Roeder is a letter car- -l.l1l-llIllirl, rierforCanadaNsttmdarowmsrofWiooUnetk He is also president of the IAkeshore Neighborhood Association and a community representative on the city's community cash grants program committee, which funds local nonpofit groups. Recreation is Roeden main council responsibility - perfeetfteamanwhorumabowh'ngalley,aoaches minor sports and works with the Special Olympics. Reader considers economic development, taxes and the revitalization of Waterloo’s uptown area to be important issues for the city. "Ne redevelopment we've been doing has to con- tinue," he said. In his ward, Roeder is specifically concerned with the safety of the Northfield/Highpoint intersection, andheintmttktopuaharundltitstmirklightfor in Lakeshore nine years. He is married with three children: Ryan, 12, Michael, 10 and NUle, 4. an MP tir something. Mr goal is to represent the residents of Lakeshore and voice Rneder, was born and raised in Kitchener- Waterlooandhaalived Taikimrahouthisnimith,aoedersaid,nthinktno often people who are elected to council forget-what tltet1ttltetehrrtherlooktothehtture,tohaxmse Gimmick Staff ['izr-z;-Gati?!Er:55laiib, I 8ttridrtgtitttimttittiitt ttverloeder,Ltkeshore srard'trnewaturteil1t itsbn'rtmiingteithenemy,andhewantatoute ittayserrsthepemylewhotsleetsihim. For example, he said, some Lakeshore residents called him after the recent snowstorm with a snow clearing concern. "I looked at it, I went to see them, I talked to the guys at the city service centre and they looked after it. Thath what's going to happen." unteers, too. Reader feels he brings an open-minded, common- sense perspective to council. "Ill think about the community first. We're elecwd by them, so we should look after them. And the com- munity should be heard more often." Happy to Gree u, pebble, Reader doesnt see any dogmidg at alrto his new job "The job is what you mike it, really. Right now rm enjoying it, I'm excited about it and I'm looking for- ward to it." 'Tm quite sure it will cut into (family time), but you’vegotmmakesureyoumaketimeforyourfam- “them family is Ye}? important" - - _ Roedertsaidhischildrenare"eaatietohavetheir dad on council. "rNrfinditvetyexdtingnhey'regettingtomeeta lot of people - the rare chief, for example. They thought that was fantastic. "Ithinkthey'te kindofutedtodatibeingbutiy,butl trytoinwlmsthem.Iwantthemtobamnegoodsol- that location in orderto safeguard the hundreds of tsdmokhildrmshoamsNorthfie1dDriveeveryday. Roeder was surprised at how ma.ny committees thetetuetoketipammilkmrbutirnthinkI'msitting onsevenoreightdthem,andthathsiuatrightnow- mtittillthingggetupandrunnirtg." Withtmnudteitymrknowaddedtohiisihherj&tr, Roakrkntmsitsillbetoughtoqendatrrnuthtime withhisdidrenaahe'dhhe. "My1ifeiatrtorehedk.Thetearettumorethings todo.healreadyesentedtheeityatthreeorfour diftemntfunetions" Dave Rttttdttr “w titititt"%trii-'%ittutr a. g _ a t * i: ',-it' - ‘.... '-.L.nnl!\ * (r) if}? * ttsat f, jiiiv5,r,,ut 'i)),)))"; wiis'.) p (iiil,j,j,i,ii,:csi"i'( in ti"i'2:j,!fi's)1, WATERLOO m. WWI new 14. 1â€. I mun-nu rmvwvu, 0"" “I! olvnw I 9mm.“ ' v u v " I' at: (iFtittris'eWi9utt as; F -a7wCTERLoo W FRIENDLY PARKING, OVER 320 STORES ' SEMCES The Atrium. 33 Erb Street West Waterloo N2t 158 (519) 747-1199 Tug,Wd,Thm It)onv63tkrm Pee, [kg/0:16 Fri iodine! Prices 100m'900cWSm 9500 ou"