"rtts,4stt fa, n a,“ .311,†1519.... Is ns,800 1Tftlt,ttott at P153“ ..,.n5.ooo 1.18.600 nt,4N ‘11,!†{£14,800 n1,80t1 ns,eio n 4,850 915,- F E13,†'t0,K0 â€1,4!†t '11,†-'8,700 "12,450 aTiiGiiiiaiii"ii" "thr-ttr-it-ire. -ttisrAarit."o.eyt", ‘HHMHJ @150th wdiqlkmdhoNrttr&Ht ti,irisaTiii'NidtGtsuaiiqsttu-nrthrrA Jsa-r-dhrt_"-AamtmmeaeidJ,tdr iseaure.Atter>drt+ittett"tthyteitrttt.ryh tsri-d-r-fthe-hen"-." nsitttrr-tyrpttt't.+_ir_tuht-tr) Whit-adding Ast-tttun-tart-mio-thike- will“ N,morse-dth-iaiheaqhortd9marrerekt pesersptiii-th.-$e'rwres"msssml1'soi volleyball 1:1th mett'smtllqttal1 will hit the court at the Univu'v sity ofW-mhomApil {who TeamCmndaMSuoth,m ontietmrehsbt-hrnttlhm!is GametimtriaTtus new Snort Brig ' natal-I4â€: PM}? In. eantstsdainrrdhyeitingUWat WLU 10k run The Wilfrid Laurie! University Early Bird 3/10K Run will he held this Sundly at 9.30 m Pttrtieipanta in the mule. and taTtiFiTGrCrraGGaiiaariiiiaLk-t duh-Tania} 22'gt1t2tg,t,th'h1Pgtrtetattut't,r 'mrilHieoaf-sAib8ti-tVrh- at! ,dit-u'8ti-tnrtt- lltttMrehat','.tt:,tg'atut',tlel “in , '.agr-r.-+_1-dtt- -ttaihg'i-ut_iohetth-th-rd trt-tttheh-tti-it-tye-tyds Brtu8t-fthdiki_Amiro--dtithr- -At1-tlur-"-dtttr-,Berhar,rhrrV 'u%--titth.k-mrgdarhindi-r*i. “Bi-um . tjiiiiiiiii!iiiiheyt bid.diatsiiihiiiiru-is-ioaat-l- Ad-tat-_-re-ii-tsts. aeimttuMrrr-8haad-rhiobi8irsthi.-td limp-it» 'tmist-r-deed-st-h-id-tthh" Br%lthEltr-'-tlmHh+ithathA'tirttnb-irtF'. “dull-hut 1,t,tte,tfir,,,f?!,!ttt,f,:i,?,,,,,.s, -t6rsirso-irs-i-ir. 'tttht-ith-in-rad-ttttttrt-ttiq) me-mwummwum .r1u_o!ht-tr-dteAst*-'u'*Vir"h" "rrGaidrirtGraisto.rh-srtttrouir-sa, Bum-HAM?“ Ant"! [ilf)l " tema1eJunior,opettandtnaatei" tbii-rrtomssttat9tt.mat ttteWLUAthHKCdFtthe amttrdEirtgStiardtJriisrrr aitrArrrmms.Rxiatratutitt88tir tu3Kand810Hthe10K RtxristmtVnatmsavailat& â€them Quaker Stat? Quality WWW,†TRADITIONAL FULL SERVICE: (Up to BL of Quaker State bulk oil VNew oil filter VChassis lubrication VFree fluid top-ups a -washer fluid -brake fiuid -clutch tUd Tower steering fluid -battery level check -automatic trans. iiuid (Belts & hoses inspected (Wiper blades inspected VAir filter check VPCV valve check I VCrankcase breather check flire pressure check (Door hinges/hood latch lubricated Windshield cleaned -Extended Service - above ftuidtt topped Up tttttuttshttrtttt (lncludlng up to 1 L of all) Itt.ttttttgttttn oil changes, at your ttontNtttiqtttNt. His-pd 1riCE'irFfffCiTTCr73iEEEiI2yLCLd. 145m NFC-m1-“ sut_ttmikitsimttaitorNarrstr-suotr5.o0tr.rtrttteayot hallm(5:w p.tn.SFytorSuttdayittgames.) Seritremtanisttttstlttsttottmttrr_rutttief, ADVERTISERS appreciate it when you tell them ... I saw your ad in the Chmm'cle. Traditional Full Service RogularM NOW ONLY $22.99 with coupon! “mm-WWW. Expires April 30194 immma, 1.0-“!