May Thursday "Mtttt-iutttqttttarr wu'tt"tubemFft.ewtariat" Fr/ei-tti-trt-ri-iris-iii- WIT-“Hummus“ Thi-eu-ilu-ttra-it-ttei-is, "rq*"titstr.risintN-ioor-gor-uute, '.r"eishetmirti-urthei-t-serieit. . “a“! plan's-mm. Lawn-bound?“ 1t'tt't?..eetefyeeee "ta"k-,priehttmieti-mies.e- hi aTiiiiFG"rii"iG7i7riiGirciairii 1ttxEetseieeihgrrG- "eeerceeriG%7G7iiii7riia'ir""aTi J!+2eggtEAttgiguttgc, . . - """'""'i-"""-i-"'- “7*! "m"."'"'"'"'.'"'""."".'"". """iNe"txst-rtroaliib7ai. mum-maydmgamw â€may“ mutual 'qtibaterandgitermmtse-rtour My I. can 2. can 3. Oak: 4. Ndv6 5. Nov]: Lands! MGM-AM 1tittltiTliTiiirir; JCiOtr m, mum-R - V FGii Tiiiri7iiii-" ttettrtefeiiertGiiiiLTiii, WWII-Ir. 2','?2',eed't.t, . Dan-PM Nov!- "e-Prius-iii/ii-uma., "Evaywyhumuu- Prtefer-f-su-ter, oai"it*Ciqtegtrseiae, - WWW u... t.strv.kc6.,Liiirii"iriii".'"' .ltfe?er"dF7Frria""iiGiititriti WWW“, ',tty..'.ttytthert “W'- " ml cuFF/reiiriWa7'iiTri7iiiz,7ciz-rzzz: All" WW! iFi7i'iGuldTdtid",'rltt'ptar Nova-Vehiuuwwqqi: Null-M te"Yrfitetrrm-im Brahma-.- -APersricfirrv-rG'rir, niEi or: We!!!“ “can: m _ _ l Nov " I I w/wuzymmnm madakumumcsr â€I" . I hai,; m" 404 RCAPA Rotary Adult Centre 6Mt Button Drive, Waterloo " mu Ma Adah WJQL‘J.“ FAI1 'itotatiiiii ' MThe lt"'?""'-' l 'Fir-to-tvii 're-isa-tiso-ati-itat," Vanni Year Round “51W WIS-M4 Can-0&2 Oal6 Tt'esdnrsereesrtbertr,t996 9-1090“ -tgovTi '00:“ I ISO-Jpn. 9.30;â€... Idem: 9.30-IIII lO-l2nou 14p; foritTiGa IoLu-o. 42m 532,12)? “and [HEM 10m swam mi to Ida :2" Iowa. " not: tir- 4 Wash www. coda. on. fafctty. tki $2 " _ri-0 These requirements also pertain to the WHEN: Saturday, September " 1990 _ WHERE: Albert McCormick Arena TIME: 9:00 A... . 12:00 noon Equipment will be taken in on a consignment bulb and may be dropped off at Albert McCormick Arena on September 18th and 19th from 7 30-9:30 p m only Equipment must be in good condition For further information, please call the omee at 72.5-1434 WATERLOO MINOR HOCKEY EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS. For safety reasons certain hockey equipment is mandatory, The following equipment and be provided before your son/daughter In allowed on the Ice helmet (CSA approved) neck guard f BNQ approved , shoulder pads elbow pads hockey gloves hockey pants jock shin guards TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of m: City of Waterloo, at a 'peial meeting to he held on September 16, 1996, wtll conrudrr the patrhmy of a hrnall Animal Control Bylaw for the City of Wan-Hm Thi- by law will prohibit the running at large of lama“ animal». such as cam It in anticipated that the meeting will wmmenu- at approximately 8:30 p m following the regular Administration & Community SPFVIU'II Cornrrutu, and Physical Development Committee medium In the event you Wish to [peak tr, this llhul' or requnre further information, please contact the Clerk is office list Floor, Waterloo City Centre, on or before September ll, 1996, at 747.8704 or 747-8703, MW INFOitMAtitrfii'i 886-1550 WATERLOO MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION ANNUAL PARENT f1l!'i'tNtr GROUP EQUIPMENT SALE The City appreciates your uraperatum m the of then: by-lawu, NOTICE ‘ SMALL ANIMAL CONTROL BY-lAW - ,HVVW. -__e_._. -uv-c- w yu-l - parking validations at their City hum; .0 they do not than the out Minata0ine and mmtaming was“ on every any (In... Proy!neut legislation allow- (a) causative hours Vain. meet- VJJJJMy In: one or two hour parking restrictions, and are pruned " ".4 The City dWlterlao Tram: and Parking Bylaw does not allow overnight parking on Crty streets, PART V _ PARKING AND STOPPING RESTRICHONS m that “union admin permitted In this bylaw. no person shall at any time, park a vehicle on any highway between the hours of2:30 am and 6:00 am " The City of Waterloo Trnfrse and Parking By-l-w also when parking on all City streets to a maximum of three (3) causative hours Various mm. within in. (an a..- CITY or WW TRAFFIC "W 83-19 Council Chambers 3rd Floor, Waterloo City Centre 100 Regina Street South mtterfoo, Ontario My, September IS. 1996 Approximate Time . 6:30 pan J. Ayers, City Clerk, City of Wan-rim mgnmipaliuea to post these J AYERS. CITY CLERK fundamental si?) compuance