(9‘3“ ARIdoforallpacosandagos The Manulife Ride for Heart is designed as a recreational cycling event for the whole family. Rest stations along the route (one on the 20k and five on the 50ky provide healthy snacks, refreshments. mechanical support and washroom facilities. Support vehicles. courtesy of Airways Transit, fondly dubbed the 'sag wagpns', drive the route to assist any weary cyclists. Volunteer Search and Rescue. Waterloo Regional Heart Save, Special Hearts, YMCA and REACrarejust a few ofthe volunteer organizations which providesuppoetatthestartlFinisharmandatreststatioetsahmg At the rmish line. all cyclists are greeted by volunteers. receive a -"""e participant's pack and are treated to a delicious Domino's Pizza lunch. A post-Ride celebration features the music of K-W's own Black Water Draw, while clowns and facepaintets entertain our younger participants. "rttl"t I'III. '1' " warlnLoo PARK ]SIA< ooinhundmdsoftydistsonoune2ndastttestmetsotHrtrjetftiiittuntt ttte-gon-sue-am-aint-tttte-ltr. "ttttttttttbfi-th rear,tioanuitoidiforiteartisthomestsingltdttrtedmu"trth"stal "thai,erotttoeartart4stnstemundationofottarumtstnteottrn $200,000overthe pastthree years. “WhilctheMumlifellidelorHcmk organizedasadayoffuartde-imteat forpeoplcofalllgelml' Wheaten raisingrmmeyrortheHearotdt+ Foundation," lays Shana Vamp, Event Co-Chair-eating-iv-tcial. "Whilewedorequireo-tiri-opay anorninalregistmtiortfeeitttis-rgoes tohelpcoverthecmaofnmningtitéevent which includes thingsnwhu [Mahatma andRider-tim"eap1airtsStmta, “The pledgedol1amthato-tieip-tkctgo directlytotheHeartandStmuBtmWtionto supportprogmmsinthek-W My.†To encourage participantstoroliectpkdges, incentive awartisareoffeeedttt-frmn abascballcaptoaweekmdgehvayna populaxnmdcpmdingonthcdollat amountthataparticipanrmisii sso..............3wwc.p S50.01-85........NikeT-attirt '85.0l-l35.-...NikeT-attirt&BasetmllCap $135.0I-250......Ny|onBa;&T-dlin '250.0l-500......Rootieatitirt& PEDALFOII .tlultlma" $500.01 - SI .(XX).01 '2.000.01 or Incentive Shopping Spree iyourchyice uploSSW) GrundviewWeekend-W (mm/2mm) orPiiurandhnt-Ni-OnTheuke f2rtighu/2heakfastsl2d'-sy 'urrkritriiimaiaFf .Nich-Ihin Nike Tough! & Baseball Cap .Nylon Bag&TUttirt Jtootieatitirt& Nike TM & Bach" Cap Sammy‘s; Nit-Tahiti J5ttueritttineSkates or Ladle: Duffel Bag WK, "': 11 EM PJII‘VI Cyt.rieandSptset supportatttte& alongthenmte, oftheRoedvot, one way for us life for maiden: NatumlSpring onhandtofrm washroom fad Localbicycle providing 9f 41.3mm hqpythatwec IocalHeartttnd Also supplying Waterloo Chrm Inadditioetto 'Amigo Dome" says Mmulife’s ‘msisquitcn planningttndt Wecan'ttttank inbotitarearot mallymaml wouldn't be 1 commit-tt