Planning council Another "million in lost rev- enues and unforeseen expendtu tures will result this year from "some other inaccuracies" in the (Contmuod from pogo 3) In addition, lost provincial grants for students who were "double counted' in the original budget plans will cost the sepa- rate board another $700,000 in revenue, bringing the total cost of the mixup to more than $1.7- million. Ginsler ts projecting a funding shortfall of between $33,000 and 853.000. and next year's shortfall will likely be worse, he added. The Ontario government has announced It is withdrawing all funding of community information centres as of December 31. That means the Centre wtll lose another $44,000 next year Ginsler said he has no concrete ideas/as to how the Social Planning Council will compensate tor the funding shortfall, but said it will "look at venous ways of increasing Financial resources" MiXUp. 1?,htfd,'g, ' Thanks to all who pod run these games. was damn, team M at KCI m up tad running. Field Hockey is buy an. _ with By Jone Clarke Howdy! _.. Howdy? mr. AM! He got mel He trot mg The shove m In W from u cunous but hilarious gum. - proprinely called “Howdy". Howdy in only one of the my great pma we enjoyed today at KCI'I tuulous ttaider Hoe Down. This in ktm, 12th year ofthil spirit-building "and Thanks to PAGE 12 _ WATERLOO CW. NEWSOAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1992 A one'day seminar conducted by Geoff Fellows, "well-known columnist" and weekly Waterloo Chronicle contributor. Address Make cheque payabdo to and mail to: Human new"). Development tnstitme "tt "th3602 PD. Box 22077, Cavitation. Ontario MR BE: Name Signature Your self-investment SI 10 GST Accompanying spouse $50 includes GST (may be income tax tuductibU) Saturday, Sept. 26, I992 Wilfrid Laurier University 202 Regina Street (at Lodge) Room 137 (parking at rear of building) Enrol today. ttegistmtioet limited! Tel.: 658-8950 9am-4pm (WMWI) I'ALH A freeze has been placed on purchase orders pending a department-by-department review of spending, Mitchell- Pouching said, and oftieialt, are searching for expenses that can The school board yesterday announced a series of measures designed to cushion the fiscal blow of the new derteit projec- tions. hm. she an nu An away guns tomorrow against St. Mary's. Varsity Poot. bnll’a timt hum foray in this Friday at wa. thx-Country also Marta this Friday with an Invitational! Tournament " I‘ml Creek. Luz Thursday our Sr. Boyl’ Volleyball team started out the noon well hr making Blue. vnle3gunuto0.0uer-. Boys’ Soccer team atartml out the sea- son on a winning note by beating Freda: 2-1. f ld An you looking or a wi which will blow your manila: Name olSpouse YOU WILL LEARN: . The reality tg me Mind/Bum relationship . How to bloom the built-in, goal- onenled mechanism . What psythocyhtmtes is all . There IS nothing mystical at mom about using your intuition; make il m-lnendly . ThatsuszssiMiftisasatNetm ol Wile goat reamed . Achievement a my sod is due tat more to "lama! mime than natal ability . H044 to 1mm you 'eitimtt' it you: mm! one is {striding you "There's not much more we can do," Mitchell-Pouch-ig said. "All divisions are down to the bone." The board is also developing I restraint program involving "ceilings or cape" on expendi- tures to "address the shortfall this year and set finaneially responsible and