McCready - 'et*,tymt!errerar-todPoers tdttordiuttkdrfvirerthttsakohengttomtthattttose ,rtttrdtrtt-katal1arn-tteemttarettteeamd,meat "arrdottth-tittiusrttiiettt-ho-is hist-,tektmdtrtheksmtiikelytohavesuehdkme. inthrirmrmiirctnseextmtdsuehnungterostheadutt "e-It-It-B- -- B-e.---'--" _ 'Finondno offer cannot be (whim with any other offers. 1.9% financing offamnibbh on all n waved (mm 9.9. $15,000 “mod n 43% not "mum equals $345.00 'ter month tor " mm _ .. __., -___ LA- _.__._. ;..._...m Mm limits! auantities nailabk. "leavm‘s the toul ol waved trean. to, “5,“ "mun u - p... gm..." -...._.. .-V_.-_ " now mull purchases from - inventory only. Limited quantities whim»: :,','ii'iit"i'" YOUR‘EoRD & MERCURY DEALERS PRESENT OUR LATEST LITTLE NUMBER... Choose from 1 our entire line of new '94 cars - everything from Aspires to Lincolns! ZAEROSTAR ' ESCORT 'ririiEititis . MARK you (“may . Pur)yfeu.PLE Fiiraa, GrGri:imtiitGa,%ruadr," Crown Victoria, Econoline, Grand Marquis, Mustang. Probe, Tempo, Thunderbird, Topaz, Town Car if,t'i',', 'iiiil'i"(iiiiiii'iiiiil)ift flttrt2e,tit'srw 2?: 'ii'), tiitll!ll,iaf, 1tli'e';tlis,i:l,'il'lts (Winona-90 to) SEE YOUI mun LOCAL FORD & MERCURY DEALERS THE ULTIMATE OFFER! PtPr.tentfiey?1teymN-ihltthttthoseyuet? It-r-ttteq-tit-tother-th-tttttld 1ymhrthettteha-thoePtt-'Ntrltmetrttstttheir 1rehr.auaueisteakeqtheh'ste"thet""'"t 1xm'ngtthettt0a-thmr-'rqttrttmettrmtttheir tre1tiiataat-imrakmtheh'rtestftheta_mt fruatzatitret-ueeartditriqdttheattheputs.Himever, wouldmixmemardt urtti1aiitriortmllratmumrt,itetldbedittitultto ... sqrrritttartrd-tftertahttrthtsfthiseanieatmertothe DmxmogKhmdristsixrA-ofuxmorniasatWilfrid athaltm.% MUM :JAIRTJ-i GGiiCaiatksrToiiietii 'riTt,sso air Total amount Id be rel ilepvmts the total of the a "tummy hates! paymems, See dealer for dead __..--'."-"'-'-'--, _ 0‘de on all new 1994 Mk mtrept tor Explorer. Flertes (Super/Crew Cab). Range! (6 Cyl ) and vulage- for a manumum ta months or _ A . . . ' -- ..A ‘A - _ . A A, L - AA... " _ In! re NAM‘- .rsw_.-a.e. m‘n A). -.,,.-r_ 004-: juzt|lh|l nr iiiiiiii"tie2i,F""iciii, GG; 'urrrurat "G be manned Offer anyhow or , dealer for deui Omaha FMDA P O Bor 2000 Connie Orwahc lb} I," NAM ME. MY. new a. Vâ€. -