Rd. CE tt Rd. [323 m -l-t-ll-"-"1et"i_.'u-='ir-_. ili, an“ ,1156' 1' _ " I', r Ti'i3Tarkti . F l , .1 ',r1,r' x , . w L ", 'i- 311‘“ shag, _ ' V - F "i v7.93" / tt t ..,: e"r, . . "'". _ KivViMorio 4. ( i7cfiEjii'mMlmll%aW, ' 'iiif/,/,/i1ffr' ,sr.c.1 -, wr." _ " 7 "rt cc-lt-Nj, 7 @ KITCHENER a'M% :1 bid), _ _ w t.» "f 71 T " ttt ,,.,c,r.sttti "Hi Vim“. s'i5Ni'1MriMMNNltta2il J" 7 - Mi. “ . ' it, Vt Melvyn. 9500 "Momri+_tu.mddgtrrrmttd," Theo-bd-era-tlar-tgt-ttsr-tmaid we'rrotett6nathaouirrrmrii. Tuohkresytekezttt?t'tItherttmntaetodar'st- bootmor-hiMttt.tmlkdNxthAmariei-ith.Thi, weaittoiglroNehdhrthittheidmrir-tion bomhrm1N6ttm%.Althattghtti1rrtitttttettirttung- inherit-et-leo-tnr-het-art-ik-ttue irhaeite_*tairotthatantiatattrttsdtttonar. Howmchmismh'o? AmHrsrotatktir_tertNttttantuttadian)itorrttsat hotoettotdmdtht-0triih'tatattdttttrmthanhatntiti, 1usldbrpoqutme0tr-ld. . (htaetis?dMduirtq%thisammsrttataohoimtrwr tSunil-ttht-tit-tima-that-ima-IB peramtdthirmtmetltrrillbeint-ttedbrthet-t Money, money, money genmtion. Howwatsthisr-atmmuiatatt?rtmtsdtst-imN, andwithahittfgtsodhrek. Thiaoldsr,rithqr-tionudt_i0lrtusualironepor family),bmaghtatttte1iminrithitttheirtttmmtranoa"dts little. . ' Wurrs-tuhsthtNrelttmtltoighttirmtolire.m6g madeitttmmghthethmtD-iorstur1-dtotstmrand didsothrmtghth-ypem-tm'la.Nrhoughtttom" duringtu'lKtondiathindeAdinoetttt-l eatateboottrtfti_un,m'thatNtatttiaiiretrrtqtin thestoatttag%t,thqrgtttiudthmttghtutmlt'tah'tN Andmnrtuirehiidmt,ri11t-tthxmxtuir-tttcBtrt, thelsemtita,riI1ttottoti-i.tkr-rsto-tt- of0rturiautmd,anotha-rm1thtot-oettotlteir thildren.Thiam'i1turturetttphaaimtuditrerenems between theliaveagtdtuhtmtrgott Thiswillnhodivide CanadianaundAmerielnLWharul tuadianstarstr-sdtuttymoetdtrrillhee-d!.oy.te mate-tso-sri-iii-ttLian-tion"' wealtheat-rt-dieaiemtB. . AiteririthuGrtdeaiHsrtonrrttyyeimxtaatsd medieaisraums.mniiutknaatpytttlj.tueeut!o soeiahuémedieim.Nrha-highhealthimuram-u tutdimsnhigurtttMiealtxmts . . . so,lat'iiitaeanendtqomagoutaninuritantottu Us. What’s going tobappmwiththilmonny? hmeritintGneiamnn-tet-trau.iryrisotn"the earirinhaeiatt-dthtirtindutrtretifi.ttg. -riVt-iiGiiuGGja'sittmriite1utintsiarrhmtr gGiiitiiiiituiiaGieandiattrstaremtsumeriroods suha-tioem,rtttmrtehiuand.hTtroods: . iGa%iGiiumoemrgoimtossitiitgr.con?.it8rtut, iniaiaaGGiaFaGadinreroriireatus1u.sd mairriaGGaaauruinauiednutttmtu you! when â€I. traditionally concentrate on nuns: - iaiGiGGriiAGdtttrtoirtuirinhaetuneinl-turt snGtGiiuuTtkiiituiutmtdptointtedttt""h'" hind-kv-th-meet-et-ie.'?'",, Mwï¬rmkdmmwmbemadnmdto "aiiiiGriGaGGuTtaerpettordeA1eriAr iiiiT!iiiTariiiiGTiiGG-itinnta1rre"'" prmidstivmtir'- iiGaiiiiiraiuet-iittottutttot-r"ror tumiti-t"""h'Itu. Ntta-ti.aersmor-snkarittlritd-. __- -"""""" Service is, the key to Alan Rigby’s success It,rasastxxmdhnndehairtsoldinhiagramr fatur'trhmtittt+ inward, England. Today, ttalt-rid-tdoor-later)))' ssllingchaimhutforhimselfstAlan my": House of Furniture. 