OptxometrtstsfOAdh waotstommirttt-ts totertthetrthatnmttgt importarttleamirtgtol. 8tttiirviliaiiia% E clear carnation g between vision and liter- JiAssociat'iooof oeTtri'ts.t mum totertthetrth hunting-11hr E iGiil ugh" "Kimmy" Society's visual , Canadian adults are higl demands are increasing school graduates. rapidly. The 'information * "literacy Costs Cana- age' means the ability to diam $10 billion every read 6 more important year _ approximately 1/4 than ever! of our national debt. Illiteracy can have a Parents must assume Eight per cent of what we learn comes from what we see. yet vision problems which can 'mpact on reading capa- bslmes In children and adults often go unde- tected One In six thik dren has a tttte/e problem whidrnay affect their ability to learn, IF YOU chiiiiir" SEE â€REVS/on CAN'fflwEi‘! * Thirty per cent of fuoctiortalty illiterate Canadian adults are high * Another one in four, while able to perform such tasks, is unable to handle more compli- cated materials. Wharton: peesoetugcStatlrties CanMUstudFttow. '9tueetpertmttof aduhCanadiaetsdttrtot mwmm ingskiltstoperfomtsiew 'gedaltytaskssothas readinganewspaperor filtirtgoutajobapplica- Is your child's literacy at risk? The OAO recommends that families' annual back-to-school routine includes a trip to their optometrist far a corn- plete vision check to ensure that children are returning to the class. room with all the tools they need to succeed. Studies show that chil- dren with vision prob- lems may have shorter matinrohhem- notonlycadybutcom MMM,m tionstheOAO. "Athihftdttthasrtot developeddearvisionby theageofsixisnot h'kelytodosohter," saysDr.RithardKni- aziew,PresidentoftM * Covering up one eye ' 't f ' sir" T while reading. salute ttt 8iiiitidrs . Losing place fre- querttly while reading. at the "when“ W! Market ' Holding reading r ' materialdosetofaceor mm“ tilting head to read. . cial di ofm m . i 'Chronkfatigue. 1'e,addl'ttt,,'.ao2 " 1sypinst . Short attention f c span or behavior prob- . a quilt raffle 7 " WATCH FOR ' Frequent blinking, squmting or rubbing Wm“ lemsatsdaool. pooramootratiortskitts Goodthdttethtatt Maintain,†“It“ tration_iorprotr lensandpoorgrades. "Betausethildren Saturday, . special display! ol Patches, Victoria 5 . a quilt mffle . display of handm: . a 'eleaion of fine Jacqueline on thy . special dixoumsl . enter a ballot to w ple." Ehtaetatnrnent by (MPH). W itll) W tlBkg m if?“ N 307 LAW st: w., 373 woos ST., CONVENIENCE 'specialdup1qsof-nitetmtsyi'insa Patches, viaoriatkhoolatttre .aquiltraff1e V .duplayofhandmadeteoodenitems . "e1etionofiinedothesfhnnchez Jacquelineonihylheet . special ducountsfttrsenitm . enteraballot towinoneoffheprizes ""tie-nears,-arm,,, (MPH). WI tttam 744-1109 Mun-mo Gum-2n Minna '2"aFF'e"iiAFerw-i"f, WATERLOO u 747-0320 (iiiiiiiiiiiiriiiir"i, 92% m Min armada: ptttittplatebyrm mierHrdlthrvtsnt, lies with Ontario Johnthslkd, oflndepmdcml 13mm“) theirhttemetm mdDiscow wottsettinKitehe Kildlcner. Hammett Streetsin1%te+ SimlcyMM Haltshoharl the travel bud patBrehidthad Chrinthemto using the ECA "NEChttst 1%herscttw, “ammo latitudinal eesttto$62t= W42 in?“ and LII 252)