All applieatiom, Willrbre responded to. Thank you for your inure†> Maintaining officer Coverage: mail, telephone , Minutes of Meetings , Preparation otTeam Lists and Schedules prepared by Convenors , Booking of Diamonds > General Correspondence , Some Volunteer Time is expected , Other duties " directed by the Executive . If you are interested in working with a volunteer group please forward your resume in eonruunee to: Assoc . ' . for the position ' ' ' _ accepting Itplietiont _ . it s Waterloo Minor 1tti't3t) This :zgolgalft-Time paid Position, ResImnsibili 1e uf EXECUTIVE ASS . include: Carla bearing Development Engineer in Training Waterloo City Centre 100 Regina Street South PO. Box 337 Waterloo, Ontario NN (M Detailed requirements for the proposal are included in the Terms of Reference, Submissions mun be received by the City no later than 4.00 pan. local time on November M, 1994. __ _____ .-. -- rm,“- .. 5171:11le an. "-9:er buy venue, Secor Floor, Engineering Group counter. Consulting Engineering Finns interested in providing the above mentioned' sen/ices Ire master! to forward eight (8) copies of a proposal (no longer than 4 pages) to: The City of 1htarioo Engineering Group requires Consulting Engineering Services to prepare I Mater Drainage Plan for a drainage area including the northern part of the City of Waterloo's Eastbridge District and part of the Township of Woolwich. ngenna of Reference tor this project is available at Waterloo City Centre, See our hasâ€..- 'h-..... m.-.†CITY OF WATERLOO REQUEST FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES EASTBRIDGE DISTRICT NORTH MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN 3rd Floor ' - 100 Regina Street South Waterloo, Ontario Council Meetings are held on the titat and third Mondays of the month commencing at 6:00 p.m. and Administration and Community Services Committee at 6:00 pan. and Phyeical Development Committee at 7:00 pm. on the second and fourth Mondays. There is a Summer Schedule of Meetings for June, July and August. Copies of the Schedule otMetinp are available on request. Persons who are not listed on the Agenda but wish to address Council should advise the City Clerk prior to the meeting. If you have any questions regarding this procedure, or any other matter I might be able to help you with, please do not hesitate to contact me at Waterloo City Hall, telephone 747-8704. _ - v - I " - WATERIDO CITY COUNCIL welcomes comments. requests and concerns from the people of Waterloo and would like to help persons who might attend Council meetings as a delegation. Slgild you wish to make a presentation to Council, the following steps should be ta n: l, Plea-e advise the City Clerk (747-6704) by 9:00 amt on the Wednesday preceding the next Council/Committed meeting. 2. Any written tutorial to be reviewed by Members of Council prior to the meeting lhould be delivered to the City Clerk by 9:00patt, on the Wednesday preceding the meeting. 3. Plea-e restrict your presentation to 10 minutes unless Council otherwise screen. 4. Ityour deletion is Inge. Council requeets that one or two spoketspemsort(s) be appointed. Council and Committee Meetings are held at: Waterloo City Centre Council Chambers i.itc,,i,/v_klN COMMUNITYnINFORNAIATION 53 Waterloo . _ 886-1550 CITY OF WATERLOO PROCEDURE FOR THE PUBLIC MAKING PRESENTATIONS TO COUNCIL Albert McCormick Community Centre 500 Pam Drive, Waterloo, Ontario N†5." “itchy Minor Girls Softball Association, Ine., LJ. Ayers City Clerk l Second Christine Koehler, CET Trame Operations Technologist t City of Waterloo Engineering Group 100 Regina Street South PO. Box 337 Waterloo, Ontario NN 4Ag (519) 747-8747 Ifyou would like to - before Council on November 7, please contact the Clerk's Department at 886-1550 extension 2257 prior to November 4, 1994 The meeting on Novembu- 7 starts at 7 pan. in the Council Chambers, Waterloo ctiity Canto, &d Bore. LINCOLN AND MARSHALL LINCOLN AND MARGARET LINCOLN AND MAYHELD LINCOLN AND BLL'EVALE The purpose of the stop signs would be to slow tramc down If you have any comments, positive or negauva please phm On November 7, 1994, Waterloo City Council Will consider a proposal In Install All Way Stop signs at some or all of the following intersections CONVENORS Novice T.Ball Minor Jr, T-Ball Major Jr. T-Ball Rookie Ball DATE: Sunday, November 13, 1994 TIME: 1:00 pm, _ ' PLACE: Room 200, Recreation Complex AGENDA: Renew 1994 Season Amendments to the Constrtuttonal BrLawss Election Executive & Board Members Nominations for the election of executive must be received In wntmg seven m days before the annual meeting Constitutional changes must be received m writing fourteen (14) days pnor to the Annual Meeting All nomlnatnons and constitutional changes should be addressed to the Nominations & Constuutxonal Committee, Waterloo Minor Baseball, Albert McCormick Arena, 500 Parkside Drive, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 5J4 WE INVITE NOMINATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS President Vice-President, Allstar Public Relations Coordmator Vice-President, Select Fundralsmg Coordlnator tAll Dmslone‘ Vice-President, House League Equipment Managers All vamons Vice-President, T-Ball & Rookie Ball l'mform Managers iAll Ihvuuonr Treasurer Coachtng Development Manager Umpire-in-Chief [All DIVIsmnsl To work in local neighbourhoods m Waterloo “swung older adults wnh snow removal Casual pan-time 38,000" For information call 5796930 F DATE: Tuesday, November 22 PLACE.. Royal Canadian Legion. 19 Regina St N TIME: 6:00 pm. Social Time. 6:30 poms Dinner, 8:00 pm. Meeting All members (coaches, assistant coaches. managers, referees. convenors and other executive) who have served the club in the past year are welcome Complimentary dinner tickets for each member (and a guest) are available but must be reserved before Friday, November 11th by phoning the Soccer Office Nominations are called for all posmons on the Board of Directors and must be received in writing at the Soccer Office at least 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Call the Soccer Office for details POSITIONS - President, President Elect, Secretary. Treasurer and 8 Directors WATERIDO MINOR SOCCER CLUB is located m Bechtel Park (578~9680I Mail can be addressed to PO, Box 41023, Waterloo, Ontario, N2K 3T5 'Nonce oruiidou. MEETING ALL-WAY STOP SIGNS ON LINCOLN ROAD SNOW SHOVELLORS REQUIRED FOR HOME SUPPORT SERVICES WATERlOO MINOR SOCCER CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING For further trsformaturn call 888-0244 (evenings) Minor Tyke Major Tyke Minor Peewee Mayor Peewee NNt cnswavom VAOREMOM 2rsC'iMrJtRHOt3Cotq3'r-v'. ce L- " WATERLOO MINOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION Publlc Relations Coordinator Fundransmg Coordmator (All Dmsmn: Equipment Managers All Dmsnons> Uniform Managers ‘All Ihvuuonr Coaching Development Manager [All Divisions; Bingo Coordinator please phone or mall to Minor Bantam Mawr Bantam Msdget Mad