New offerings indude w eral for We": Exploving the Internet ages eight to 12; an advanced computing course for duldren ages three to six and enabling - - l 5v ' ' : FEATURING Je, 5 i I "tl; iii; IQ tiiif] ' " Jttatt ment, business commutin- uons and computing skull: For Glendon. tall (519) 88tra002: Email: con- 31,95 uwwt0offerti0tomiouing educatiortcoursesinper sonaldetelopmertthatfor Kmprofessiorudevdop 337,55; Gi "iiiaiv%';iis" Bert6fti, 'NN I " UT“ and trial procedures. Chan combine exploratory use of materials Stamng law this month, ---- 1cMiferter.colo, anld tfri- Aeturni'tgisapopuar coursetmthevadousstages othomiodeimesti9atiom 'teoetorruiuughthrbotat AssistaettommAttomer DavtttRussitimtudesttte useofthtAtedtoologstrw bpltxirtgthetntemet betomirtgapwishednoo- fittiortwriterandmutt"rparty derisioemaeirtgamtamftict Waterway" newcou'sesoftemdthrough theunjversityofWatedoo's contirtuirtgedutatiortprtr Uiliteoettimdngedofhsesqanewiourses yogi. "s'-. f; -,'.: ALI-nu N _ , l lam m 'n.na9emerttistrategitmam -teeofor9aetizatiemat kntm4edgeitneNatio- “madmaha 'WewamtoMthe lagoDacuwotIdIop. tesourtesofuWoiththe RtratutsnewthisMis tormnunityandournot-for -itirtgttomfittitmforpWi- tredittoursesareanextel. tation;efhcti-timentam lentvehidefor Ttiii/fl jrrrEi)iiiaii ow iers,"mk, wire, found . . , - bliiiiG, mp. ',titrdl,c, 'tpd/ttstifle',',':,','; to fu express their great»; concepts. Mary Lou Elihu? h gps‘ nteuk"sl'l'G"llrfr"r3w, ()3 t. ""irtgsu.trtterioo,theoaJ m 50.? _- mum- 9:l$l.:15 was. 233‘.†â€51:15 rues. war, -ettMI lent vehicle for accomplishing this," said _'i'ig, Maureen Jones continuing 2 , Mutation coordinator. "Wt are pleased with the B t variety of the courses ' offered this fan. Once again, we have an excellent group of instructors" - Better grades are just a phone call away... In convenient after-school hours, using innovative materials developed by OXFORD’S own educators, our students learn HOW TO SUCCEED! They become more confident and discover ' that learning can be hm! Better grades! More confidence! 'Reading "Writing 'Spelling ; OMath °Study Skills °French OHomework Support [ Call today! You’ll be glad you did! T 10 Fischer-Haltman Rd., Watenoo '..ltlt3ll, (519) 725-3577 I ( ------- v,“ __w$. "Hntttsttofigu" mmmm twfuthedoesisput, mammal efhttstte'1Heamto mtmhgouttoaati WWW Urieersityandshoi atrehoiettsincalg' writ"ttingOnNra mummy matttNittgthmugh a9ettuidettatm" t%ff,sometuhgtt Numb 'towttorntustamei emlifstyhandma VALUE SERIES STEEL ENTRY DOORS 'munn'nqm ~mm~ integritytothan. reasonitdidsowl (mum mammal.» doesrttpoeefurta therameoutmo 5001:90th 'It‘salooklt Manchuâ€: beamedurim trptarjurtgboutl atouth,andltm armatdfitrgbttut autumn hattobettoingo mum swam.- sown“! 0&0ka I and.“ ntt.askirtdof thebqingamtsa WMMQOII irihtrsah,itm thingtttdo.thtet Theatre a - "