I late inning bat with the 'ot when you theijthui plain dumb ranch-e1. Another big in time Cite Now they're [triumph if Jun magic removes ,ptFe he No intellectual slouch herself, she has undoubted- ly been inilu-d by Mr. Trudeau in his commu- tionnl view- and it wont aurpriee me one iota if he Mi. Coyne, a 38-yeamld lawyer in St. John's, Nild., is the mother of Mr. Tyudeau'g two-yearold daughter, Sarah. She is also a chief advisor to Premier Clyde Wells and is one of the organizers of the "No" campaign in the Referendum in New- foundland. Just arrived - complete (in: of quality Skin Care di Cosmetics. K"', their own campuses and offer solutions to their country _ That has not always been the case. In days gone by, people such as Robert Hutchins, president of the University of Chicago or Clark Kerr at Berkeley, made their institutions famous by their leadership and their strong voices on the major problems of the day, One of the few great university presidents in Canada is Doug Wright at the University of Waterloo. His talents, efforts and ingenuity have made UW a world-respected institution. Wilfrid Laurier is now in the same position because Dr. Marsden offers great potential. She will undoubtedly reach out beyond her campus, cam. paign for her university and address some of the critical issues facing society. It should make a big difference for WLU. WHERE'S TRUDEAU? If you want to have some indication of where Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau stands on the new constitutional proposals, keep your eye on Deborah Coyne. By She is offering 10% off for the month of September. jfili) Dr. Maiden - former Liberal senator, advisor to the Tham, government. prominent Academic Ind one very bright ' and capable woman who can communicate effectively - will be a strong voice for WLU now that she‘s taken over the reins of the presidency. It has been my experience that most universities in North America lack leadership because they do not have presidents who speak out on issues beyond and- --- -i------, ' .... . _ NEW WLU PRESIDENT: It In" Menden’u speech to the Confederation Club in Kitchener last week is my indication of things to come, Wilfrid Laurier University is in for I treat. She’s one smart 'eookie. You couldn't help but walk away from that speech feeling optimistic and oh-so-good insicie incense you knew that WLU now has a dynamic leader who will probably do wonders for the university. Expect good . things from 1lllul'it new pres, Marsdgn 1138 KING ST. EAST AT OTTAWA 310% 'tthat,daAeitxt,1. Mary 'Hair Crtqtions Introduces LAVERN Professional hairstylist & manicurist _.../ V DRuFtlble FOR REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT! ( AUTO GLASS , $70 COUPON VALUE $70 COUPON VALUE Wow1wmm‘ 4 John St. W. Corner of King & John TairrrriaR%IiiiTFRWiifir 578-7260 Wank-.4 What I didn't mention was the gallery's director, 38-yearold Suzanne Greening, in working virtually night and day to promote a project that still has a tenuous existence. Why? "We have to succeed," she says. "Culture is too important to lose. If we were in Europe, there'd be no question that the gallery would go ahead with city funding. But they treasure that more over there. I wish we did." GAiuiiriiiiii'drtriuThii'irfiidi7ii a lot ie positive comment over what I wrote about the Calms-n gay and Glass Gallery last week. "e"e" - --___'.i__t. ...... w ..... “arms... Word has it he will be announcing his position in the next week or so but, in the meantime, keep your eye on Ms. Coyne who will undoubtedly know exactly what's going on in the former PM's mind. Like him or not, you have to respect him. He is probably the brightest man ever to hold the ofrice of prime minister in Canada and, with his world view and Jesuit-trained and Harvard-educated mind, he will Md a fantastic note to the campaign. munâ€... .... _ - WhateVer the merits of the deal - whether it's on the "Ks" or the "No" side - it is certain that Mr. hudeay_will lend a valuable voice to the debate. _ ______- __. -_6v.i. nuawelo. Remember that he spent most of his entire life studying and teaching constitutional law. I rsrst read his book, “Federalism and the French Cana. diana" when I was an undergraduate at McGill and it's still a classic J. Mariel: Sagel is a Kitchener Ia wyer. If he does, he will be an influential voice in the chorus of "No" votes. As much as I never liked his economic policies, I have always thought it was difficult to match his passion, knowledge and intellect when it came to constitutional matters. cornea opt agginst the current deal, 20-Piece Barrel of Kentucky Fried Chicken HIE-E 'SOP Wit-WI! v99r PLUS vow: MEMORIAl SHOULD BE ORDERED NOW SUPERIOR MEMORIALS 528 Victoria St. N., Kitchener (Besitk Weston Bakeries) 745-61 " STS" 520 LARGE INDOOR SHOWROOMS For Summer Installation .0. “an.“ ."e--qtteee' Omega may and Ki smut Norm _ Min-doc Shop thttn..rri. " mum-9:3) p.m.; Sltngzw I.m.'5 pm; Sun. m6 p.m WATEPJDO WE. MAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 1002 - PAGE 7 KITCHENS PARIS Thursday. Scam 24m JI'? in??? Pe, tu)t,tiidsdi,2igiii2 ' t 9:00 3111.600 'l/l), Swun ' tupterrti. 2 th G'rg uni-4:00 pm 23 Rullwny Strut Paris, Ontario Can I Cam My - -- W... -... ...... F . Sum 2Sth _ Itt MIL-5:00 am. Local Handmade Crafts including: tyg)tttiSrtiii)tut mnu. Much More Ceramics Dried Flower Arrangements Woodwork Wednesday, Sept. 23 to Saturday, Sept. 26 CRAFT SHOW ' FHCTORY CLEHRHNCE SAVE $3 60% Bung you: mom m. Woo “and: MI bu on hand to help you design your lama. ENDS CF LINES COUNTER TOPS DRAWER FRONTS CABINET DOORS DISCONTINUED ITEMS FOLDING TABLES CABINET ACCESSORIES MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE sum FINISHED I UNFINISHED CABINETS A DAYS ONLY Custom Designed Kitchens! rum-ma - _ vow-m- MM“ “WAY ti 03m: "W05