Any person may attend the Public Meeting and/or make a written or verbal presentation either in support of, or in opposition to, the pmpoaala. If you wish to make a preaentation to Council. pleaae notify the Clerk‘e Department so that the neceaaary arrangements can be made to place you on the agenda. In addition, a written summary of the preaentnh'on aheuld be filed prior to the meeting Additional information relating to the above noted matter can be obtained hr contacting the Planning and Development Department for the City of Waterloo. Waterloo City Centre, 100 Regina Street South, Wetarloo. or by telephone at 747-8779 or “7-8757. Janice Mitchell, KES. Tom Mahler, M.PL. TAKE NtmCEtutth.CotrmtiundtuCitrofWttterlottnriliho)dnn Informal mmummmmmwuwm Central Reddenu'd District Plan, a New Columbi- ' tid District Plan And Related Amendments to the Zoning By-law to be held on: W18, "" -- 1921‘ Housing Policy Planner T, 1332:. _ 2" " nomrmnmu newsman - wplcxvronmsmv T nus: now me: ms m YOUR m1- mm 'y PICK-UP my THE CITY OF WATERLOO PUBUC MEETING GARBAGE & RECYCLABLE PICKUP FOR REMEMBRANCE DAY, NOV. 11th 8rdrhtor,Thtt-htoCttpC+ “Down-MMâ€: GARBAGE l RECYCLABLE PICKUP FOB NOV. tith WILL BE " USUAL Plea-chanmmmd THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION nttheeurbttrth00n.m. WY. 'tthMNtqR 6. 1m COMMUNITY INFORMATION- f WATERLOO MINOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION h Ir? J)lbsPlthtANAaNG/CoAt:aNo POSITIONS C THE ARI’OF' j/if6ijfd MAR -- __ NEUFELD: - sews FROM THE WOlDEMAR NEUFELD COLLECTION AND VIDEO PRESENTATION Waterloo Mime 3mm Aameiation (WMB'A) mm. mundan- from minim in managing or coaching 1993 Ill-am mama. Plane submit a written application to: The Woldemu NeuteldArt Gallery Management Committee invite the public to Attend . showing of selected works of Waldemar Neufeld on: November 9th, loch. 12th end 18th T th00 mm pan. Waterloo City Centre, The Anion 100 - Street South, Waterloo This unit lived in Waterloo from 1924-1935. He created some albi- work- while he lived in the em. and others from photographs and memory. Dr. Neuteld’e work con-iat- of oil paintings, watercoloun end block print... and he dooatod over 300 ofhis works ofart to the City ofWahrloo in 1987. - Therefore, no part of theARN WEEK CELEBRATIONS. and " I tribute to Woldemar Nonfeld'e gift to the city, we invite the public to this free "hibition Q our city hall. - Puma. all MARC. at 679-1020. . 'r'sei,fiffllla.r, D-ituhtslidarotttol,id-,tuNi- . . . ta". ' , ' FMMfldhchflhth’lmflemthWth-buw ofwinurinflï¬smn-Nonas-mmfpmon-Danm:l:00p.m.-tA.R.C.L "lie,tg,fd2htMii,te2'tgt', ntn. ‘ . MtuieHntP-Boo-rrthisd.rtitsitm'1itmrrsoet "tiorhirhatgtaqrBttttfhetrtC.rr5-Hemimryirtrrt-sli- ttt-o8t.Th-totuGtodtiriikHat1-Ne.1-t46.0iyttie- 0mm 9:00 nan. It ARC. Ind It 9:15 In. It Win; 404 RCAEJMIH Mult' tn. .PugMtttayN-0UCANCELYmJRttr-rATT0NPOR thWJu'P'"m""""m"""'v'""rm'""m"""" 'i'lA'lWaUltNtraii',tt10,yatdihfi l PRESENTATION: mo OURBumtLrDRWWttrt WYOUNG ON 10mm Rom-Dayna!!!“ Mam, Nov, 9, 9:00-11:30 un. "at_tthdttlt Won Centre . St-her, Dr. Pour Rotu,KirtgsCo0-,'Uttimmityt_nt otttario.nrmominRmnatioet mettaetChrUnt88bB866. CmtWrMMB0tm+BMBt1Aut-at., 12.00noorottheWing404 R.CA.rAhtotaryAdulttUntm, 510mm Dr.- ttSt1%letttggStd,tT/i,T, Indunique gifu,t-l1mrhittttemtt6e mam} amilattuintturTuRmtm.rorfurtherinfoetionmll 1888-6866. . , SENIORS DMSiON PROGRAMS ' , Chri- " 888-6866. . ' _ Call ',,1ttttl RCAFAJRoury Adult Centre - 888-6356 orAdult R-tian Cantu 6 1020 foe more information. Adult R-tian Canto 1fttglt1,'hea"a"'"'""' One. v 185 King Shut South 510 Drive 579-1020 888-6356- 001130. . SENIORS WALKING GROUP . Nov. ' ’11er - - Resume. Cost: $4.26. have: 1.00 pan. Flinn. 889-6868. T P_'tmAr,Arhattf.0oNrrVtfe.f-NRte3ttttdow" "Colottriid-hrTbdttNr. 886- 1.550 lpn or CALL 885-1816 DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: NOV. 20, 1992 ll Friday, November 6 J 2:00 to 4:00 pm. - Cost is '2.00 per Person. Includes slam, popcorn and pop. MOSES SPRINGER ARENA PD DAY SKATE Mum, mum-n no Gumbo Court WAmwO N2K 233 .Pop T