o l2 g.0400 0023 70 20â€"EA MASLET InStru Milos Polak, to help with all aspects of the game â€" cla begin week of Sept. 22/92 â€" for more information & to register contact &i.los at 885â€"4475, If you have a complaint, day or night, call: 886â€"1550 ask for byâ€"law enforcement YouwillbendVisedtoeleataerlooRegionalPolieeifyourstafl‘ arenot_g? dutyandtheywil]rupondtoyouremumauquickly as possible. : P n__z____ The City of Waterloo has extended hours for byâ€"law enforcement as a part of Council‘s ongoing program of service to the public. Staff will respond, six days a week 8:30 a.m. until 11:30 p.m., to citizen concerns about nolise, barking and Int maintazanl BRIDGE LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS AND INTERMEDIATE PLAYERS â€" PAGE 42 â€" WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY: oiA rncadrictinchlee d 4 a 2233 NOTICEi.Nnb’mmnbeCmdldhCumï¬moflboCitydWlm mmwmnnby-hwwdouarwm' dlin.huhmhnl?mmnhd Herbert Street to 51 metres north Hcrbm&tmmdlov!orthommd'th Uptown Parking Structure. Acopyd'thoprmndby-hvmdphn i Qh'hndlflecudmybcnmuth City cx«s‘.omw-ummqmmofl.ï¬...ms«m Waterloo. At a meeting toboh.ldmstmb.rfl.lmnh‘â€p.mintheCouneflChmm x“"lw o will be pn:mwiu dmanyw l M:byt::und by: L.m;nd ho-) whe .!b at his lands wi judici y i â€"law who applied to Clerk‘s Office to be heard. \ DATEDATLMCitydW.hrbo.thilmdlydA“flï¬. 1992. f RON KEELING CITY CLERK e CITY OF WATERLOO The Cultural Development Committee invites all interested persons to attend a public meeting to discuss the _ â€" recommendations in the Cultural Master Plan as delivered to Waterloo City Council. Any person wishing further information or to obtain a copy of the recommendations is asked to contact the Department of Recreation and Culture at 747â€"8738. &# CULTURAL MASTER PLAN PUBLIC MEETING TUESDAY, SEPT. 15, 7:00 p.m. WING 404 RCAFA/ROTARY ADliT CENTRE 510 DUTTON DRIVE (off Weber St. near Albert St.) HUGHES LANE AT HERBERT STREET BYâ€"LAW ENFORCEMENT: We‘re Here to Serve You! a week 8:30 a.m. uï¬fuwli"é'o';m, to , parking and lot maintenance. The Operations staff thank you for your coâ€"operation and understanding. Any guestiona or concerns should be directed to Butch Voisin, Waterworks oâ€"Ordinator â€" 886â€"2319 ext. 239. _ the most. inpomvaniencas enah 22. _ _ _ _ _ 2L T TD UOAAIAY TESKS In somée temporary inconveniences such as poor water pressure or discoloured water. If discoloured water is detected, please open your cold water taps to clear the avatam: Phis sikcedi O o n n eing t n es " B This maintenance procedure is quite routine, however, i The City of Waterloo Water Section is performing scheduled maintenance of fire hydrants. Thisprognmiaduigmdtomm‘flutmhydrmtlwillbe MifneededbytheFireDepuhmntthioyear‘nrmgnmwiflinvolveln muintheCityofWatefloomdlhouldbeeompctedbytbecndof T. HYDRANT TESTING AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM OO OE on 01007 T OV WIPe uo viegt Lae . This situation is temporary and should last no longer than 2 hours at at COMMUNITY INFORMATION 886â€" 1550 tudy is being comnletedq fuj1. ; _ . )1 _ _ "Vironmental Assessment Act, this study is being completed following the procedures for the Class Environmental All‘;ument for Municipal Sewage and Water Projects. Any questions, comments or requests for further information be directed to the City or to the Consultant. nat City of Waterloo + ing Limited (iggrcas 1i Niegs swen hk Waterloo, Ontario K itshanes a Phone: 747â€"8748 In order to satisfy the requirements i this study is pein coe OeE mente of the Environmental Assessment Act, i th;ï¬-r;"-“ ..l.{.._.... ECC wrkul.',“‘l; we‘.;s.mdun Uity was ted at t n House meeting on 4, . A number of tynlto:-nal:i':nfm' the design of%: pumping station have been reviewed and the alternatives along with the pnferrurflgemï¬ve are belni presented. The Citg invites your participation to review and comment on the ings of the studv a pumping station as City was presented at CLASS mvmoum-rummir}rr;n;m PLANNING AND DEâ€" SIGN OF THE BEAVER CREEK SANITARY PUMPING STATION AND F'ORCDIA!NOVHSPFORSERV!CINGTHEWESPSIDIOFMCITY. DATE: Wednesday, September 23, 1992 ( _ CY OF WaATErLOO TRAFFIC BYâ€"LAW 83â€"19 The City appreciates your co nemquw.mmmway-uwmmmmm Cityltnehformbngrthnthm(a)eonncuï¬vohmwlouhdin the downtown core of ltorloohnvoeithcraoneortwohmxrwkim restriction, and are posted as such. F Si ising these restrictions is located al the main streets upon enwteï¬n.mW|ufloo. onk por The City of Waterloo Traffic and Help us plan future programs ... your input is needed. If you woulcr like to take part in the planni.n%“ & development join in. Next %eeï¬ng: me , Sept. 17 @ 7:15 p.m. Albou?tdb‘!yeCornIck Community Centre Meeting room (library entrance) ne Lity of Waterioo Traffic and Parki B»hwdounotdlowwemight mon City Streets. PART V -WAND STOPPING CTIONS states that "unless otherwise 'ttedint.hh!;y;hw.no nmnnh-natnnyï¬me,parkunhichonnnym:.ybumn hours of :30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m." LAKESHORE COMMUNITY RESOURCE COMMITTEE WE NEED youlll1 For more information call 888â€"6356 : Mr. Paul Eichinger, P. Eng. City of Waterloo Council Chambers 103’ Regina Street South Waterloo, Ontario CITY OF WATERLOO NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE _ PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE MEETING NO. 2 :30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (Dropâ€"In Format) :30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (formal Presentation) :30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (Questions and Answer Period) , it may result in some RON KEELING CITY CLERK tion in the compliance of these byâ€"laws. Phone: 579â€"4410 ' to Kick off the 1992 Municipal United Way | Campaign Tuesday, September 15, 1992 (corner of King and William Sts) _ JOIN THE FUN!! , f THE CHALLENGE \ IS ON! 'n:;†City of Waterloo The City of Kitchener to TUG OI:WAR ‘ : Mr. Mark Jackson, P. Eng.