.orevenhil mt with the card, people ' for Christ.' h, thayjmt dud buy it rhen jewelry Pr, an: of lutious with from their ofthefour It he every. 'e market in thefoars [E [’tgethel'e setup» the vault titi,000 appropri- at 748. ', it's -eriroia'oiraii ,1 __-NP- at.-- ....- """""' heforeedtocloeeitdoonwhentheplantahute down later thia year. l The outlet Me. adjacent to the Laban Brewery onKingStreetmayheforcedcloeedduetoLiquor Control Board dOntario regulation, which state thatinordertoaelltheproducte,brewersmuat also produce hem the same location. With the plant dosing on November 16, the brewery operations will have abut dawn. “Obviously. if the brewery closes down permanently and unless the regulation changes or we find some other means or ways of keeping some minor produetion hem, then, yee, we will be forced to clone," Brewery Manager Tom Schmidt said. The clean would affeet two permanent and six part-time employeee. uhtP.i.tsrtirlr-riyrtorawartokest tuoututi8bueAandseGnidtssarihiliiGi, arepropoeelaonthetehletokeepitopen. Since the introduction of Sunday shopping in the province. the Lahutt store has found that Sunday A: well. from Se t. 26 to Oct. 4, we will have an information booth inside meg-Kiwi" Mall at the Sun entrance. We Are celebrating tttths Week te, Fire Fanatic: Come view cult-tin displa y nndtrync Inoculwinnin I ornetire 's'il4'l'i'llU,' compliments of Sean Canada and tll','.".") Pete Cudhoa Cbmnicla Btatt lyinluu BRING nus AD ALONG FOR Am FIRE SAFE GROWTH CHART on FUZZY COMPANION. Bring the was (and the My.) Waterloo', Pet,', WP“! Met We may um behind the who! Meme 1952 as». Fire Truck: tit'd 1atttittt retail outlet (weather pom.) Sal. Sept. 26, 9130-6300 Ind Sunday, Sept. " 12-5800 "h'omtoesear.Ipahrvtew maybe ftirdkiir"ij'kse mm Fire Safety Balloons ItStarls atttimiii WATERLOO OFFICE M92 KITCHENER OFFICE 742-5800 g)ifiil.,i'tiiiii: (fiil.",i'tiii/t,iiiilj PETER BENNINGER REALTY . . d - -ee _""- nun-damn... "weie been looking at all the options and we want to know what we have to do to keep it "If! not clearly defined in the regulations," Taylor said. F Speculum on the future of the Waterloo store, Tnylor Ilid keeping some part of the brewery operation going would be one way of keeping the has been the busiest day ofthe week. Sunday line 1yrhamyrometttraditutatthegtiari' Sundays. The Brewers Retail [Incorporated and MBO have applications to the province for permission to open on Sunday " well. bully, only Lebetts and The Brick Brewing Company are allowed to open as an on-site brewery under the Willem Sunday shopping act. "if that comes true you won't see a half an hour wait Muse there will be more places to buy it, however there will still be enough business to rennin open," Schmidt. Nmrding to Troy Taylor, manager of public tttfairs for Labatta Ontario Breweries, with all the you-brew locations and micro breweries, the company would like to get a clear dermition from the LORD ofwhat a brewery is. V, ,_ -"'-t'_. w -........... WW mt Vâ€. H. m 'ilirn't/r!u1'riPidr'ijt Him-mum Iteapt1m"tt.intendteroiittitetriit. .by.riomttt-otthdiiitirGi'tit yy.aeowtrntntkttkiiiitjiiturTir": WostmotmtRtmrrcUs w. LatAertt- w. "outn. N- 'lWI'l'l 'l'au'lu','gtttnt h. lot-N WM My 'iikir'raifr' FiFGiGiiiiGiGi"i"i'a'il't' 'uTl'l'l2TWl'ld'Q '#lrott.oftt-ttumssrsottt.w 'v,t1ttn"ltg"i',,',,),tii,ieitiiii Whirl-mm . out In last 25 you. . : i':ii'ks7vll.flg1'o2Jl'irfh1%:," President ttf Who- am cl ['l.'l"l'l/',"a'e','.'il'2d2it,'J,io4 'r'ii'dii'iek"dll'lllhTo"al"8ltg' I..- Pt--.- n.... IS, - amt-£20m a, _ytrtttFpttrtaht,Pt-rotme Rsdt.N,ism-jftoirririiGGiiii; 'qRt**ttH1rt_o-rttmkiaui'ir ttyttEAcommrkrWiiiria Khehemsr-Wttterrtoo Record YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Appointment 'MIMIWme aha-mucus.“ Call 742-8325 SCOU'I'S CANADA Owen uaGiiiiiiik _..voéaehe1, "_--------..-'-.--. ' uishod carafe! emu-wh- â€Am-PAC†WATERut0tMM$t.E.teernAr"Er+rt ",tg'/2teagii,t,',tir,t,nsgg,rs'og,t,,'teege,t,t who have in a previous support group Mondays 10 a.m.-12 noon begins September 21 . "fet1frft-9y!rensrieeto1s.rAvecii programme for children ages 8 to 12 Maud-y: b5 .m. October 19 to Beccmbcr 7 Mari] Hollinger, the coordinator of PEOPLE NEEDING '14'lh'lf1 is also the facilitator of theseLgroups Marilyn may graduated from Wilfrid Laurier m'versiry with a Master' of Social Work/ Master of Theological Studies The Relentless Pursuit Of Perfection. Ends Here! LhlliaIlU)ili2j'RTETiiiTRl When the funeral is over, the healing process needs to begin. We believe our resrmsibihtz is more than iust the funeral. That's :‘hy we of er PEOP J, NEEDIEG 550$! - a Ingram su rt grou or peop w ve Gu'2% the 'u1%"sto,,'i,r,t1,re'u'g. L 1iis21iatt,yttteeeeri11 be meeting Waterloo Region Tax Watch Members db Non-Members Most Welcomed Cash Bar MITEH BINGEMAN PARK BALLROOM 171 King Street South, wi_sterjoo, Ontario NJ] H†EDWARD R. GOOD FUNERAL HOME LTD, nus Ian, me tollowmg 4 1','ll',C. which are available to the pub . . Thursday 7-6 gr; @3505" 1 . People in their middle years who have experienced the death of a partner Wednesdays 7-9 8m. September 23 to her 9 . Parents grieving a y_ou.ng ch_ild September 30192, 7:00 pan. Please phone 745-8445 for more mimmalvun 159.0%."an Drive, thhonor. Ontario 578-2052 FINE Al DEALER AUTHORIZED lg ! OMOBILE BEE“ any new? PORSCHE at mg QODV AND PAINT