Tom Brockelbank Chronicle SM A historic, but rundown, log house in northeast Waterloo, at risk of destruction Irrmsatttandlruibio-rorrears,ltats Waterloo Council's Physical Develop- ment Committee voted Monday to allow the Macedon Corporation of Mambo to buy the historic &trdtsr41ingrieh 1031mm on Country Squire Road for $1. The house was built by Mennonite fanttarJtmthtrtrderinu)8tr.itithe hoettethuamttive-ationtrdhrda" tutduter,tnemFoftuthigridttaittilr. The City of Waterloo purehaaed the boom in1987, but otter much study. no pmetauluaewasfourtdtirrit.t?intystut firvla.eob's firm rescues historic log house gtmmtttmtt and community uni-vices, mulling, and training was. 'nhttmtrttatthttetmtt-tiortrahttsdmm;i-a,, att-ittehinshtyulrpttiatG'ifireGaGiG"u"r/ii,iri "".ter.irteertyrt*ethirentttii,""aimurriiiinireii'i'ii m'tbelbhtoaskï¬xrtherquoï¬immdth-t’smunfmu. mmmmmwmmmmnm "tttttttiz-tArtist-mth/Gita;.'; tiine.taideratthrtuntmtGiiGitTGriCit-t-e, athyrhi.d.e-t1mrtmtiudtowtliihGair, 'mt.rtitAt.)rtaeumanrmm-ttihisCiihi-ra" d.rtqryhtt!ytatimttxsntm-iean't-kGiiGiiiGaiiiiGiG':Andifthetemeauaturrs-srti,ttikiiuatGaii tilLh-ntirttuirtamation,"ai_iid". WhatheCentrominJuu-Tibhmmdmwonwfllbe tutedtrm1t.thrrtofiar.iestrt.qhekoiutittharor oe"tiony.umenthetuutmwi1imi-mxitnateiy8,tn0Aone callaovetthnnutyear. Managedmshutdosdï¬ngashmdlbetwmg mm: mum-mum Wmmmhuwwmmm om Hum: Tu. and the tttrr have contributed to higher Mum uatrercttetrtd1'p-mtirt-mmtut,ptrtonatu 1httttttettrht_giisathrttu'-siereit-kiatttot. 1hmneirsotmrtertdittgt-raidhrttuett-atir1srramt Km,whflethocom’linwiddbymdm,uwellu Ngutt . alandpeovimial grmearmntsth'rtaUr . toetht.nde.yert "ulirt1tB0torernuriaintrt-tingemta,butadditonal fimditt-ttotprovitud. "i".--'--'-:"':"',"",""?""""""""""-""-" found-hm,mthnn3,000mmm’tgenho mammal. K 1tt.ttt.Ste1a1l1ee.i1rfyetiiehiih-tetscoetumsst, Membedwmmwmmkitwfll ummmmmummumm "eAyMettq"iiomrtimtai â€Elï¬n.hco:dl’lme&§mflfluhlmï¬m Cantu tow Gillan. ' to Wu “My. Wm,ï¬.0m‘mwd8.000nlhmmhomded 1titP,tthr"eeistetynreeriuGGGGa; mm. wwmmmng,uwenuhfmï¬mon 4Ateek closure of planning council "ht“x'wfflWWï¬ut-Qnmh BUY 1 PHIR OF GLGSSES END RECEIVE fll PHIR or CONTHCI‘ LENSES EYE EXAM local Architectural Conservation Advi- sory Committee chairwoman Sue Mansell says the house is also special because of its massive logs and the two famous families who lived in it over the years. the Snyder and the Gingrich families. The tthtttghtt Witch log house ttet mm Sttitlm Road In tttthh-t Mercedes plane to move the house, at its WM '8 =tll'glt,'t'd m own expense, to its Countryside develop the city by the Comomtion M mm just north of the Waterloo-Woolwich St. Jaettti. " St border for use as a tourist attraction meIa 'tst-root-tart-dt-ret-e FREE" damn-nun mum... afflmmmummmum W tleie.ettr,.ittetttjaiithiiiitiVGaiiiiG www.mmmmmm t1tytitittet-rtNtttne-uiiitiiiiiiaaiiGtTer= ditrtttgNtt1arur-rtrrtttiin. timethe hounhubeen neglected, and the Countryside includes the St Jacobs logs have begun to mt. Farmer's Market and the Waterloo Stock, The two-storey. 40-br44-foot house is yards and some surrounding land between believed to be one of the largest log houses Weber and King Streets in Woolwich ever built in southern Ontario, says city Township. The company IS currently plan. planner Scott Amos, and it is one of the ning the construction of several factory oldest surviving structures in Waterloo. outlet stores on the site set to open next Local Architectural Conservation Advi- year. PREMISES '"%"i"rll' 1333'" Mercedes president Ross Shane said Mercedes has acquired antique farm eqmp ment such as thrashing machines and tractors, with the intention of Incorporate ing them into an attraction with a farm history theme. He said the attraction would make use of the Snyder-Gingrich house, and might also include a farm animalexhibit. - . __ FREE PARKING - I". w - m, they in buy putting the fun] touches on their campugn plans and getting their volunteers in place," D'Andrea says. "When those results start to come m. we will have a better Idea of how this year’s campaign is shapmg up 't tiruuti-reeuosiitgGrun digiththWq‘Wmaq- The adieu] earnpsigrt kick-d! and silent auction held Septem ber 15 raised $10,747, the annual Uniud Way golf tournament held Squash: 17 raised 820.000. and the University of Waterloo! Raytheon Canada Sports Card lbw raised $7,168, Upcoming United Way fund. raising "can include a “Wu-k. lbw and Demoetatmtimt" by " tar M Snyder, September 29 than , to 9 pan, " Conestoga College's Donn Campus. Tickets ane $5 and are available at the ReginaStreet gallery Because two thirds of United Way‘s donations come from work- place amp-ins. m 1 whieh an M ttethtt d the wound. y'AM-ais'-rr-i My)!» amp-in: is doing. There's will a long road ahead, but one week into its fund-raising campaign, the United Way d Kitchener-Waterloo and Area is $326,109 closer to this year's goal of $3.5 million. tbeeial events held to kick df the umpeign have helped in getting the fund-inning drive edt to a good Mart, aye volumes start for United Way trwtACtt9eitrisTS (CummpageSl