AIEIB 9155 UBL HIM AIEIQ BlNlT P S E it: Monday to Wednesday 1.0:00 pm: tt $330 pm. Thursday airiday . lawn 9:00 pm. Sam 9:00 am. to 5:30 pan. CLOSED SUNDAY Eaton’l Made! Square 1rriay to WY ME 2i.y m 'lr') ireri,'iit't _ SELECTED ITEMS Further Reductions Statewide Thursday, June 3rd :0 Saturday, June' 5th ' CLEARANCE 'ttl/i, to 5tt)t/i, OFF ' EhTltt)?PS / SURPRISE DAYS EATON‘S MM“ 343-5111. MWMM-dlim 1.at0.218trs. "earrN eNsaimd N416) 343-2345 it ""i',i'i'l','i1?if,))fE/)i'TC) N75 Including 30% OFFllckebd regular prices of selected discontinued lamps by Artistic. Table, floor and pin-up lamps including halogen, glass and brass-finish styles. Shop early for the best selection. Quantities may vary by store. GoodsSatisSctory or Money Refunded :rPPf M.) Satan’s Wm Place Monday to Wednesday 10:00 a.m. to 6.OO pm. Thursday & Friday 9:30 to 6m p.m. CLOSED SUNDAY 10:00 Lm. to 9d90 pm. Lilia.