yeoi,' Jogo my; "Attet school. I come back In the That In mind. it must have been difficutttorthe band Detengei and Cabin Batman return to summer and we regrouped. I had written a whole to seiectthetitstdnde. the Cieveiand Indians tonne next sea- new set at music, and we began workhg with that. I 'We nanowed it down to two 0! thiee songs.‘ Jago son. hopetuly this the an the! way to cues that's what initiated the change.‘ says. ‘Thete’s tut such vatyhg moods on the CD, We the Wand Seties. But the money and A name change, then, seemed in order, not onty were thinking at teieamg The Coffee songtht--a iot tame has gone to the piayets’ heads because the band had gone thtough changes but ot peopio think " veiy poettve and upbeat. Some at and they are mate dwunctbnd after because theta wave other bands using (Moog: 0t thtl. the othet stuff. Ike Bands, h quite txoodlng. But we last year's succe- than'when they had iat sounding names."thettt wete a iot of band: with sort a; wanted to fi,hr,t",gt"g,"ve'g. in the middie started. thenamemeDroogs-atoondhCamxNa,anda wou .aowechooe DoyotSpmgtscuuse band in Europe caled The Diooaes - so we wanted it'sveiy poweitui and " abovety Ight. PK“ 5°th ttpqtrotrr' mam Piayer . . ublcationl, a desktop publlthing to get an ottginai name. But you realty have to * down and listen to the ENE 8'streenrumoredandpmtedtttattN+oand- whoiethhgtogetateeitatheband.‘ CorrtpanyandputtlFvltKoSC howas means. according to iihdu mythoiogy. 'ceies- the Gondttattttn bottom at PM: Gtandoon's Place Magazine. tiai musicians to the goth", But Jago now that‘s not tonimt. tickets are$6atttterttxx, qeeeeeSeqeeeeeqqqqq0eeqqqeqe0qe%eqqqqqqqeq,qqqqq The past year has been one total change lot The Gandharvas, they wete prevlously known as the Droo9s. a bond that, tn the eatty Ah, gamed a local following in London's local club scene wlth a mate heavy metal, ‘ptesctlbed' sound. The bond was on shaky ground when Jago left lot a year to study general arts at the Unlvetstty ot Gueph. but when he retumed to London. the bond took on a new name (lnsplted by some Kmhna â€stature he was reading at the llme) and a totally new, dlverse. Wed sound. letng away trom home, in 0 ttttttttent atmosphere, Jago's writing style changed. And the Dtoogs were about to make a complete U46. 'The Omega were lust tealty defunct tot about a year.' Jago says. "Attet school. I came back In the summer and we regtouped. I had written o whole new set ot mode. and we began workhg wtth that. I guess that's who? Initiated the change.‘ "I don't mink anybody couet, honestly, ever be ready tot that," Jogo says. ebony unearn- fonoble even talking about fame. fortune and succesa 'I meon, we ptayed In Mogara Fats the othet day, and a Mend or mtne's bond was playlng betore we went on So I just went dawn unto the audience to get up dose to the stage to watch the band, and I was lust surrounded by 10 Of so gets who wanted my autograph. You can t be ready for that. It's a tough situation because you want to be domg what you were Intttatty doing - you know, watcrung a band -- but you can't because you have sort at a duty to your tans. Wel. maybe not so much a duty as a 'ssponsltulty." Poul Jago. trontman tor London-based band The Gandharvas, s a Ittte taken aback by al the attention he band has been getting at late. But he better get used to It. With the flat smote off that: debut album climbing the charts and getttng heavy airplay on MuchMuslc and radio stattons can: the country, thete's bound to be ptentv mote whole that cane from. The Gandharvas Ready or not, here comes success By Debomh Glenda! quite right. ' "That's realty a bad dettnltton," he explahs. 'They Poul cho, trontmon tor tondon-txased band The (gandharvos) are mote Ike the flat mMclom - the Ganttharvas, is a We taken aback tay dl the attention archetype of a muticlan ln thu mythotogy.’ he band has been getting of me. the Gandhorvas had olteady Independently But he bettet get used to It. recorded A Soap Bubble and Inertia. the" debut With the first smote off meat debut album climbing album. when the tots at Watch Mule (Wed by the charts and getting heavy alrptay on MuchMuslc MCA)came Wilm- M Former Londoner Alun Ptgqtns at The Maganttetda (whlch had recentty stoned wtth Watch/MCA), had 'NNE . Beentetongtheptattetot1tte ll, " , Gandharvas. and convinced if, ' the moon! execs to give the band a Bten. At a tesutt, the band was stoned to a male! dead and A Soap Bubble and hemawas released. "lt was a nice muse. Alun Ptodns balcaly Ioked us In to the Watch label,“ Jago says. "and that was tortultous because we had tun out or money at the some tlrne. We had the tecotdlng stttlng at Db Studios (whete the album was produced try Dan Btodbeck) andtNmrwosnott*mwecouiSoatxoutlt.Solttthe signing) was good because It gave us the extta push that we needed to release It." Wtutrthetxmd'smt'ingttt, TheFlrstDoyofSpring. is doing welt (and deservedly so), tt domn't otter any clues as to what the test of the album it Ike. In fact, A SoopButtttlttttnttmttftttittovatted, noonesongls Indicative at The Gonttttotvrtr sound. It's a package deal, realy. with tastes 0t attemottve, lock. ion. and wand beat. ‘Cotiecttvety, we Isten to a wide vatiety 'i1sutd Jaoo says. 'And I think we're tae skled enoua that we con dabble with various stytes. So thete's a lttte bit at everything mixed In to the mumf WMenoneoftttestxtgsorttheaitrumareamr, they at seem to piece together somehow. You won't want to listen to certain traces, you'll want to heat the whole thing trom Beginning to end. And then you‘ll want to hear lt again. PROVINCIAL CHILI COOK OFF â€Saturday, Augrsttr6 Classic Car Show Children’s Enteti,,ttt,tytet Angie (Hollywood Pictures Home Video) is Geena Davis (A League of Their Own) in a movho and hqnorous performance as a Brooklyn woman dealing with pregnancy, Mend: and lamily, a break up days before her marriage and an attair with an memo- tional lawyer (Stephen Rea, me Crying Game) who doem't want to commit. mete's a Charlie Sheen double tea. ture this Week. tor those who enjoy his pattieular Brand at action comedy, First, the Chase (Fox Video) lectures Charlie Sheen (lhe Three Musketeers) as a man lately accused of a tobbefY who, while on the tun, kidnaps the daughter (Kristy Swanson. Buffy the Vampire Slayer) ot a wealthy. Mancier and makes a run for the Mexican bor der with the poke hot on his tral And then, It Alder “can tr (Warner Home Video) Charlie Sheen, Tom Berenoer and Corbin Sermon return to the Cleveland indium tor the next sea- son. hopetu0ytththteorttttetwayto the World Series. But the money and lame has gone to the players’ heads and they are mete dyatunctional after last year’s succe- than'when they had started. Ken Schickler operate: lean Player Publications, a deaktop putrllthlng emany and puma VIDEOSCENE Heaven I Earth. (Warner Home Vldoo) the mad flu 0t deem Give: Stone‘s VIetnom "logy (Platoon. Born On the Fourth cum. blow: a Vlet, narrt-omantmpmur)andhet thttwoftNtwtarttarnNtretSttttoodto mom on Atnetttxart new (Tommy LeeJonot. meFutWM0andmotmgto the us. Alto with Joan Chen (The Last Empero0 and DI. Raina-S. Ngor (The LiveBands . Sheen, times two