sown-s manhunt W W " in“. album memo! and MM sum mm I garden look Shoot-mu CinnSpm Minn,†wun ow -ttr Hana 'trlit9, - Fro. ai- man he: up no - Catt86223" WMW= ".292 egty_nt,teiins We. wirtterwnthat' Baku Weaving Workshop letdyy workshop on Jan. 19, 1-4 pan. Fee iq "thoo, Call Feb. 7, ttttht Victim-day Feb. 21, 199: Pee 1381.00 “mum Ao, ‘, a #3 “My Ad!!! V m) Cy l Preterm": m from the University of Wm!!!» --, l sir Wednesday moo mm. - 12:00 noon “ , '. 't Feb. T, 1996 Myth. and {uh-ball aging, 141)me . ". b “MW-356531714, moon; Cannon. The cm tehoqA-ud . Mt Mick-W, latch 12, 8:00 mm. Cost $52.00 â€One for the Pot" - March 20,MF.00 1.13., Cat 867.00 "mac: F by Walter Bung. w. w an†t . (1-_w.-_.M9W it NtXttHBtN mammmlww 'tMaxintprtoermstionatlRomnRentaj. L»:- " Emile!“ parkine,tm-ietgkitehmt,r-buttar . 'X a "s -uhetretnin-ddi-,-ei-ta,ermm-t 'sr (i ty"trvietYteoehett.lIateatodemtrrmatuuomtr's'pi, Adult Recreation Contra Wm.“ WA 185 King Street South My Adult Com-n 579-1020 810 DIM Dr. 1tltl1t,',',a,zttrigtrefgttggtlr'""tiifis hawtbmWhIIOtm-m - ,mA Lrj'aIai'tWf'riJy9itTii"i"'"ii"i'yri' my (â€a 1.3mm Sven-fut Aging Dr. Michael has Mh00 LII! - 12:00 noon Ute of leisure soeu_aerutAeii. DnJohthda 11:00 dim-15:06am: {tooth l 1:60 pan. CedarG1msCoineqCentre Botton,thttari., summon but“ 30thqttrt$ti,thtrstro ““4 'ttrr-ttttttttmt most manna-phi: an; KuTThlrTiTt" ', Zia}?! To mgistor call 747-8783 Samara“ _ January 19, The Maritime. oatrirmwreauettu Thicktoenails Heelspurs Hatfeet Sherry Dupil "F"3tttuMWtNttt+ mum. to "Pm I “may tis 78: qtetMNe8SA6tEN0.tE fnmmmm Mum , 114% “open-mm mom-mm â€I. 143631 am new “a? 'ee-ree" but “.5 fl1'eal='t'ht,'e. "e"'I"9a'"'t" “In!“ “haunt- 'rr-yr-Ott-m. CO oLb-Tmo noun 't"rt't “I'M.“- tMr ff TNdltttiad" WWWWH {quantum-â€m noun-aw - I‘Mâ€. mu gun. a Joy,'M. tgig. -rir"eee-.q.rqqt--rr- amywonxom‘s fornllrountpumtroriin the! . , - map. The 1td,,t'ST. I ttthttp, g baseball I IU and Ill†. TI " . pox-l I I the-OMA‘hi-fooiltooï¬utthoeouoflhohdfltyT Jttm+8,Mrtr1."oma1rqthet t" ',",,:'qt decision- on the 1998 oresratitstrrhathrt. ,: Wewmxldliketohearfromyouonthegenerolm« 'i';', City Council should take on this year's W. ' ( made reductions of 81.8 million during the initial. i budget was: These reductions resulted ht a 0% ,3 taxincressel'gr Q96heforethebudtitteutatmmmnatd : 11rthePytv8ft'fyth3,9veryyral, 1996. 'rhoatreretrof ", these cuts on c.the~Cify of Waterloo would result in a v] my $1 minim reduction in City operations in order '; to maintain the Otbtax increase option. , Call the TEL-RwPHONE at 747-8772 to let us know k how you think Council should proceed with this Bengali haw†3:80-4:30pm. Gym I Wtifl,'u,l _ ,,,i‘j, - aunt-m Thank You for Your Participation , BEE btpUt ON iiiiiii -e..-.ele...-e...Itl. mun-L...“ u._u..u._ wonkours‘ I - cms’t 884-1436 [tC _ “in, Seawall SA', No