E “chumsddl’uuby 1wah!rmhArchies-ig'r "irllyf,ertyttttet! g appmxtt-eir$600,000to T 'r00o00tmrefurhistrmgthe i 8tsyearadhmitdimimoa ?f, frsltandseuimdtest-e, i thecomerrrtxmldmxde, tanyoititativorUmuait ii rzitse'stte-tesot a Aitiiiii',i'iii'r" 'I 'soepickedtsratmihb 'dt trtgpermittostanmim ; rertovating1%tedooyMd $cssttraiisurrmt. g Watedoo'sdirector_ 2 nomtcdeveitrtmtem,thmg 8 n .e a by I) MA I x mm - renovat 'c), L Nit m Cf Wald secures a building path. Archie's and Wank» council are currently locked m a funding dis": in: $7,000 to $8,000 worth of underground wiring [or a freestanding up: [or the tram “anon Council refused mm thrs past July 8 and Juh 15torykrthewtring thh u believes the my is not respmtsible for under a lease ugned by both parties this past May I I-800-268,75tt2 “(Kaine sand Tuesday city Quad; has mu: ul tlse hmhcu ram M mulhpk kam m the wotâ€. Renovations siiii on hold far historic taihtattti'iiii if) "it rm tstBridrh-ehiodisa. thefimdVttsewirittg 'its-tttteither-airy “WWW; omiter,AkirsAmsrts,orhis wrnldtrramigrttmtortts Winslow». 1esseormsoettokriactia thdyISI-mhg iftheiitrdidrttrrUrthe Smrseanmcilioeswho- wiring. iniimrathecitrpexrvidim "tdtmtknow,dtetherpd In Sales Cantu at Westmount Place, 50 Weshnmmt Rd., Waterloo, Ontario Mtmdays-samrdays 1:00 to Silt? p.m. or call (519) 884-7755 uther, Village thefimditgutbewinatg "idtherkaredAeaiey ,.rmhltryamlgrttmtoCtts kaseorresorttokriaction "Retirement living a in the heart of Waterloo N LUTHER 'lllllll0#,, VILLAGE 1"tttl"iiiifi" (Ci) ONTHEPARK Ci, on the Park is a unique concept in retirement living cert: in Dnmvn LLA -A_‘__A, _'. , . . _ --- "At this point I guess I'm not pessimistic. But the longer this drags on, I guess say I tvasoptimistic," Mckem ziesaid,tvhenaskedifuklt the dispute could be mam fully resolved wouidhqtewe1thmeadees sioetoetthisthiti- maximum.†. Because MW†extendthebegimtiagof Ardtie'skasethree-tttsto thekstortiteicisf" '53!!qu 'ten,Mrstimsemidh, tretimedthatae,msiiie ““5!de “epitaxial affe .112 31 1'S who» dPe .tt "ed ara tal imific school intand, What angered Ande that at Sandowne, t playground tquipmel The game resolution [ $2,025 municipal towards the $25,525 I 8 Agrtes Mien Cbun.BruceAndets councillor to vote mi at a recent 1Wtedoo c that approved a $13, ing playground and] loo schools and mix Thehadsecueist helpedtoptuchase pepietoftherecen dummy 'tudents,stalf,paie tantcontnhutiom, mistthh,theCity Afundraisingpro anditspmkcessor $l7,000wasraised _Anewaeameplt schoolwillbcdedia bepeing_ate30p: Tuisrar,thecar, “chalk-them: *eparuttgkscAiss mcesthnmghoutth Mymlldimb mimnedownm Minimum $hyt0itchenerA miredhastrear.Du WNJQZMW: datum» Waterloo cou it's time the a firm funding _ Chronic]: _ii3l5i,'t'i'