PICK Arrituuuk re at m. m. 1300-1000. an Human, Mao-mm- MOM.“ Atnuary 17 at dbytheArt autumn: Hump: ththrming Looking at thtr'93 video year ttttt8--tniATT0EXPEtrt _ Aattt-rcrmtetstottntrrt,1 e tttomtttith-AitstststPtttitittte ttmtugt-tatthoamtlngyrsar. R-ttther d than on!!! tittat minimum} “was! um-oth-rt-tthttps Jiirittet.utthsttiitoutti . be . An animated Kim Basinger is featured in COOL WORLD - also Fobmary 24. . You should be ebb to saddle up for Clint Eastwood's UN. FORGIVEN in March or April. . Disney‘s PINOOCHIO shook! b. out In a mind -ittet March 23, Need to own at $28.99. . Rumors put THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS out in Apt/May: - 1996 - WHAT THEY'RE WORKING on . . . NOT! .tyamryiasrW'mqonHONEYl . Penny Marshall's 8100.atil. lion hit, A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN Is slated for Febrwy 17. Forthoeeinavacuum. it stars Tom Hanks, Gama De- vie and Madonna. and Goldie Ham {show he outon Fabmary IO, . UNLAWFUL ENTRY, with ~Damon Wayans goes amt MO'MthlEYonFettruaty3. ONioobs Gage. James than ttndtumttattme:tgPttthtrwilf beanonvldaoln HONEY- MOONIN VEGASFobruuy 24. . 0AM for PM 24ih ro- mhhmw DEATH BECOMES HER with availabh to thrm on February mdfotri,hdmrrNititrr,R) 'trr'ttotmixandDttnAyttmyri, Starts Monday, December 28th to January 2nd, 1 993 We invite you to come by at your lei'sure. 2r-50 SELECTED LINGERIE & ERAS BOXING â€4.1-4.“ Fine Intimate Apparel " “as; M, m: 716-3711 Widely 10.00430 3atwdiy 10mm: mam) comm: DAY WEEK SALE otETHAtWEAP0N4ttttttums gasp-ttsth-chit" nouns, Danny Gm tttill haan'tmtimdandWIGltmm surptiairtgtyutttmattlsbutt. Omaha! Douglas makes a tttttIhr-ttttttttttt mots ttttalt-attracted toawo- manetttfataHrtstincta. 'anally. Robinwullamswillba starring in an ttthitmlttrttrtttt about a superhero who can't NEW RELEASES Not M I) pick m h new mt-soothes-skit-tttttt wed to each UP on the We: fromweeksgoneby. Three young petoplttfind them- selvesontherunaftorabachelor party oats vio|ent in LEATHER JACKETS (Godumbéa Tristar FAXED THE KID where Rick tttiruttspndtaxssttttrnt?? in in number. Jean Gimme Van Dttrttttttt, Ar. Sagan, new LunBFen. Chuck Norris. 019mm Ft8ttpck t.sttd .AnymoAohoeetithrtmded MURAL . In HOME ALONE 3, Macao. -etttsttKid'Nr'1trytmtrtor, H0usEPARTY3.Holtysood says this is the first time a moviewiu be misused under two We: bonnet two my any. H'a apperemty liked vawingthtstightstoomuchin 'dii'ti; 1"wusonina Home Video). The cast includes D. B. Sweeney. Briatat'Fonda, Gary Ewes. and Cttriattxrtter Penn. Anthony Edwards and Lama Harm am In DELTA HEAT (Academy MM. a cop action mic show an LA. cop who journeys to Louisiana to find tNreiasrofhlspttrtrterttndtostop them at a new designs! drug. HAPPY NEW YEAR! NEXT WEEK: HONEY I BLEW UP THE KID, CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS - THE DISCOV- ERY. TWIN PEAKS - FIRE WALK WITH ME, STAY TUNED. Kan Sebickler operates Team Plays Publications. a Ieety Mm" v"ioeasdE NE Magazine, 17y â€mm 1 -w a, BRUCE HARDWOOD FLOORING As low as $429... Pin-Finish“ wArErtuooctrttmttxE,reDtestsav,oer--PM'E" ' CERAMIC FLOOR TILES â€mm-amt Blown: $225 as"! my: Linn was!" We have the largest setectnon in the k-W area. Moi; in your room measurement REMNANTS N0 TAA