"Aaort'mrmu9oo-ttm-..a'traollF hilmotnnwmtoprmtthirdodnfronmnnhgnthrp‘ ety1rthihtmtateuarsurofurtuirdtiare-ttiinttne"it 1h"itrooetttDtVra-f9b10.1rutinetodt-qtriro 'txromett-utuirdmure_iuehteirmvinirdnnsit 1fMtee1t1ft-rtr-tuttuthrtuirdiuanetrimtGid By-law No. 93-79 amends Zoning By-law No. 1108, that being a Zoning By-law controlling land use developnhnt within the City of Waterloo. ThepurpooeoftheBy-lawiamremelandeahmontheabovem MAP from General Reaidence NIR' to Universities 'Bi'. Paragraph loftheBy-lawrezonealandeahownontheattachedm MAP from General Reeidence 'GR' to Universities 'BI'. The Universitiu‘Bl’wnepermiuuniveraityumwewellaaothu-uaea aeaociatedwiththeoperationofaunivenity. If you require further information or have any questions, plane contact the City of Waterloo Planning Group at 7473757. Tom Mahler, EFL. Policy Planner City of Waterloo 1'A5ErSrrrWtut.tht9qoeetortuatrofwatesoored 1V-uwNo._Nttnthothi%rorhur,uihart-s8ioeiii. PlanningAu,R.S.O., 1990. ' ANDTAKENO‘I'ICEthat-nypenonormncywnppedtotho 9ytyityteieieiBrtrdj1triquettttuSriGrtt0tiaitrwtthitid q1erktrtuCotteationedtheCftrirtoirmstuiurtttintutgth t.urttrJPy,1ur8toystieatofrqreiittirttrouttheotmetietntott- 1toondther-inmtrrroAi6theiiioet. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law, detailing the lands to which theby-llw applies, and a key 'napahowimrthehtention of the land: to which the bylaw applies, are shown below. The complete by-law in available for inspection in my case during reguhr DATED at the City of Waterloo this 26th day of May, 1998. 1n1tmrth"httayt"i'eredyrrlPd-doeuguredaa. n-stmtyrmrthinitrr- PLANNING ACT, R.S.O., 1990 NOTICE or THE PASSING _ OF A ZONING BY-lAW BY THE COUNCIL OF THE OF THE CITY OF WATERLOO CITY or wmmoo DOG BYAAW #91-101 EXPLANATORY NOTE WIVEISITY AVE w. Viv/Snitz, E ...t: I _ itirTiii.rAT.? - _ TC: .' L"... WILFRID LAURIER UNIVERSITY LJ. Ayers City Clerk City of Wat-r100 The City of Wutorloo in t'f,','L"gl',ig with the Wntdrittt Radon BteuBthttltBoaNaasdthtrutt, WWI-mm; mkeatondosthnetmthoutimrtitiditmoei/fiiiititia, j "ry'rttruriMm?s1tittnonthturmgeetrmaminvituttott-di, thmmtuaetoUtieid: - i thmrtmsatrrsqairmn "ar, "i'"""""'""--"'"-',""'"'"'" PangnPh 8 of the By-law not: out reviled atmthrdtrtbrataehed thegteretsndt"tttatnti1diwottnatbainar1tt _ifretry.t?yfur.the..itent.tioetor1eaqtse1ttm--tatt tttsci-tar-um-ro-tmeet-ut/nat. ‘_ _ . om; LADY or lOURDES SCHOOL " I By-law No. 93-80 amend- By-law No. 1418 being tt Zoning By-luv wtxmtTllintritmdtPtryetintheCitrofWater1o,o.ThipueritttieBr hwiltomoncthelandsahawnontheaboveKEYMAPï¬anedium Ptrttitrurrto8diympenisty'Mrrveitheiairmvuoutopemttt development of the lands " a residential Plan of Subdivision. The prmto-uuttdiviaionwfiiamtainimeututaehesdandtmnbdtruthattottr. Paragraph 1orfteW-iawtseruoutrxrvitmdperfhnnamotnneurd.ttsr 1iegt1uueudtrretterieermtrloteia,1ortroetttttmru+ 1tttte.marrtt"uh,mmtyGdtststueu,1tstamiiiti.ottthtter, 'emnrxrqtttemtsentn A . Ptttrratstt2ptttttBrlttroutnrviseds-nantotar-tis. aemiasueudetirr,ims1udimr1otexmsmb,tridertrdmtuih_ DATED at the City of Waterloo this 26th day of M, 1m. TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the City of WW PM By-law No. â€80 on the 17th day ofMay, 1998 under Sedan “tithe PlanningAct, 18.0., 1990. . ' AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal “the? Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the lay-law by ttBrttt with the. ClerkoftheCorporatjdnoftheCityofWaterloonotlaterthanthe Mth day ofJuna, 1998 a notice of appeal setting out the objectim ttthe hr 1ortutdth-ontsirttsupportVrrtuottieaon. An explanation of the pin-pone and effect of the by-law, duel-Mag the lands to which the by-law applies, and a by map showing the W. of the lands to which the by-law applies, are ahown below. The complete by-law in available for inspection in my 0mm during than!" BALL DIAMOND RELOCATION ' OPEN HOUSE w , a . "aht'it'Aeg'l'2gttt" EXPLANATORY NOTE MW Hunt. _ 0001mm _ Community Sen-vim Bap-rm . f 7478736 e A mam =uegAitreteeter- atisitoitdsii,Ba.S. Hm Gunman City Clerk City of Waterloo 'iii?illi , m y, $5 v'ils'iiix2islBit'ii.i': . r "A"? 3‘,ka