L) cotwentertce comfort and sakty 5 ‘Wuh thee changes. Quest will continue to arpeal lo wad: ', Lunahan famhes looking Ur versatile yet wade tmtq0etatt0et U m a people-mover," guys Wes Boyer, vacuum vice-dent of 8 Ntssan Canada Inc é Quest has set new benchmarks m user-friendliness, car-like led "d and agile performance m the typscalhr utilitarian minim it" All 886-3881 I Mum :mdnfmauons to the 1996 Quest [MM new from- and rrarend uvltng,the addmon ofstandard dual an by, new "thire uk moulded 2;“! day: and solar gUss, rcplacmg mud (has, , » reduce (h: amount of ultraviolet and mfrand light Inching the Que“ pmngtr compartment, Front bumper gnlle and headlights hwe been testyled " fave 'm- bumper and unllnghl grapluc m the rut A rat [at mm mm the 1996 Quest noucabby lower lo the ground an m 1995. Imiuwn of both drwer and passenger-sale an I!†dictated a new Instrument panel deny! plus the addiuon of height-adMtahle hm: watbelts lo replace the paw: (mowed) seatbelt katuee ‘n last was Quest [he new mslrumenl panel also meludn hmr "su-h {mm Ce,dlelilisig i men: "i8ttlrtll)ltttiirttir'tttttiiitar rnpneemcameupwithmmetun 10"systoi-eomt,the mdustryt hm execute-dam m. the Improvements to Quest, the ftrst minmn to ever win a mayor WWI!!! (lma&Aitttmsxivetmgmnecueriorofttte 'irar hard") run the pm from pedormame lo mm. recommended us to their friends since 1979" 63S We mt., -'eqBIttt--. . mu Nissan Quest just keeps getting better Complete Collision and Retirtishittg Service use Albert Street. Waterloo .4 'NorthiEil Auto Bod "Our customers have rheyalreadyhadawmnet â€an pan :wl prmen Hun- Vb engme . based on the engine devel- I “mum; and the MOZX sportscar w Instrument panel also Includes larger [ti-dash from greater m orolanon and me efftcient warming and y "tadtwtnnereksrl996Ni-rtds.tersaetd 'farstheeeandmBemr-etimttuin+desshedttal upwtthmmethan100waystoieeismt.the 'iir_bqr,sideumtimdotrhaittsthatrneet 1997 US. federal - _ ""H'"eTm'WF '_--.- Thete'salsonewfirmtdoortrirnpanaandnewuxicssrseats, doormmandquamrpmck side-ttttare-k-tttera-ttiam-ess. taet"km/tt(3rtrh)b-err, 1Afeehetehtteeattiveeusstandrdexrairmenc _sltihpoirttrh-etmna4'rredortosesostandrrgeitarms taltremttmlkd timrspeedatttmatictmmmiaaiort wpronma WM“. GhermechaniolchamesksrJ996inrukit-dtueuzm. omxattewyarm'perntedtetuxtthetttrwlihgithat automatically maul ofthewarior loadingand a "theck Eitpme"yantiNturFsttteoiuevdmmiuYii. Asel1asthenewhrmtattdrearstytiheainovtvw coverdesignortQuestxEandnewal1tirwfieamtatEmodeis. NewcoPkxrandcmwenienceitemsincui-toatmrt"tir' steering wheel, largerglove box, mhtgedcup holder, pump? apdd.rwtr-sstietitrnits,ilhmtiniapo%rwimGw,poiG tkorlockandewerwindowcxmtraoatpmverandGwe. mm: equipped XE, standard on GXE) improved radiocomrol desvtearerae+x,thteenewcoathoasandaredesigmd power door-lock toggle switch which males it mme difficult to accidemallylockthedoors 'Lucnu: um IMMUNE, mailer Ncmrrrtttcr Jn I996 on aeperwed fun 24 Imminent» window caveat-m â€All! km mg.) or Indlmmi of Votvo om Ill A Hurry in, we've got affordable leasing on all new month lease offer on the new 1997 Volvo 850 Sport Drive safely, Your 1997 Volvo 850 Sports Sedan comes equipped , ing, comfort. reliability and fun you expect from Volvo bags, side impact air bags, automatic transmission, 168 anti-lock braking system, air conditioning, headlamp w more. 1:} In 't B I _ 3 L' t 1 t z t 3“" ,5 pt Cl I 4 . 485 King St. " Waterloo, Ont. t I I I I I I I 'va'r 1lMlllirllllW$lBlliilgritEltt.0rttttr7 nun Imam: mania Wain" cl $550. and destmanue, chart. cl M95 um Lmtte C y: N96 In med arch to 'tutltfbed maul customers may, Special watkaway lease mm term van a dowrt 'Neem or equtvatem trad: 0' $4718, plus {in Mm paymcl um: km mph.) 01mm In pta'rhase at Inn and for $24,700 Other lease [emu an. tdvotvotrarwaud MWbmrmrmbel uilt!.tt.llllg)jU!ttlL1tgl.ttitiittrtamr,tmai. Iltll1r88tt0llmm,rtkbi'jijiiiitiiiiti"ii7 ave ve got anoraable leasing on all new Volvos, but Eur special $399 a offer on the new 1997 Volvo 850 Sports Sedan ends September 30/96. ma run you expect from Volvo. Youll find dual front air gs, automatic transmission, 168 horsepower DOHC engin , air conditioning, headlamp washer/wipers and much Announcing; Sedan comes equipped with all the safety-engineer r spam! wlkawav lease can“. liter Volvo Adi2 mm“ Fa, "99 pins hm mom tease n, no Other ','e't,t..ty'enu,t 'tle If!'"? “.W oo.10 P" ken Btittotmr2M00ttoett-rtr-tt-r. AtttmrtiselntttemtMooCttertnttimbe%t (519) 335-5090 WM-wmmw-mmm _ - w. _.,.__ up... w. " avathble 01996 Volvo Cama Id. “be "her . a com-on, "ritiiiaTau'i7 ly ,___, m‘ “*M' iirriiiiE "i.lii,lt'tdfSTti"dt M MIMI“ Eb mm, 'e'.'. mucus-om. mam-u Iesy. 4t m u. /iiiiiiiii', -caTiiii"".aq mum-noun- MttEttrq "I“ can Ann-a m tuaidioiii iourairi"aG7."i t'yTlTdld'l'llrl',tl'd 2935â€}! my W "war“ I'y5urii:itsTE= IEEiEiil sanctum f: mum-ha. F ' 't.'.laf'al)'e'lyr'l"tltrdtr, I Hammad 1::me "M.rrrtatg- nun-‘39:...» polo“ Wu! 1..., m :1st am. Far-u Hymnal: all 1â€."- m F3343": mamas-i "mu: "tttoh" mi. mm M. but“ In: On. an in at $155,000 764m. SELL IDLE lie" r '15; my bJloetm,, "I mm IEEE lit"', U_ I "r. Gm 142-