rufio- 36 I: l {VS F Mfume: Ted 'tlr-N was a ianous- - - the toient trom’ He had E gem ioveto' 'ircii'iizir.1 BTij1il piayet and their jazz as weii He oiwoys sooo no' tc pu' mothet. Nora Futey, was on accom- barriers on good musc e pinned bonio and occudion piayet. Ovet the course 01 their Career the Both posed on the! toients and love GT, Fureys have tecotded Bl albums (the music iraii52XEm I iotest 01 which The Winds or Change ‘The house. since we was babies. was reieosed icst year]: and have was may: t oi Mumm- recon pioyed soid out concerts W venues SuC' Finba T!E, ‘We never node IV. Ci, the , F as The Sydney Opeto House (Australia, 're'1Tr5m I didn't even see 0 IV. unili ' l" ,3, f The Royai Albeit Hail and London Poko was © My lathe: aiways wanted US to a' Iq dium (Engiond), Lincoin Centve and make our own entertainment. 'rw Carnegie = (New ow, and Roy '50 we grew up aroma it (minis). and . Thompson Hall (Iaontot the house LTEd "ia1'EaEIaii2:EutT2 ' - Yhe tradition of musc M one that con We'd woke up it the momma 'LTE "" i " l __ tinues Still In the Futey tormiy Witt o tote there'd "C2 C.EiE-EENlii51ai2rre5 "' V ' "' o! 18 71El71P,Ti between them. oii Intel the TECE wlth iilizEia2EaiEi7u"a a; it , . K , ested in muse, a new generation ba out. We went to bed at Kai and the 3%,: " w t .. ' Fureys Is posed to tote the entertain iostthhg we heard was mudc. andihe " j r fe , i, " ment worid by storm am "the we heard h the moming was . v'fri' Q I, 5 a e 1. . 'OUi own kids are DiOymg musc n: v. music.‘ e ' ' '. _ . . . . f = iove iimiitFkTé. "" they GI' iust 0on Bythettnenewosia yeonoid,tha t ' , t [3‘ sti,eii' it ï¬at? ,0 opoutit.’ Fweysovs ‘My daughter Fureyhod won three AHreiondand one ' T A3..t t x. . is' i"" g! a i' " - , .g (Me) got a "iEIa'E/9, BA in Celtic studies wodd EiEiiri'arivi An ht (mama o'tlitiF, H Ag ' I tet f T I __ ' ' and Roman and Gteek mythoiogies I E%iIaQaii5W2-ziu'5z%T5lirc2 ." 3'2†q ' ' y Bra8r,. f ' _ EriEiire=iyaiEiaNiaiEir+EoNl i5EEcIilEeNGiEEXT2CC-> _'" . . ' ' - EoIiai'a'ieair.X.aaEFEEEaegEE 'lrziaiiai5iaaiz1a5TiIEiir-2 . Ne If Caili1ig=iaE.al5imeaiEe She with ht aide! mother Eddie on fiddle . 0 t. l I, come on (the stage), woiked ove' 1c " FziriTpTaiaaiiaia5aNat% "w; NN , ri" , Eat.xaiiaiLtiiiti to my the and the Tilly ciubsot I-IEE" Scotiond, Eng "-. _ 's / , ‘f said. 'Thot‘s 101 you' Then she turned to WiEi=aziiTa"i2i'aiaFT%ii ft) NC' a EirsXErriE5CirENEE.5iiEreiralSiN MaryTBitiEr=ircE%iizii'=iiu' T ’t A,t." v, ©EiaeXiiaEaFa'aNiigii=a F1iiai2EEIii22azXQzEi2Ei% , cats', N Mortinnow laiEsE<ih5taaiait, and rows had tamed two bands. Mt T _ t a j x too --' these "icEEiiE? we TEt hanging iii5EEiaEaiiNiiNEEiEiil ; . w. " onthewols' betas headnq to London tom you l t, 7 The Futeys Mill be In concert " Serum wmn 1TXchTrEWiEiE0, he CGTiL1E.5'j . 'r, t, si': , 0.x in the some Maven tat 096an '0' "I discovered a new. fresh and exciihg - ' M's , 't'.'. 