Canadians oconn'. M Sonia. Ben. mwmmm jyark.rtanth_ttrt_iartottd Nidolumofthom WNW†Duos)! _ "GeGUrrers: Phili G u Mamie!†“J p . “by (2), iiGi 'tNNN'. an. Mrgtgiqk a), Dana Shut Ducks um: Matthew Bota), Kevin*r. - G/i, Iain“: Gin-in Udvin'. Ryan Bmhmn. MattWhat Canadians was: Bud Hull It), Josh and. Craig BM Andrew Comma Sabra worm: - Bowman Canadians with: Mike Muaaelman (2), Cruz Burkett, Andrew Cormaek, Tim "resell, Mike Jog-is iiG, “aim: Trevor Smith, Jeremy in a _ Panther-8 Stan semen: Juno Stephen- a), Randy Panthers score": Brandon Bowey12). Andrew Hap-trick Stars 3mm: Eric Sykel, Jim Septic:- Panthers Insists: Meve Fisher a), Jane Mum hehe Dec. 10/94 Jens _ Flynn‘s Jets mm: Gerry Shaun (3i. Pia-n Liven. Andy Pueer,gedHraraat “you man: Juan Muchan. Ariel Hum but". Danny Himrpenger Jew “mu: Josh Girerkh, M Enemy. Mnhael Hewlett. lan byILJum huh): Anaheim 4 . Capitals 4 Anaheim scorers: Adam McAilmn. Jamie Mm, Nicholas lumen. lan Ross Fawn]: someâ€: Andrew Squire- a), Chris Spam. Joey haunhh' Anaheim assists: Vmee Roberta, Adam Mthllan‘ Bud Whittier Capitals mm: by Kinder Sui Joe 4 . [Alb 2 San Jose mun: Nick Must, David the, Sam Rasmumm David Kirby W: mm: Andrew Hare, Greg Sweeney San Jase using: Matt Croucher, Nick Must,0sod Gall, Shaun Mellon Inf: mists; Jeremy Fernandez. Shaun van)»: hymn "silty Brisk Clarke, Ihoa W to loo scorers: Anthony Worthington 0ho Tiqdwmki a), Adam Vanuatu. and Schmidt. Gary Kannada. Waterloo mini: Andlony Worthington o, Nick Trojnnowski, Mark Schmidt. Jeremy McMIrtin. Juan Mum, Mike Curran. Bryant Whyte, TylerGrInl. Adam Vaughan Shutout: Ryan Gray Game Highlights/Stars: Thunder played Mum Atom RateriooCotsrVKits:hener%artans Wlterloo more": Jordan Hill, James McKinnon _ Waterloo assists: Tim Schulz, Adam .. Honmkne. Susphm Nemh, Brandon Mad. Rx duck MmorPeeWee Dec 1694 Wuerloo Thunder 7 - Kitchener tetrtlGeortheyear.AtrolGm efrortTheteammsaledkythe-ome performance of the line of Worthington, Thymwsh, Ind MeMartin. Be IMM Wanda) Thumb! 7 - Casrhridge HIV/b Wlurloo Koren: Shin Herring" (2), Sun Collins (2), Adam Vaughan, Gary Kama“. Anthony WW Wlmho “in: Mark &hmidt (4), Sun Collins 12). Anthony Worthington, Nick Troymowski, Matt Fraser, Tyler Grant, Mike Gun-m Gm HighlightMurw. The 111W con- Puedtheirexszlkrttteam+y,,riththe hm dNlins, Hem'nger and Rum-Iva leading the qFBy. The Thunder lead the km: with a 10-0 m De ION Vina-ho â€up: a - Kudzu Ende- l wl‘erloo mu: Ben "our (2), Jarrett Schnurr (2), Blair McDonuld, Inn Mek. azue. Kyk W, Put Kenn Waterloo I“: no Mann (2), mm Hopkins, Kyle And-um. Brod: &hulu, Jarrett Sdmurr Glue limes/Sum Blair McDonald'u IN! on I him bran the point! Moor Nwiu Dec. 1090 . “who Wu , . Wam- Biaunl 0 yawn... mu: lieu An, m sum: "q'e-q.ptrr-e; ithrSmmdtrrmtpatttr42) (Continued on page M) 46? * ssisst (l, (i.),, (tttig "'lf,l',ttriltis' sf, :iil,", ii?lisiii,t:iji,,,,t,i] * i'i'irii.i_ * 886:1? El! E: iii', _ " /,t,antiiif C: _ gig†* 'P . M ')7liiitji,'si)f)ts"" is F,. A i"ift" Fa, CTT.' "mum“, "If" “I! “w...“ . nun“. V! , __'r"t'iv,rt1-ie't,p (9tti%iitrifte, gag; ;%¢ '/in 96 King St. N. a ass-1320 . Supportive . Loving . Reliable 0 Devoted . Caring . Cute . Honest . Faithful . Warm . Sexy . Dependable . Forgiving . Trustworthy . Thoughtful . beautiful . Genuine I Understanding 0 True 1 Reason for each of our 9 years together. The other 9 because I now love you twice a9 much. g, mrtrrtrmottoerrimqyru.1rAmtEs I With our Kodak Create.a.pnnt 35MM Enlargement Centre and your favourite 35MM negative, you can create tug, beautltul enlargements nght In our store. In gkfS--n minutes - all ready for oft gvvmg, vvaESLEvav 18 Reasons why I love you - Because you are: v 1' WIT E a L o o “if FRIEND“ PARKING. OVER 320 $T1)ftEt I SERVICES IN 5 MINUTES RIGHT HERE! RIGHT NOW! ENLARGEMENTS "ep""" 5mm dt [iii] Bent s - A“ foto source†TimVVV with this ad Reg. Sale 5x7 4.50 3.80 8x10 8.95 7.60 8x12 11.95 10.15 11x14 15.95 13.55 ii) (iiii,,r,i,ij),,rta', * '0u9t50urutt"" Ck T f,t,lll,r,to ',iii's,i.aiitii, 1 S8/oon Toto source†td. 96 King, ll y, Rt: 88651 320 iss" iii) (ii ()m Home To. Wtlfsrat,1, “a Iiius Swings! I,': a: ' * f I?!', “W" '.?, jj'iilGuoi'l' * 33 WATERUWCt4MNttxE, WED'GSDAV. MOSHE!“ 16, no. t PAGE " We stock a wide selection of bird feeders d accessories, lawn & garden supplies 8 much more! Open Evenings Till Christmas