Condor Athletes of the Week Rhonda Mchcol of the Wom. en ii Softball Condors and Steve Roth of Men's Soccer Condors were named Athletes of the Week for the week ending September 20 Roth, who enrolled in the Con- strucuon Engmeering Program, defended well in a losing cause for the soccer Condors. Mchcol. who 15 enrolled m the Law and Secunty Adminstration Program at the College's Deon Campus, pitched two very strong games and added a double and three smgles in two league games on the weekend. 1tattrttsalte--Fitetutt Dan was a key component in the Hawks 32-24 Vlctory over the Western Mustangs. T'oeello had two mtereeptiona for 83 yards and the Hawks first touchdown, This Sepanta, a second-year Ae. counting student, Ctniahed 34th out of a Cield of 112 competitors. She was the 13th Canadian to IS The University of Waterloo and Mchm's landing announce Se parta Dorri as their selection for Female Athlete of the Week. Sepanta is being honoured for her performance in the Western Invi. tatumal, a M-team International meet attended by several Divi- swn 1 American Schools. (Coma MWat- a may...) l H ,V__._._.._. "WW" Asa Alour that Nanouwme Guam (l-UIMIO "'e1'het"ete1tteot't-- PAGE 32 - WATERLOO me. my. Dan's second yank"; EWH;;: Officials and WCSSAA make amends Last season. the WCSSAA football executive overturned a decision made by an oftieial in the championship senior hays football game between Bluevale Collegiate Knights and the Cult Collegiate Ghosts The animals were furious that the board need vidio tapes to make their decision, instead of the word of the omeial. “We've met with the WCSSAA executive during the past nine months, and everything appears to be kosher," and Jim Hodge of the When the whistle blows to open the high school football season ulna-row night, the Central Ontario Football Officials will have put their bitter feud with the Waterloo County high school footull executive behind them. Pete Cndhu Chronicle Stair Mmdludh‘ _ 7 WW 083ttt0t1-uT.eattr06ptt ' Copyrigtttouoi-trsta " “You re Not Gonna Pay A Lot.'" 746-1 070 355 Weber St., North WI." Athletes of the Week WI Athletes of the Week and this Kitchener native is admirably filling the shoes of Greg Knox at the rover position. Imm- The University of Waterloo and McGinnis Landing announce Tom Chem" as their selection for Male Athlete of the Week. Tom, a Mlryear Kinesiology graduate completing a minor in Management Studies, rushed for to. tlttaeti- Ianiot WI The Cross Country team next competes in the queen's Open this Saturday, September 26. We take great pride and accept the responsibility of being Waterloo'ts newspaper - in all departments from editorial to advertising to circulation and flyer delivery. We're about Waterloo, and for Waterloo. For 136 years, and counting. ermtrthefiniahlinein the5000M event. Teresa med once and was a Chiririick 888-7761 An Am" lull-n Elk-n we)" NY†56 King St. N. Waterloo as Fttitr8emttttrtemetettae. “(ileum-06mm“ magnum tht"-uatlortrito-tt, Muffler Sale 2iii,,j,jiiii, relationship, but we've gone to but lengths to mend it." y The core represents 40 email. in the ma including Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge and Guelph. WCSSAA executive will not overturn an on- field decisian made by an oftieial. "We've settled our com with them to our satisfaction." Hodge, a 10-year member with Coro, admitted that after last you": dispute, that wtttg.rryrrmtyto_puuiutorottiiiatiuait WCSSAA gums. He added that both idea took a "good, hard look at the simmiou" and came up with the agreement I TheotBeiahsandwagtAA Ten subscribers will win a $50.00 dinner voucher to Casa Nina. Buy a $2.00 subscription from your Waterloo Chronicle Carrier and become eligible for the draw to be made October 19, 1992. SEPTEMBER COLLECTION key player in the Hawks win over Waterloo on Sunday. This sec- ond-year midfielder from thha. wa is a key component to the Hawks’ success this year and will belookedontoearrymuehotthe load for the remainder of the scheduled for im in... use: gram Stadium. The Warriors will host the University of Western Ontario Mustangs this Saturday, Septem- ber .26.. The opgning kick-off is 134 yards over 21 carries, an the Warriors defeated York 26-11 on Saturday. Tom's performance, which im eluded a touchdown, brings him 109 yards away from being the O.U.A.A. All-time Leading Rusher, a record befitting this former AlMhutadian and OUAA GOING arid GOING GOING? On May 1, 1992 we set out to prove our, dependability by running our Maytag Washer continuously 24 hours a day. It has already mn an equivalent of over 18 years of normal home use. Stop in to enter our contest and wine Maytag Washer. _ 888-7204 m1ltisittpit, MAYTAG Mom-Thurs. 9AV, Fri. 9-9; Sat. until 5 pm. -----, HOME APPLIANCE CENTRE 30 COLUMBIA ST. E., WATERLOO c%ta g-liltrua? How Long Will ft Keep ... Check out our Factory “:in Direct Sale on all Maytag: BATE'S I fl; IEE and