46 King St. N. in Uptown Waterloo. While other furniture businesses have come and gone,Riorusmtsintainedhisru-tulimag.e.in the Waterloo community. growing and expanding when others are downsizing or closing. His store is in the midst of its third major renovation since it openedssyemsgosndthere’enoholdinghsckjnst become ofthe recession. Rigtsrisamanwhoiararelylottforwordtra man who has an opinion on just about everything, from politics to Sunday shopping. He still stays e1astdonandtsrandheeauaehitotortjsqset!ott Saturday, he's closed on Monday as well. His is a family business, working alongside Rigby are his sons Clive and Stephen. and together they offer me than 100 yous ofssles experience. A knowl- odrottutGin--eiai1ytrteotttitttain paueta-uaaartiuititure-itsoneottheker ingredients to his continuing m. Rigbyhashsdalong-stsndinssllisncewith ut Bor,loatimtar1oirymte-td.hutrtore.itr Csnsds’s - Le-Z-Boy Geller-y showroom. As for the image if the Lei-Boy chair - recliner-type aairand%ainirinrrserootnsondurdyrby dad - that has completely been changed and Rigby ismthlnwillinctoshowsnyonehowthe comm hss modernised its line ordain, chester- tuioig1-tr-tutdtur'rsnoollrrtdirttt, ""m'r-uittgtttovitoordthettoreartdit will be our LIZ-Boy Gsllery, the largest in Can-d1." Richy said madly while relaxing in one AttRtgttr,mtaste"tmteothhua*ttrettalmhtteatett1nrtoteteelttuern'"t"ro. Attu-t6,Atanitigttrohihistiratpitxeof tsrAmtu3oorttmtxa,aetqttAv.otm-te1P"E's mice. could be followed with a Going out of Business' sign in the window. Always the charmer with the gift of gab, Rigby has come down hard of negative media reports about the economy. He often slams a local daily newspaper for the doom and gloom reports on its front page, circling the stories and headlines reporting on upcoming layoffs and plant closures "That type of news belongs on the business page, not the front page. "Negative news encourages people to hang onto their money and when people hang onto thir money, they don't buy and when people dont buy,)ohs are lost creating this snowball etfbet." The Uptown Waterloo m is his third since his arriealincanadain1i6ianditwatothurtrst atmeingt.catharinethathedi-dtheU3 Boy line of products. He's stuck with them ever ainu.Inig6trheIoartaionwtttarstmetin Km. but found that the look of parking in downtown Kitchens! was hurting his business It ,rasttt6t,runttetnovedtoWaterlooutdhe'. tethemdiningrttittioets. It an mm than: me- into his new ,mnttagautBqrdtnirm'tttaemrivei,Ritrbr'it 'tatritrequippedanduowledgethle,abletoput one onwithinminutacTttedealauogmsstheoth- a-ll,atteeall,what-oetinrninuu-tarrnt otrinininutktoo.rreknomrtheimportanced makingtoaletmd realizes that poor.orinadequate “Whack. "rthinkiuoitrthepi-tfiteinttttPi? tyitus.rteueetundgro-thoretnt'sttot hetdinwithbandariesWhatnreltavehereuo t-ho-tiheenvimnmeuttutdihreethefsettlurt there'lfneupw'npnrking." Richy would I put Waterloo city council which ttmihiroirtgmdee0trahrt_KingstrtttPtere ,ratGtthrfighutamneilwitieheventellr ledto the sellingd the m: “le to Kitchener," he will in; a mile , " â€Wm $qttMtaitatrtRtAsmittn mustn't.“ (â€976m M a "foa. s, I992. Winch-van...“ 6bmmltrmteeee FREDERICK STREET MALL IGTCHENER 579AB67 STORE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9.6 Turs. tk Fri. 9-9; Sat. 9-5t00 Mmâ€