And so, another year. You‘re only as old as you feel? I‘ll leave that for another day. *you can‘t remember ever wearing jockey shorts. *your curtent tastes in music range from 1978â€"1986. »you get excited about a TV tribute to Frank Sinatra. -ywmwhngadnhdmmhsdp-ï¬gb&. sout:rdmnswontopmdldrdoou-dhqmw Olds. +when you play ball hockey with the kids, you get hbelledlorm(bnngablcmpichhcwpmm »you look for the heated observation areas at area rinks. -ywmn:indzlodsmiamworkn)p.n@hail the conditions are going to be sli at 530. '\mhwthym.ywmmdownad- sob whomokyomhzsudnmnbmmconkt- ence 'yoummrulboth‘mmguï¬m, for fear the head may follow -ymhvmspnaadvanmslm‘slnnh&ma *every movie you attend is rated Family y s * oyoumhmcaishommwhm.ditmwdn haies ho d coag s oD , O al -youlnvewpunthemwofyowdummy mkwmmbcrwbpuhnhywhéhypool % »you contemplate trading in your 18â€"yearâ€"old Trac II for an electric razor »you switch off Married... With Children in favor of clasâ€" sical CDs. »you notice the great number of Totes at the coat rack and fmaurmeunglongdumekcismndcyom and you‘ll be stuck with a pair two sizes too small. 'oudosxrclchsbehtshovd!imd!&iveny, * '-oumdthcccmlboxmdmappdleddntmptisd\c nd item listed in Comn Flakes. -d\cl'nutuxdesrgmdlomhyoulookl())usm is described as the "mature, sophisticated look." *you have to pull the names out of vour drawer evere L 24 =| others say, do you realize that maas-h:ben you were protesting the Viet Nam war, we were gétting our first set of Laurentian pencils for school?" e »you think about taking the next five years off to seriously take a run at makingâ€"the senior goif tour. +when you comb your hair, you tilt your face towards the smkmdcheckdnn‘nwaaonhemdyoweyu. »you stop by the vanity display at the hardware store to check outthoscstkkmbo&sdflyfl:flybywmb to keep you from slipping. * § Apmn%]?s 5 E Published every Wednesday . 250 Holday inn Dr Unk £ cambaiage O . P l Rick Campbeil l lt'sbeenapu&dmlo-c-ym.. mnhdcrtlnrmmmdlthm\\kl,cfl Wï¬thfl.flnlaflaqmmm that boy, ant I ever getting old. y hï¬-mhwmqoun.' »+mstead of writing a column h“’wm Ywmawehomwww 7 *you squeeze Grecian formula on your toothbrush and m"ï¬tnww‘whywwmmmmm »yqu look forward to reading the Globe and Mail as a morning pickâ€"meâ€"up. *you get a message of birthday greetings from "a friend Tug‘s Lire Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product WatTErLOO ChHrRonicir To o Mn ngpagiiintaP January 17, 1996 from umvcr;ity days" and a warm feeling comes over you because you can remember the names of four of the six people it might have been. © *you reach in the cupboard for the spring water bottle and pull out the vinegar jug, take a swig, and muse that what the heck, it‘s still better than tap *in b!thï¬y conversations, us 3" 1" ie q 1 |Zax 89‘ 0 . F’ODUCT OF U.S 6 s rom . 400 B _ 248 m mevmnmmememmmmntmmmene m129 PA ‘u.{ 10 tb. BAG 1" PRODUCT OF U.S.A. #1 OMAN y Eid BOEIE _ mt en r_:mtflmm PRODUCT OF uSA Meat Connter, Pm Basll u@-u.W_ Agod Masging x 50¢ 32e 19 n # wther | L OPUCT 0 ODUCT OF U.S A P AHAA # 1 100 g viewpoints back to I‘ve received, 1 knor might have been di "My family has b appreciate that," W "My friends have .\ rpbieil s disagree with you, t a very constructive tors and that was i Witmer said her ing and often sees 12> and 15â€"hour d the case of some public in Six at UW, in an in runs east below and empties into hectares in size, the west side of t future of the University thing ahoue y â€" "On the whole, storm sewer fr The students At present, a Bechtel