Hm Bv the mm the average child turns 18 yams old. he or she will Gre to vioUnce and aggression, which is probabiy cl greatest con- -nttheequrvaieritatwoymrsiItirtm!ofthetekyisftset cemtoalot ofpcoplc.' For hours a day, children an expmed to mibrmation they're not The eiiects such messages have on children Is one of the issues yet capable of Interpreting or Van Em will be addressing at malvzmg. such as Violence. the public forum. She'll also (’nnnmed wuh the 1mm! how a chad will Interpret those Concerned With [herimpacl this has on childmn's develt mm and behavwr. the Family Support Working Group (a subcommittee of the Commu- nity Action Program for Chil. dren) is hosting a public forum on the eifects of televtsaon Vio- lence on children Judith Van Evra, a St. Jetonte's psychology pmlasor and author of the book Telem- snon and Child Development mll be the keynote speaker at the event, to be held Nov, 16 in the Subscribers Lounge of the Kitchener Memorial Audito- num. How much television is your child watching? Van Evra acknowled that “an“, - u, - w"..- ‘_'""_' about how television works," televrsron has many friable BMBMttte - to "r We dorA ttgree with Van Evra says "They don't thmpto offer children, andcan that' " 'thaty - matistic' of Nee dont understand things like flash. be an excellent educational tool backs and scene changes and f parents carefully choose and think thtttb I good m to sohe those things that we take [or momtor their childs vrewrng. the my†granted, so they get confused. AtthesamettmenrtqTtee __ But they do remember the programs. as well as commer- - JUDITH VAN EVRA visual images, so if they see a cials, can have adverse effects violent scene, for example, they on children, are more likely to see it out of "l think there's some good to be had, but I think they: also get. any context. They may remember that and may be frightened by ling a lot of messages related to aNertising such as what to buy (mm on page 12) Stuffed meat loaf and roasted potatoes The wonderful thing about ground beef is that \ou can do so many thingswithit. Meat loaf us good clulled, sliced and reheated in the microwave Ths makes it an Ideal make- aheaiunear Cooling also helps to hold the sharsoyoucanseetherlymlleFtin thts version You can subsntute your from: vegetable for the owl use In the was. If you use hard vegetables such am, it tsbesttouanchthemtotlrrtirtutebekre adding them to the Mn STUFHNG Sup I r. Combine the following ingredi- ents m a medium bowl lsmall onion,choppedveryhte v2urgeredpemr,chtwedvtiirte WI v4cupireshrrslerchedretriine sterr1:wtthartthettheiat'wtN "In: mgruerttsinasmuibowt I l stq":Nkeat375degreesfor40min- legg Utes U4teaempepper stq"th$ttooet3tahlespoons of barbecue sauce over top 10 U2 tearpooetsalt tninutesbekeemmrvingmeatloaf from theoven. u2tessPooetrrtirsdt sae-tei-Xiu-tio-tttre-ist-tter Tftis'tsredbgoodwithmashedpoutoes,buttimeconsurm STtJFFEDMEATU9AF Widen! “(mm should watch (with children) to try and counter televisiony message - to say Nee dont age: with that' or 'thaty not realistic' or Nee dont think thaty a good way to solve and why to buy" Van Em says "They're also probably getting quite I " 'tereotypes - racial mumps. temier mumps.,"e sun to violence and mansion. which is pmth of 3mm con- cern to I lot of people.‘ _ Step t 4: Mix in 1/2 cup Cine bread crumbs, MEAT MIXTURE Sup C S: In a large bowl, combine the " 1 in pounds extra lean ground beef 1/2 cup fine bread crumbs 2 tablespoons worthestershire 2 tablespoons prepared mustard 2 tablespoons ketchup 1 egg, beaten with a fork first PUTTING IT TOGETHER Step ' 6: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Sup! P. Onasheetofwaxed paper. flatten melt mixture into an 8 1/2 inch by 11 inch mangle Spread stuffing over meat. Lift waxetitmperatoneettdtogetyoustaned and roll up like ajelly roll. Pinch edges to s0q":setwaxpaper,witltmeatloafon top,inaloafpan. Slidewaxpapcrout, Mqtt9:Bleat375degreesfor40min- "Not all kids become 43:29 sive when they watch violence and not all kids Mcome cheeky when they watch sitcoms, so one of the things we need to ask is, 'what makes a differ- ence?' One factor. certainly, is the age of the child." Van Em says younger chil- dren (up to seven or eight years old) are likely misinterpreting or distorting the messages they receive through television viewing because their life expe- riences In very limited, "They dont understand a lot about how television works," Van Evra says "They don't understand things like flash- backs and scene changes and those hints that we take for granted, so they get confused. But they do remember the visual images, so if they see a violent scene, [or example, they are more likely to see it out of (Cummpagom) THE CANADIAN mmmmnt FORM suNDhasbeenservitmtetsyltexhlimurtdvisude impaired in ttitcitenerAhta+o kr 58m We an M toioamdingtnattherorheK-w,utdterilhry. The CNIB was fumed in 1918 win amdiin scuba totdedinatiecamehomethmtttet"rinEunTe,wis tumtheytmntgNaeision.Trerdemedot1norwiw tionthatieoukiissistuindismltrit+iredpemmsto live rich and productive lives within their own communi- Those soldius founded the CNB.1hFesittcegmmtet become theutgesteideroiFedteststveyrvitesn petsonswhoGhliitdan1tierietrei.ittthetoa In K-wweserveover700perstmsoageswhott biindandvisui1yimrired.1tisoetlrihrmtghthegenems. ity of the community, through the UnnchIy. thawen able to provide essentialservitxstoourciients. Ayodr services are provided a no cost to our clients. (ht core services are " follows: Counseling and Ida-III includes individual and family counselling relating to vision loss, - peer and family support stumps or referrals to A other appropriate community """NIbTie living. These can include bank. ing. cooking personal groom- ing, reading and writing braille, y,et.1e2,e,'y, typing“ Mung. . Orientation and Mobility Training involves working on I min-one basis to help an individual develop independent travel skills and white an: techniques. lt may also include helping an individual lam a new mute on K-W Transit. TedtrtimiAidscattbe iim&matulinhelpingapetsat achieve total independence. We provide tottsultations and demonstrations of a variety of high- and low-tech devices Thesedevicesrange iirsmisimknerrilethreadertotlteltr est model computers with large screens and voice output as well as braille printers and text WIS. An interesting footnote: when our founder, Colonel Baker was tecoverirq from his war wounds in a teitgMitatiott centre in England. he received his tttst braille watch The ability to tell time was his first independent Icl as a blind person. it ultimately inspired him to found the CNIB upon his mum to Canada Career Development and "rhrrresttt We provide a range of vocational, employment and business related ser- vices and programs. helping individuals determine career goals, discover, improve or lam new skills, acqutre job search techniques and lind the righljob. We also liaise with employers in Kitchener-Waterloo to assist our clients In finding jolts, Dbl-11y Services lends mammal books and magazines m braille and audio cassette format in both officlal lan- guages. We provide four track up: machines at no co9to our clients. voiuttteetuansenhe from print to audio as sent or braille format, vocational. duodenal and T? sional material upon mm Our National Library 6 tht largest library for the blind and visually impaired in the world. Through a special arraignment with Canada Post In materials to and from the library are delivered at no cost to our clients. Volunteers allow the CMB to pemide my tssental set. was to our clients. Our friendly visiting imWam matches ' volunteer with a senior. This person visits the senior on I regular basis for a chat or to led the we! and to inform us if our client requires my follow q sum from our stdr. Volunteers also assist our clients in getting to doctort appointments and helping with my shoNing. Over m hundred people volunteer [or the CNIB in Kitchener-Water' loo. The CNlB is richer for their commiunait and may Without the United iia) bf Kitchener-Waterloo, the CNlB would be hard pressed to deliver ourservices 19:: sonswhoarehlindandvis+emi. Wttertyou' the urtiraie/rGGiiuiit1iNre!ii.eitejtft league. At the 'c'NideGialiiift'oitiyttitedmre' their efforts in theammnmiiitmtmrbehaE Madam Teaching helps an individual adjust to visual impairment and maintain higher independence by devel. oping the pnaial skills of ah