CUE Ae91trert, DO BTU's. cook 12 polio. m a widow incidont, um trmuotrttsottohottrttrguriidu'd ratherr-dto0trthloumtathanone tsalburgurr. Iluntars.idthtotoerrdiltiqslthoenee m make it for burglar: go ttttter the home,theleutholihlihoodthahomewill behmkaninto. [ not to con-oi commotion 'tus don't numbing that'israiito attract-turn- titm,"thtttt_."thifrn1ooktttur tho-lithium-tanimal-ar tor-tr-htm"'!""' Burglary. m m mqimtid ' my. .5. n." irairc, I",2,11 h!tttiteriaGGi1"ii"i"ii'r a 1e1erotmMti, ttttth', duo and 'lght all a W11 muting to elm?! M “mem 1'd)','g','/tttdipo 'ihitteeid _ I _itltrttmosiiams. _ *‘ww.w.-* -ettre1reG.'iar'iC"iiri'i',Ti' 0- 1aiitiiG"iiii'i' 'i""iiii"l'lil"Ta siiiiiiiiik NEW _ my u 111-123: a no. kiwi 'irisi'TGGi"iiii"'7g' . !ttraitt,t3cirVs «a at was“: --s.-- Fr - ' r"Tr7-Tr=crrcarcpu.as7c_iiiriua.-sc fl/Ill 1iiliftijriit.','ii'i'rT4"ti2't"i'l -‘ulns‘luudl EtPr.elttmrrrNtetta,rme'inntt Mm.- '!-uPriiliiriisTiiiiiiair. helm-o. 'arlt1i1ytrtietGiiiiiGiiiii'ii';'iii' I" T . !itl9tiitrttryiiei)Uae"ii'itiiiriil ï¬rth-Imithmhmaemnum Elm-Mum .u"ettroiitG'i;6iiTiriiiairiaii"i 'ntt'.gPqttatioei, teg.ttyrrrylrd-i1itnAiiritriri; 1oquimketttoharr Net1.tMPPrrhustttwiiGriiiiTiirii; tlu,.., . " “hum _,,ti,t,,d,t,a,,,no,,iuta,!lri1ii. far a picnic! Whommoon uatrear,hrmttttetmrimtingtfJanuar, ttrth.mtdi,ttteptrtitmd-trmnt's Waterloo division (which include- all of sWat_rtd.noett-etitrstrtttita. daily, and perhaps park a w in your drhmmr.Bisaidttotto1-aoteott thedoormrnnoutgoingmmgoonyour Menuhin, which explains that royarxsomr_oettetioet. Km â€and: putting lights on I titneroraretingtou-sightsortum (Haircut lights on and dint different times ofthednywhen ,ou'teonv-tion. Also yrymrttrutrotteigthor pick up mail 1'11"","r""',"'o'NeP"Ti"T.PH"."" "at.“ not) exp-tinned 820, residuum} break. "That'ts m from laat yen. 'Tm mm to everybody." 8mm, "eir'18,tml.toii.r'!yrtrttitu.iiuitriGiiF; Pmtturi.tnt'tthieritiriareiiif,u out mm Irtrrt the Flynn won tiiti) is,iii,i com“ Ftht T -"dii" g g 24t,,te,1t,t, " E _..-_ 'm. m This year. during the some time period, Waterloo division has experienced 356 break-inn, on incense of36 over last year. 1991 break-in statistics were up only slightly from the previous year, with 826 in Waterloo Division in 1991 and in Commercial break-ins, while down from Itat your, graham) "at the high end", in 'Wnurloo division. Last year, from _hnygrtoMartuwere365atmtnemul Iiuntu,isaid.0isrear,atsottAtuetriot Mat,_thee, warp 272 commit] break-ins 'IT'?."-----,-...-..:.,,, 1etietetsvr,.ttrsyttueitiaaGG Tu Watch. an Macho ha been "tetndtratrnudaim. gmttqrautrenib ttoytdmutatsmutiniiaieTiiii"ii monk-co. "W!" “I waitistg," Connolly aid. 51". M delay, delay, W.†Com"! attaetded a meeting of the M" Imam committee on Mon. day 'ttae heirs told he would retain 'ittatetitmmuugtotiGiaiiiiii'ii yeifit.ttn.txrAtitiiiaiiiri, however, 1U.,ttoutuirkGaiiiiT'ariiiiGt' "nil-Ne. While. m1. at two ontario '.butil'you compare that with the 172 commercial Minn we had from January to May m 1990, I wouldn't say (this year's statistics! aren't good, But they are down from last rear," Hunter said. Hunter was not able to provide thus year’s statistics for armed robberies. but said that crime in notably on the Increase in this am. He said, though it's difficult to know for sure, escalating cigarette prices (cigarettes an prime target: for commemal break-ms and robbariea). an manning drug prob lam. and high unemployment rates may yeladay. save-amt minim»: are sun studying the Flynn 00:1me to determine tNther it Md be investigated by the police. Alan WOW the legal servxces director futile Edmuon Ministry, said Friday the “on on whether to teek a police inquiry will be madehy the Attorney-Gen. an“ Mhee. If the marine: "commends a police u we pounce mammals a police inquiry, it will be left to the Ontario PtorineinrpoNe to actually determine if I? In investigation is warranted was unavailable for comment bred-in And â€a.†gun 0:!!qu