q vour communuty to grow The g voluntecr Acuon Centre of Kitchenerâ€" Waterioo can help $ march vour mterest and skills 4 with specific jobs for volunâ€" 9 wers in 200 community orgs g nuanons and programs For informaunon on these and C other volunteer opportumimes. 8 conuxct the volunteer Acuon 2 T (cnure a 7428610 nustng Prrmous expenence «8(8 a oemiar svserm would be Waterioo recreation centre mmquirm a volunteer to meet and greea the publc for three noun on Tucsdan: afternoons * nor Juues inctude recepoon Water Voluntcering â€" A Great Way To Grow By volunteerâ€" ing, you can brighten the lives of many, heiping yourself and NEEDED OFFICE YOLâ€" ~NTEER A busy downtown ~£EI€D DAYTIME OOX V8LBETEERS ie ~orast and e seX adazamiem The syram s an emporua umicers provide ind A resudentia ohvorcally ane wl new week in Kachener m the paper about mner peace ~When | got mvoived. | was . and ! thought. God. | could really upaght. 1 dadn‘t really â€" use some of that So ! went know how :o relax and had no And 1 had no xées thes thang xiea what my purpose in hie . was goeng is change my whole was all sbout." Hanson sns â€" bie i; wase! relagrows. there "On the oursade. | had evers _ were no gunx a was pracucal thamg bet | dadnt have anner â€" | czame hoone fcoan that lecruse peace ! isk 2 bag vord ansade of that maphe «ioh an muner calm | Inner peace YJOIN§NOWFOR! $ =y D Cobumins St April 17 19 gree reo mablhc lec "tnvatet tm wï¬ x the YWCA on (Coranued tom page I) premmnenmpnmenemncnmemenmennres For more informaton about ibe Inmer Pexce Movement cail the nanonal office in Orpez a (613) 238â€" 7844 tory sessson. For those who wab 10 remem for a more in depch sessson. admussion is §5 35 Fredenck Sceet Each lecture wil begn with 2 free introduc ‘10.00 ADMESSION INCLUDES REDEEMASLE COUPONS & DOOR PMZES ‘10.00 ADMESSION INCLUDES REDEEMABLE wul.lmAVMMm m - a «+ ansan s gite r* 677 Belmont Ave. W., Kichener, OnL. â€" $784HKD HHHHDNRirrrrmmmmmmmmmemmmmenens s 03. ET ACEEECK , 8 B6 PNCLUOES GST. NCKETS AVAIALABLE AT HEBR‘S ipminanares. Nn venpmrtenye This is your opportunity to discover the trade secrets of a d color expert first hand. in our 2 hour seminar you‘ll find out the hottest new colors and learn innovolive painfing techniques for Saturday, April 27 Valahalla Inn Ballroom : King & Benton Streets, Kitchener We Offer â€" Doors Open at 1: Dogs » Cats # Birds = Fish » Small Animais ME 28 information On: Nutrition, Behavious, Training, Herbal Remedies, Vet Locations, Breeder Info m“t.ï¬%huw niminimemronres.camrammnaeniantarmmensenrans pH vs U ctis realdlies on c 1 it c oc ie w d ies BABY WORLD INVITES YOU TO moved into shell of a bi own, we‘ll ring to the in eight to "We‘ve were dea tor, Fent won‘t be is looking 1995 fiscal porate dr manufactt ï¬