Glf,tii.t,',,'.tggtyeety,ttet, 1rttt-tero-Cteaitodit" “MM Altrtirbmeaetivitrnoaohieh !ttttirrhtdyattitrdamriteersat, is planned for this intersection. Aatattermtdtnodeiinrtedtisrttt. asemrorb8tmetaitd,rut,att,. rt,.,'t."'""'"t'"" . ). Ammisttatetr46ttee-irtar tmllamithNanrtodrttethattd-td ttteWatadoourtdNittitotiitttitdi balm-Mum“ 1.artdtdtqrmtitrtoustruo. 'ttlar-intl-ttn-trata,.. not bu bun deferred for fuel»: 'mirrn-italirstrettatmtr, betdrigpatedaseee. Much of these land: were shady dqignaudasrTomtmintieveioG. arstttsurtdertheuumlCreekwater. 'ttmist-tttr/peut-ning/Gi. qrttattmuldhepemtittrsd, Miftt.h.eyotttyrrtmkwtteettan, ttt-tytuhrtaaatautiGiii armrrtattttfCt-timDiineagtd "atotArueurud,anditotutr-. MMMM-MWMMHEASERTOHMIIE. 'tt--uct-rtrt-t-G"ia'iiii'r'i"'ii. t'l all form, streams and fields Ptr,brtthttirorgorsrswat' loo'l welt tide " be forests, 'tmmtAhm-andbuain- While the new residents and places of employment an important to the am future's, Waterloo mol- Brian hmthug any: m Ind “no will continue ht given equal con-iden- tinndm’ plttmtit-tms TtahttsedtdertAUomtainat,ie ehmyttiryGyatamiiiGGr, antlrohoitiokatttte-imemUtL' Ttyttylytetitrar-ttattuain m " lend use concept up (see page a). on which much ofthtllnd bePdtdhrtuWihmttas,ttteiGi wich Twp. border, Weetmount Road North, Beaver' Creek Road and the rthtett, s,portio.noniriGriaTi,iiii "Clivromii’iclé' Balancing developmsnt 1yt1rtrirmnttmt key (Wanna) 'ret-the-tttoe-t vacuum-4mm“ Ir-tto-trosters-ilu-ti, trg-dr-i-thoe-ie/ii/re' tinny“ _ tftrg'trt,teg,it,tg “(I manually "rrmr-'mei"rurkaiilG-r"in. Chrontete I1rtts!' poll to determine the best of the best The choice is yours f),urthPertreningandamstruetion,thewatau,coe Ae9trtrprnt-imrainpuiG. 'Ihegolfcomneismnydmped,topeufled,anddzeinigationsys wthOpermtmpkahere’sahulebitofdminagetodo, tlty.yee'reprirhreiiryr,uaiiiiaia; Doug Black 'I‘hemaintannabufldingisupJndtheclubbousebuildingis WWNW'NhOpimmhavethedflvingnngeand puttimrasumeopeninhttegund,aiidthebirGa/iiui"2'uGfit", '!l1lilrteitmsurttttrttmttraimmtraG"rti'i Notonly 't.a"tyee1teirtittreutvosotsuitohanaeeasie, on the mad, we've designed inn be easier to handle at the bank, too. The Volvo 850 OLE is now one of the more affordable European flout wheel dive sedans that include air conditioning, dual air be lad ABS bakes. tareaortemtotBKMotmsyoursuvodeaiet. mam Yots'oeotatit'smteortseeasiestearstodrive. Drive m, tam 1HnehNtitttteaevii-tromtet- Tvor-uso-trt-itil/au. t1rttrttmutCtmaNaRmtaGri" Btau-ti-ide,tiiiouGaLr. "rt1rgive1it-itisttt- 'rttNt-tmethmitrtss Irft-ibamte-rttiatdo-t arrrtrttrrmouigrlgnne-o-n EWAE i EB: tt WW v . "'j._-"""'""'t"'""" ulcuprluug 1htgolfaatdritr%latureGicGii, par-31 grrlfrourseiweth 'a","'."'.".?-"?))"'-);',",,;;..';",",,,.",",',' driving balls, a chipping am, a practice green for puttmg and a challenging 1shderniniaturegkayurse. rather permitting. It's a pretty optimistic schedule, but that's our goal. It will be this lesson for sure" The $1-million, 63.aae project had ohginally been slated to open insummer 1994, 1.rttdelaysinreachingautdeagtterrGit mth the city (the course sits on munieipally owned land, and m secunng ttttltr, the project forced Black to put otf the opening, In“, M] w“... .41: r, -k, . . F257“ TI , 31533}! 885-5090 B4t mantis 405 King St. North mama, Ortt, 435 King St. 'itiit0iteiroi,"tGri, I ts, 9! 885-5090 'l."'"eermromreategueyit th"ts-eeisreaast%irootito 't.".-Pettie,natdarhekrnar imNdetheirtoeatioes, At.1.eyteryttmttsereeuroedtoust,y Aam"i8tkAhaturei-ititisoiirhe" 'no.tprqminrpieks Thegaxinemcdemandonthesisankls down tforthe first time in 10 years, by 13 per cent,, Last year, the food bank helped feed 101,117 people, compared to1l6,137m1993 The bad news: despite the overall decline m food bank demand, child poverty m Waterloo Region continues to grow The percentage of children who accessed emergency food has increased from 41 per cent in 1992, to 43 per cent in 1993. to 45 per tent last year, "We're encouraged by the decrease 1r. demand," said food bank executive director Sean Strickland. "But there are some disturb There's good news and bad news out of the Food Bank.ofwater.ioo Region this week B-lf MOTORS Deborah Crandall Chronicle Staff Demand on food bank Qeclines but tehild poverty shows Increase (Cormnuodonpage 3, (Continueconpage 5t