i Couple rent videos and, sells party supplies just over Iwo years ago the couple Marmer Nah: moved from Kuchener IO Waterloo In ghe- where they opened Vida) Party Tyne. a k halivuieoandhalfpartrsuprgiessmeea 55 Nonhfkld Dr next In Tun Horton Donuts. The coupk_whoolkranextettsivesekxtitmas,00omovie "tks"swe"spertrwrrt*esrangmghrmtcuirenuinharso When Noetneami+oerNom'srtimothevideoeentit- ness l4reatsa.nrtKitchetter,dteveeretmetgthreevtaor- stores m openuon, The others being "MevesTVamiTakeorteNeo k'r'i And while the number of video tend blores have Increased dramatically to 3‘ aver 50 m kstchenerWaerioo over the la' past H vears.the numberofswresclos I , , mg down due the presence of super I g, a ‘ udeo stores such as Blocklmsm Video. I rr de King and jumbo Video. has also ' . m mum! met the years. vi ivnaller Independent video stores are T ’mdmg n d@cult to compete mth larger slv res Ind wuh smaller stores, such as (,lenndge Video and, most recently Van Hdtn dosing down due lo the high level " mmpennnn. the Norrsk kk that they had m diversify If they wanted to sumve. There are, however. minus m the financial markets Justaslcartnmhaveeverythingiwant / beau? my Income IS hauled. the public cant have everythtttgrtwarttsesther. T; How mhe polittciantodetermittethen,wttae petTkwant' Let me examine several decision-making names to show how difhcuk It a The hs: tasthebuhetexemseinthecitronse+o. theory 'rtvuedartumherolgrrmpsosenda resetetoadiscyssioetsessitmoeth+ pmnucs. Who were that� Most In: grmtmthatspendrtttmerTherirtadedhor-e- cta?tmiTretsartdtahermdtersTtteresattatttte ettdofthed-thatio.asdraenrtiuiihats-axhihes wouldbep_letocusirsservitxs Tt.esecot1iereteisehesimiertahenhrtite- loo County habit and aim Meuiqptmetreen PUNK chores anmadcm our srstembypoliticalmpeesew held in Elminand aforest Heights Colkgialc with good unvcs Thosucprcscnmivsmstclmiydosonnolwim atteautceasdtesernttntsretiomanimiGipuui'iized teiropkwartrThus.ortecanaeguettiO evetywdr1Mtt1eiwasanahktogitiothose the debt problems winch Canada tS suikrtngate WW. I have had conversations with rheresultofvoaerwtshesandattemptsto clean I imbiduaiswhodidaue,td and havcsem the 1uparealsorhewtshesofthevoer. T "Gum plasma Public chmces are made Determining what the people want can“ 'fa"eredytrehaeNimts,dyMostr TrPe,erdkrtures---tuotit Fnmttheptshlicperspective,thereissome thingstaryalstmttheixixess.rtseieachersam *eseittylkxte.wuttheybreakupinto you]; of about 10. the teachers outnumber thepuhlicbralxmt9toroicoutsethen,the trmtpstepoetuktotheassemurtuother tha-tanything-tthit-s/beast. andtaxesougNtobeincused.Thetmchess btliethatandw0larguethattherknoww sinceheyaretheonkwiththeciaireneach 'rtdevetyer1test1enotqositythough,the _tepeiskhmstofthepmais.itisusoa _sttP'"r/eukt.titheaytttttstratirsirbrtsateiirritre teadters.theyrttheteachersarseie. Periy'tttutee.tesoetrttrthecitimt,taxrrris krorn"1ostdt?rtotkettitattherGnttuuldiiilfiG aeittstststhsta&edahisaomoeigigMschootimardai. "We had to find a niche. Something dut'thot available anywhere else in the . am. New release videos cost over $100 ' 1e each and when people rent them over night and see It once, that's it. The 'ledllt,,'rl', (profit) return is not that great. That's where the larger video stores have more Man advantage over the little guys. We wouldn‘tluvesurvivedilallwedidwasrmtvideoszndgivezwzy adttttpartiesantisreal-iorts,kltthetwrospeasofthe 1msttte-tasttsrlimeatmehodterifthepmduastmepmpedy tmeurd.thheritarotrldinthetrstmeincU-rtrst Irliesttqus,artdks,htmtmms1ntttorts.ords.strdkdchamc- tersattdTahirts$hearhrrmderirsthatodterstoeesorrysmtte ofthemttepmducts,butityonestop lot adults end the News; pride them. selves in having decorations for every occasion. And if they dont have it, therll an it. vurooutkts,"saidNorine.mtatyhow thistnd of the business came about. 1Wte1hhtesioottmlyttxalpartysupplr Mahmud.†T1tetearealsodexootiostsandvideos 'herigariueerartyTyme, "tftetiyakrtooreskieinthisbusi. my. especially put on by (he larger tatMrtuettortp-tay (men) Are you looking to get your fyer mes- sage out? Increase awareness? Build yourclient base?Anddoit in the mast low-est, effective way? Reach over 50,000 potential clients by delivering your flyer or brochure with Call today for more infonnatiim 8864830 FAX 8868383 mauumunmm‘n-bmm are'"t"rtr"rtt_ter--ruur,rii “HB'PWUA -___ 'ere 1.?.PeffrftS.1rHtt"ee-tiAi ,qeoeertrasrtttrtieieeii-urUiiGrri7. mmwmmnmmmm amt-mm the Waterloo Chr?nicle great rates as low as $30hn. target 1,000 - M,500 Waterloo households . verified delivery Tttit-ttKmart-ap-tttrt-tstudio mm- Tues. -8at. 10 up. -7p.m. campaign man hirt at the - Waterloo Farmers' Market (Mos from Stockyards) 191 mg. E. Kitrasa3S6 NowSenging You D.‘ LUIW i; aarpaa body free vo and mi wtrrih i special mils the voice i: of bei; Chang ity, Britain, Vin