low t in put "_CITY OF WATERLO TRAFFIC BYâ€"LAW 83â€"19 ° IF PFALALIL Ih PV #rh FAEF _ ALBERT McCORMICK COMMUNITY CENTRE The City of Waterloo Traffic and Parking Byâ€"Law does not allow overnight parking on City streets. PART V â€" PARKING AND STOPPING RESTRICTIONS state that "unless otherwise permitted in this byâ€"law, no person shall at any time, park a vehicle on any highway between the hours of . 2:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m." The City of Waterloo Traffic and Parking Byâ€"Law also restricts parking on all City streets for no longer than three (3) consecutive hours. Streets located in the downtown core of Waterloo have either a one or twoâ€"hour parking restriction, and are posted as such. Signage advertising these restrictions is located along the main streets upon entering the City of Waterloo. The City appreciates your coâ€"operation in the compliance of these byâ€"laws. RONALD C. KEELING > CITY CLERK 500 Parkside Drive, Waterloo, Ontario 885â€"1700 BERTIE‘S PLACE â€" Regular Season Closing Finale â€" Albert McCormick Community Centre Thurs. & Fri. Date: Thursday, May 14, 1992 Time: 9:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Pot Luck: Snacks and Drinks Music â€" Songs â€" Stories â€" Crafts Wear a Crazy Outfit â€" Speedway open â€" Bring your own rider â€" Lug your Mug and Sipper Cup. BERTIE‘S PLACE will be closed after May 14 for the Season â€" Will reopen in Highland Hills Mall, Kitchener, Fischerâ€"Hallman Rd. between Highland & Queen‘s Blvd. (formerly Super Centre Mall) 741â€"5035 Mon., Devitt St. at Bridgeport Rd. across from Zellers Plaza, Waterloo Mon.â€"Fri. 9â€"6 p.m. Sat. 9â€"5 p.m. For further information re: the City of Waterloo Back Yard . Composting Program, call 886â€"2310. f all taxes included Can be used as 1, 2, or 3â€"tier unit! 199 "GENERATIONS" , OP aâ€"LIer UnIC ati ol oo ce iheate yard composting. slight overhang en of the Wertglico &n Ontario Available to City of Waterloo residents only! Waterloo Waste Wizard userâ€"friendly, back yard composter container Can be purchased at AVAILABLE AGAIN THIS YEAR * available to residents of the City of Waterloo only, at a cost of $19.00 per kit (cash or cheque, all taxes included) â€" make cheque payable to the City of Waterloo Our thanks to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment for subsidizing this cost in an effort to promote the benefits of back Now you can simply recycle your food and yard waste into an excellent natural fertilizer and soil enhancer while reducing your curbside waste. * 16 cubic foot capacity â€" 28"x28"x36" deep ® locnl'ly manufactured using recycled * 3 stackable tiers for easy access and * easy to uge_m_ble â€" kit comes mostly now at 2 new locations COMMUNITY INFORMATION " WATERLOO MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION N NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Director of Fund Raising Director of Grievances and Appeals Parent Representatives, 1 from Rec League and 1 from Rep League Thursday, May 28, 1992 at 8:00 p.m. at the Albert McCormick Arena Viewing Room. Agenda: * Reports on League Activities * Election of Officers and Executive Members * Amendments to the constitutional byâ€"law Nominations for the election of Officers must be submitted in writing to the Chairman of the Nomination Committee, c/o Waterloo Community Services, Waterloo City Centre, by May 14, 1992. POSITIONS CURRENTLY IN THE 2ND YEAR OF TWOâ€"YEAR TERM President Treasurer Director of Parent Support We invite nominations of the following positions: Viceâ€"President Convenor of 1st Teams Convenor of 2nd Teams â€" nominees for these 3 positions must have been an active member 1 of 2 prior years Convenor of Recreational League (2) Appointed @aitions Director of Registration Ice Manager Director of Public Relations and Publicity Equipment Manager Director of Sponsorship O.M.H.A. Liaison The City of Waterloo Dog Byâ€"Law #91â€"101 relating to dogs, requires all dog owners to exercise their dog(s) on a leash to prevent running at large, and to clean up any excrement left by their dog(s) on private and public property Failure of an owner to prevent their dog(s) from running at large and/or failure to clean up after their dog(s) can result in a fine of $35.00 Byâ€"law No. 92â€"55 repeals Byâ€"law Nos. 90â€"86, 91â€"87, and 91â€"180 all being Interim Control Byâ€"laws restricting low density residential development in the Centralâ€"Fountain Neighbourhood as shown on the attached KEY MAP The Interim Control Byâ€"laws were put in place to limit such development while a study of the scale and density of residential development in the Innerâ€"City was being undertaken. The purpose of Byâ€"law No. 92â€"55 is to remove the restriction put in place by the Interim Control Byâ€"laws as the associated study has been completed. If you require further information or have any questions, please contact the City of Waterloo Planning Department at 747â€"8779. j Janice Mitchell, B.E.S. & Planning and Development 6 TAKE NOTICE that on May 4, 1992, the Council of the Corporation of the City of Waterloo adopted Byâ€"law No. 92â€"55, a Byâ€"law to repeal Interim Control Byâ€"law Nos. 90â€"86, 91â€"87 and 91â€"180, under Section 37 of the Planning Act. The Byâ€"law was adopted to repeal the Interim Control Byâ€"laws which were put in place to temporarily restrict residential development and redevelopment within the area shown as "SUBJECT LANDS" on the attached KEY MAP, while a study relating to the scale and density of low density residential uses was being carried out. 886â€" 1550 In 1991, the Humane Society picked up 27 dead or injured dogs Please protect your family pet and help keep our City clean. NOTICE OF THE PASSING CITY OF WATERLOO DOG BYâ€"LAW #91â€"101 OF A BYâ€"LAW UNDER SECTION 37 OF THE PLANNING ACT WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1992 â€" PAGE 55 EXPLANATORY NOTE Appointed @m’tions Ice Manager Equipment Manager O.M.H.A. Liaison Director of Coach and Player Development