achievable results over the next three years," Mitchell-Pouching said. Last spring, board (runes. approved $7trniliion in spend- intreu dying budget talks. he well, the board has appealed to the Ministry of Education for special permission to pay down its deficit over the next three years, instead of sim- ply incorporating it into next spring's budget as another World’s Nadia-775;. Fun by 'egg""""""""""""' Stay tuned for next week when we will but some words of vi; (long from Enviro Club Road. be deferred at least until 1993. trom" 8 p.m.-il pan." -iitiGiitT"ii with I Students' Card Ind " without. al ul A sped coup-at Mon: to tng KCI Rude}:e Dill Aland WW. out “Riven gov. Dill. has been aimed te,',', "tr, the 2"!"va Road ow Inca in; put on by Creative FIX. This um I:- Eivityjakeo 'lee toga-raw nMrt will: OM. Y YOU CAN STOP DRINKING AND DRIVING W. incuhtornotttrt-snant, acumen mm: p-trttithtdtottlitttited "tatttttrittttm_nd,aaxtttNtt" otttt-t"rotatttetttalty'otx-ntpemonorotapemon intapati4rnartatp'nghia/ttorafuirs,an0-t-tamr, "NNstriortruatmrintetttsmhrtd-t; T%ttiittt:htme,trt-tsttntmmtrrjntti.tto-ttnitt. iartd.6Atottartd-tttrmtiaNttirtartirtstr-rt tttep-tttttttretry-ttNo-arm-per-t 'tttttm-tar-tdo-str-d-tV 3, Tlt-rmrutirtgauettMt-tttmmtrtvttont-itt-owtg nu1ttomyiMtrt0/ttte6-ttt-etglttr-tetttortttomrtts.tttts t-retMt.t"troterteraauttasapartyttyitt-ryt-nt minnow. 2. Pte"ttndmFmtowtitttrttuitnedirtetoActttit t, memmmmm: (a) in.mrtart8ehtedtmrter,-ttemttrtqortty mg.tmrmtmnl"tiNrtWrtrtt-mrtt9tto-aettntit tttent-trotten-ttoi-ttttrm-xt-t it*tyttttyFret.6mtpegeatitanotetfrtatm (b) Ittitteatsoarttmrtoottourtomt-nmrt-, iNrtyt$arttttotef1rtttp-mothettotha. TteAPPRo-mttNtrtOtt.. TPefo1mcitrgTtt.Ret8tvtalhAmevagtrtgwettottxs, 8tttFToor,MttmhrtdCemrm20Ett, Stratum“. W-tttAh-s.-? NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPFIIATE LAND II THE MATTER OF an Won by tho THE REGIONAL MUNICIPAUTY oswmsnLoo. *'rereo_tmqtrret0tyndtteetq tPt-ttAN-area-nc-ttrr-tat-att-tk, tttot-Part-yt-ttit-SBR-moi-rg-tet' CNm.r'shtotmtlttttRigttte-toutettrut-ttrir.4ttrtmartit shown on Mm Plan mm 5mm d-tted In In um '1qhsttrt?f)ltaNrittRs9strrothemewatotsootuorthtNo.saHkk. IU.'"'""""""'"'-""'""""""'"""'"" MmCEt!tte?envanfEr"ttttamrleatiorttt-tnmtosreomt .opetxMat.tttetarttttt-Mtsottatr_. ' .".LA.'r?H9uha_ltittttttwtttlr_tp-ortmtsorto-,-ttt treNlnttttt?trotKiet-,lttitteruqiomt-tityotweimtit 'ltrtwttmotorioatttttmetgamqto-tMPariotutta-rt ti-trrettptyofertir,irtitter-t--he-to, P0tttNrtiron'9emrtyr'urtroNter6attmmr%ttieter-teti o-tef-tln-Mwst-ttsu-tstrut-tgi-ttarte: P0t!rtetr9htttPetsfrrNr9tseiteetlrtetoutmi-- MAOâ€. mA'ty.otrt8Vtaetrestr-trtt-tg-ttoes-rt tm*yemytttrret.tta"tgtiitoir,iootttartdr-tsty W In In. -.vqrtteeet a! the th8.cttem at In. 'tqtrrmtutetg, 'uetortty'tta".ttrtt'etNttt--ttoettyirtt_ l , 4., *2 "' a e aw. Tt BEM' T"su0mEmsrrMostetrtmrretm40ArorsE,PetteRtae. iii) (a) (b) aces-em witnesses. 0mm personally or by MW Wuagont.and myvooumnndlomeappvovmmmyMapmytolho "r9*ybep'tkntfiodamouttttttrhisMercostsoftteiriry n0"s.otc+200r00ttttdirteapptrtvetgau1ttorttyrrtayinits 1NcmtitmoMerth-rmMaeqtruittotttytopaywtMtxxm 'eherrttttrtlttTslryisr-tt,ltahallbotrtttuctttttttyatt inquiry ttttfeet appointed by the Attorney-tUmor, Ci)eittt-ypa.ttytotheettwlryItrttworetytts, PM". FR ME PETERSON GILLER THE/EIEGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF WATERLOO