eceivedfhmtthehtsmiredsMpamtts,chiki MmrrriesatsouthegtaatiaraM dteirdtildm*eareasdter- man “has in NI: I the down a! whoâ€. No, it 'eerttsthatttte"eqritroGlia Eda speak is dined at the poordmmtmdtienpmatecut "reoremoeswftoh-ltadtheir divttterighttodt-6irmst 'ethiutxte-tahettmm, taomatAeoG,ageete.,et peooriateatiortarthrtrearb ostgkeortmoreamimoreaAb- tfoMdahmAntitzratntrnot humid»!!! and It hardtrtoqtrMykrstdsreiiesartd an mu onu/Ig._" TV STANDS CD/IICR ENTERTAINMENT 51012116: CENTRES _illlr, Siqe i, tC: - " 'N, . iifr"D Lriri"rs5uT2G 'rua'-"'-'""""" solution of i _ _ ill/Audio , ' I mun-o In x-lv "i'ii'irtritt, Illylsta,iittt,t,gtr £2323 m: Yumldlakca& nah (hetaatmtetaeiiitrtrrtaaarniie "‘â€"! Tm 6 Pat: Inc. Hana mm -Wgiiiiirmmiiii3rT, _ -- an! "tom Cine-w trtoWE0'ttujiitrk6'Fio.7 "I mum ll A65 Phillip St. (at Albert) Waterloo - 746-8747 T72R55. ft) get away Width-ts l"": , 30:1!qu ' rtntrtrtnmhteeds “HI-1m: ans/Ii Discover Travel who.†a! in! 5, STANLEY PARK MALI. Ottawa 8 River Rd Kitchener 8962300