: Hot dog The City of Guelph opened up its outdoor vending licensing system to a competitive bidâ€" ding process for its downtown vending spots this year and gained approximately $28,000 more in hcensing revenue over last year because of the change, said Guelph clerk, Lois Giles. Another City of Gueliph employee, Kim Williamson, said one hot dog vendor in Guelph successfully bid $12,500 for a licence to operate a vending opera tion at one particular downtown site. Gaouette said although staff have received direction to look into possibly setting up a comâ€" peuuve bidding process for its vending licensing system, nothing has been done to date. Sirkka Gaouette, a licensing officer for the City of Waterloo, said the main reason the city is considering opening up its outdoor vending licensing to competitive bidding is because it thinks it may be able to gain more revenme. LET US PUT OUuT THE MAT FOR YOUu! be sure to call NEW IN TOWN? licences on a firstâ€"come, firstâ€"serve basis for a -;â€"?é)w TT -J-â€"w:-;ï¬m" CHBt T0T 2 ment Area fee m'nflm amapmilees Sucales (Continued from page 1) *Just because of time constraints, we haven‘t done much on it," she said. "It is in our business plan, so yes we will be looking into it But it doesn‘t mean we‘ll be going that way definitely." Drozdek said she believed if the city did award licences through a competitive bidding process, nobody would be able to afford an outdoor vending licence to begin with. You could take a &st ora uB ; ©| Catch a &z get a 2P or go on a craise C n _ to get owoy IMM | 1 Eu$ four months, chest Xâ€" mograms, bone scans she was cancer free. followed by five we She then began the years ago when she 6 in her breast. She un â€" one to remove the remove the lymph no Mary Knowles is c tragedy into triumpl woman is currently | the second time in £ time, doctors offer li But that has neithe ing for her own pers to complete M'“flngiflrflcï¬md "Service: We ers Association, the tion, and the Kitcher painting, and fire try than 10 lbs. has a ments of CHYM F) At the event, loc hamburgers for a included). The ev To raise funds for at Freeport Hospita sguina Last year‘s event a police coâ€"cart funds for the Uni On Sept. 14, the Ca 747â€" forwâ€".