'r ',' "s Gs, Futeys win De Novo Scotiorbase: - sound when they camhed them , , T a Ali s; '. . "W "s, , dion Jmmv Flynn tickets ate MI onc tionol sound E the pipes with the mote _ iNti'iiti' 'w 4;" $30 (not! once tor students on the co» , ' =EiilEEimiauiia"2'El I 7 k' ' " ' . y ' . the show), and ate ovoiiobie at the NWT, the?!“ Ezili5=iis"i'i"2 Centte in the Same box office 10 would =i=iEarsi'iz'ili'ii ?C v."" V . . . , r',';'?,?,, ,9 b,-, c-r", ' Cticri _ charge tickets by phone, can the be. fiddle. hematihm whole new omce at 57mm axEi2E1la2ra=2E2EE2lai__2 O. o. o o o o o o o o a o o o o ,\_‘ - qeereP_9_".,'e,.qse..reeeqeeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeoeeeeooeeeeeeo ortttem,tttetr"htptyeouet ' tttterr-tttttttttttttttttttt ' wayoNeAtottttdha tttttatt-ttttttttttat textt0tthrttelotMttto+ betteatttm-ttentttat T nottmdwh-ebhrtttwrt . mu8itAtrtttx+rtdwettt hrevrolimtpdothttatNon, _ ttieFumytx0ttttttt- btxrttomthtmutet, From humble treghnhg"tptxt-wttr _ "lttrttttNrotys--FhtratEtMtt, tMtxtyttmdPaul-htmttxxxxrtetxttt ot the wald's best-loved Irish fol-based btmdsAnttrnuchotthettredittpttto - ptmmtswhohst%tthtttemantappt+ CeatenextttttttattititmatnuittN* 'rNttmrtttctttrtt" mug for new Customers? Adgzertise where: they look - . the Wtueiloo Chronicle FUREYS Born to make music The. potch--ettewasthtetherceass.She eottttott(thestogtr)_0overtous, tttmttttdtNtdtMtttototrtywitetmd 'timat'sttxyou"Httaruttetottedto 'tttttmoi-ttttttOtto-ttat 'mttht'.6t"tte'egwttttrrtyson Matmttow.mtta'udtttFoeetttlrtttty. ttto-ttttqt-ttata-ttant" cutout“ 1heF1-txrrscortcettatcentre hhtS-rMatch26.Openetgftxthe FarttswNtxtNoerascoteAx2sed come- atrJhtrrtyFttrtniartsatrrS26tartt: $30ttaitptexttorstuhmtsontttea2yor Remnmdaeovdwamm Cert-ttters-tttmotte" cttootetstsbytmomt,cetttebox mamlsm mornpsonHaonrmto). 1hetrtxinofrrtuiortethtgtctxr tetutttitheFureytaNy worn a total tttltrctintxttwetentttttrtta$irtter astttdnmutiC.anewoeneratemof Furersisptidtotake ttteentettairr mentwondbystorm. 'Ourownmsoeplayngrnutr now 1httyemttttemurec-therre'Mtcrazy qtxtutlt."Ft-rs."MydtNgttter thne)tratatist<:iaoA'rnCeustuses tmttttattanartdGmeerrtythaeogetel -ntetetetwNtnthewettt0ttwntop'ck 1rtttStatArrtoartdlwasaspttougas 'dyteMnltcanetohtttttuteta, cttte_rtgoodmuticwrastmod mue.AndhBtxMperyedtrxxtrrttae SotnttttnNrtwootttttraxtsWhedtttee oetertotothetsttAongwtthtMrtttDo- Attho1,tototmatxmdtttatwoVo hgtetthrtttotMemaththtttuettyhtrrr tNt*tgacantetmxxt-td,krd FtmtyCoitttaeettetmprtoudat, 't'"e-trtett*tgtiutthetA, m.'Fuevvondyrenm.'My tatNtttaedtopeims'turtesonttte ttt'dttt.Evrtntettertthey0tteMaMs) CarnttoutwtthtM"mgtttAttetmdt* fttenttottoweteptatrtt.wo1,Mttaeea tygdttatrtatooutltWAndhe'dsay.,no.memboysctm write music --ttttty'retmyttatttrttedeiAndtte'd M3y,'Witttriteslltarutrtrtontmd MttCartney.tttemtrturtt-teetih tAxtt"tmern-that'ottemtNtyget tNtttittran'.Hehodotpeatehe8tx mza+eatwtMtaitottoput batttimiNodrrtute" ov1ttttteCoumttoftheeCamtt.ttte Futeyshoterectxrted48tAxrns(ttte mawucn 1heWetttsotCttanpe, wtaemtetmtdeastyetr),tmdttave peayedstMoutctoocattshvenuessuch osmeSydney OpetaHtxatr(AusttaM), 1ttettoyaAtoettHtMtrdtortthmPtAr tA'nt5ngerttt1).mcoe1Centretmd CarteoeHtN(NtrwRxe)tmdRoy