or He Iiktttt to aid and play hockey. His favorite movie is Jurassic Park and tavorhrttip-toltt.bonatimtFroneta. intttefuturs,g-timu-totsscomeanactor. Fortilihhhtmtt-ttao-ootmnxidecanier,gattteoill mom aitltttxtttiMat"rmoneotWat.toot local Pizza Pizzattttittt247 1i1tL8tr2teq11cmtrtrtrtrr, (747-1111) area. Thirteen year old James Hrtyttak is this week's Waterloo chraicte "carrier of the week.‘ He delivers in the Culpepper Dr. / Mulberry Lane ~15!an lin grade 3 this year. His favorite whoa! subjects are design Waterloo Minor Ringette is accepting applications for allstar coaching positions for the 1994-95 season. Anyone interested in coaching at the Petite, Tween, Junior, Belle, Deb or Intermediate level should submit an application in writing by March 31 to Waterloo Minor Ringette, c/o Jack Reynolds, 51 McCarran Cr., Waterloo, N2L 5M9. Please indicate prior coaching experience, courses taken, and other related qualirmationa, ' For further information call 8860474. SPRING PROGRAMS - Starting week of March let - Yoga, Line dance, Stretch & 1bne / Nutrition - call 888- 6356 for a complete schedule. Register early and dont be disappointed.' SUNDAY AFTERNOON AT THE MOVIES . March 13 at 2:00 p.m. - Meet Me In St. Louis starring Judy Garla.nd FRIDAY AFI'ERNOONERS - March 11 - Thirty years of Colour Photography - Presented by Percy H. Muratzke ONE OFAKINDCRAFTSHOWAND SALE - Thursday, March 31. Departs at 10:45 a.m. Cost: $19.00 TORONTO BLUE JAYS _ITION GAME - STOP THE CHOP ONE MORE TIME! Jays vs Atlanta Braves, Saturday, March 12. Departs at 10:30 a.m. Cost $33.00 EASTER PARTY - Intergenerational Saturday, March 26, 2:00 - 4:00 pan. Wing 404 R.C.A.FA Rotary Adult Centre, Advance tickets only $2.00 each or $9.00 for a group of five. Join the Jelly Bean Lady and the Easter Bunny for fun and games! Phone 888-6356 Adult Won Centre 186 King Strut South 579-1020 CARRIER 0F THE WEEK ADW, CEN'IRES Acnvmes All STAR RINGETI' E COACHING POSITIONS Wing404 RCAFA Rotary Adult Centre 510 Dutton Dr. COMMUNITY INFORMATION 886-1 550 "mlett-dietoar'ytmp-oet.., Earn extra money delivering the Waterloo Chronicle after school on WEDNESDAYS. Paper carrlers are needed in the following areas . . . ROYAL ST../MARGARET AVE COLUMBIA ST w WILLIAM ST. AT PARK HEMLOCK, LARCH, HICKORY LEASIDE PLJMARGAREI AVE, ME1BOURNEEyCK OR0LENNI0N ALEXANDRA/SOMERSET ALGONQUIN. TENNYSON. LONGF‘ELLOW BLUESPRINGS DRIVE WESTCOURT PLACE AMOS AVE AT CHURCHILL COLONIAL (JR/GRANT CRES. HELENE CRES HOLLY, HAZEL COLUWIA KAREN WALK. KEATS WALK 43-45-55 CAROLINE KING ST, AT HICKORY l. THIS AD To: WATERLOO CHRONICLE Circulation Department Suite 201 -75 King St, South, Waterloo, Ont. N2J ISS 886-2830 "_."."".....-.-.--..........-..-....., For further information regarding the above matter, please contact the Waterloo Planning Group, 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre. Waterloo, Ontario or call 747-8763. Conservation Drive . Lake-bore Ward The applicant has requested an amendment to the Zoning By-law to rezone the subject lands from Agriculture 'A' to Semi-Detached SD', Medium Density Three Nm', Conveniente Commercial CC' Green One GI' and Green Theo 'G2'. The applicant wishes to develop a residential plan of tsubdivision accommodating approximately 900 unita. The proposed plan provides for a small convenience commercial trite, parkland and 4 stormwater management facilities. Mnumofamml’nperthatpmposes establishment of a new District Implementation Plan. This Paper iamesantto-atedineumittnwhich willbeuaedbyCouncil in their txmtsideeation of future development in the am. Copies of the Discussion Paper will be available at the City of Waterloo Planning Group. Stunm Investments Ltd. _ CITY OF WATERLOO NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING ntTdtop.m. Councilman“ 8rdnoor_ooCityCeette MtoRqtinnBtmetBouth “beholden: MemdRy,M-ehStkM06 Cameron Rapp Planner Planning and Public Works COLUMBIA ST W HEMLOCK, LARCH, HICKORY MELBOURNEDICK ALEXANDRA/SOMERSET BLUESPRINGS DRIVE AMOS AVE AT CHURCHILL HELENE CRES KAREN WALK. KEATS WALK KING ST. AT HICKORY immune; nos-M0547