[mam "l+dhrdtt,"tt-aa,udhtg thattutimingdttteeitr'Fd baihittttftuNnndirstC1qrartd GugsGttllsydidn't help. thmtt-idtteontntitmtmtto the collection but, but “there is a concern that Neufeld my ask to take back the donation". Hunt hnppened, '81-an said, Neufeld “would he in the right". Conn. John Summers. who vot- ed mine: the at: centre propoo ttl and the designation of the Button Paetory building as the future home of the Neufeld collec- lion, agreed that the city “In: not lived 'up to" its pait of the mat with Neufeld. “It’s became we haven't been -- '.‘r C.,'-','-,,']')"')",:':" If'Z‘J?I7':;.;j.f ' __1___ yeuatoaieqtfts"t,tttr!lty,.yri.?l'tt"r, m a dilute within hrtrlmllmidth. . 6th. Manama,» and: 'M,ehti*-rtt-t.d." J,"J,l"l'd'll'l'lh%rd'l'u"ll b-nktmc. T numb-sauna“, mebmdm lu-dai-ttttrode Mi1trethst-eitr,-elatt-, irrmet,ttt-rststifturer. tmmmltttotdtfturar,tt. ,'hemtmstdtartdiitr%hiekn "Wtttottrtuekxm'l-r" 'Nd,attttenrabhrqttldtt1tye' -ranteaemd.mmidtumtmtt ',tttfey,',etl,arft,te diet"trryie'tettl'ttt? mgmw.w Um too, he and, panibly otr.yrytr.'imrtre.thereTrl,t memdty itmrhingthsCanurortutki. ,rti1beitotrettqrutttor.Uit 1mr-asttserrdBratttntgtt8. mind; tottimseto.t.tte.it.ttre Waterloo hte.,aeetteit, 1f.d.9et.ridtuttdeitmdtpt 1s,pry1yy"r"oki'ttrto"nt ittitiatiFigmdtottsauthe &tkitmTlootttinust0eAr “up. . tstrrtt,niiuutmi-ttkrree.tts.ie1.tr.)8.Artmrir,tie A"eneheBrian?t.tlry.nqr 'rrtu,dtouidirtt1-trnanrta'ty "truined-tteral-ss. 'rf11nmintltenaxteuetion, 'o8aetaandtmtneiidseiaioetairt 'netrthaselirnirtatadititsi1. Mdaartmid"it't, fittrditV". 1993, lion operating which Without Ahtrtr.eidin1e.8.tur.rrttin- 1ytnttmiigafdtheeitritrfhre. theaaaunuiateddehtandthe dal Wm will be Mina 'artingtttttrtdemkp-itimpaet '.tymitg.inte.eu.nrtt,t.se"id ,eitltd-ueltasemphtymtrnt ofmrrrmsxtrar."Nmwilllse thenatitmmmIdaetuallyhavea 1mtr1P,ttqttitrtmi.tty9ttat 'ottttrgrmeth,tmtth-i11alao $1e.ti11iottttnthsts.. . TO Mums and Adjustment 1retrotnedselitt-htststkagrant Méu.nsaidenixatioetsmtett Board(tyrABN (diatiluryrtmrinaaivrs)." u the International Honour-y Anothalmaheexpectlmmh “may. UptomtConept nrrtdtmrpmhetingtltttttuna. timetttbe-ndtsdonirths Tukr-illb-tirtgto dthetmsomrwir1growbr8,2per my!“ budget, an urea in amtdltrttr1rinth-r,poasittly ettinlr8.a.tdHptentin whiehaumrtheNDPg- markingotitadteiatoiGrurrimr.tuAtdtetethrttte 'netttreillumtochangeitafotsus tormdemkpmeuttogo.hnttmi1 ttmtatgtutb7eountrie. nextyenr. "idhewi11hereexattmendingto "Whatthertsaritstutamr 'rNeNDPgtmrmnent)hasto emmeilthatthegrrmpeatonin pond to other countries who umber that government can ordstrtohtm, timoto "tudt out uven'tmadethetoughdeeiaiont, Munchkin, grmmtrnenttuut .theconcept". Mud†made.th°y any we've 'rhiehah-theNDP govern- mett"il1umrtodiangeittsfotats mayo". “(TheNDP gtmrmnent)haato number that government can- not mm government on as-r-sis-m-arose-eller-tttei-is. mrgrrsozoautetaogtNNehrArag-eararr. mum Elli-y “nun-H - . ff.?ttttletitePtr, LMpoo-a) might mean raising knee. “Itwouldbeenhemeforusto late the art collection, but it would he more of e shame to lone heat Muses. and for people to lone their homes." ' In December 1987, Woldelner Neufeld, e celebntod artist who 1etrn1rhtttutysrlrp1trtofhits, tertheCitriRe#rOrrry,., my did-1|, may mood to and I permanent home for she collection. TheNeuhidtxtnunitt-et upatthattimts,tutdahatuhi1ity lite in warm doniid 800 of hi-kr-ttta/turn-ret. irteltersentedtrtiidiyts- uppity a lot of money, which study we: commissioned in order to find I place to exhibit the paintings Tho completed study, which included e recommende- Iroundtheeollectionin the But. ton Factory bqilding, no pre- canted to Guneil tonontha ago. In; ropluedb} um ‘ixpplemon- itTiTiiiEir%ai, uthe'pre f-edit-tim-tgud-ta 'ettm'rritttrttemrmttttirteeotyt- eiltoedastrrnt-ritnthe The Woidemar Neufeld Art tautthettmdieimnndamiu treraharetuotrmttrruxr_ tiet,rntam'taomehusr "qhirt-mttdtmretmttattr wmmm-m sdlur1l?" HAW am, WAY. new 31.102 - PMtE G [MM-W iiiUFiriiuaF.n. '9A8eeRtr"-- â€MILE. NAM Iâ€?! Mlt8rlttt “wcmMMMW STACKED WASHER & DRYER "mtmtet"ts"rqit-etarta-pteas. Common roach was they " wo. Put an mum: mm Gwyn on top c, M I VHF LISTEN TO in Meuanmidttteeeiod-r w. tttatthenmrld'trgtringtottel- 'taNeinitht8,tt-dttt. 'orstinuirtgefreeuotttteeetdtsf .y tuColdWar."IhecoldWnrud in "ttmkrtoit.Wedidn'tlikethe 'm-au’ -_"_" gtttod Now, the structures tithe world are gone. (1993 will be) a "ererettxsildinggtmeturec" JETCLEAN DISHWASHERS REFRIGERATORS BITE]