so while holding 'thtre,tupairarr, 'non<lttrathietm. mawholeteun myouneedtbue if you upset to ithin the top two ntumwillhethe be school, led by n Carmichael can mm between through the relay Mn: and 11Grn mm on pm 42) erloo till 9 pan. pwith talent, but topaastUbaton ',. “they thine lsetopthrmatthe :itle :1: th-r' at aluminum†m.We’re very “mule to have like these who Ives to track and pmgrauttandthe M Ilchar, Hop anklng in " a the club ir abilities, Car. ', who have usamnmmumaus wnm'mg’mom Plhrrrrur8ulnuisrtte) LAM'ITDIMWS _ unnm‘svomsms MBhTtMr$ttuttrttmt unnnmms unnmmnens unnwmums ulWTtlttriEgettTthqut ulWtllmrEttrim0rsttgttt " 'i)i,: Jttt'sfra' 12IiEiiEiiiiiiCiTi5iirlT; mm 'ijCdiiiEECiEiiliiilitrl'Cri "iYa" (Plr, 1ieliFll'l?P3?l'l! 'lilllrtil-i? 60% "ff ttit REG. $15.99 an oar' REG. 3249 REG. no.9: REG. an M9. 610.00 am. am nu: Rea. ms. nu REG. use in: _ and" "in-“ii. I.“ t3H"ieishrtithtrr'i-tm,, mica-mm†' 14.00 ' 12.00 (cm 0033-76) 6.40 a l _ , . “mm WEHAVEHUGEHEDUCTIONS ON msco~n~u50 STYLES, COLOURS, " FACTORYSECONDS, UNFINISHED, ', IMPERFECTS& OVERRUNS ""AtuCEtrr.,Pattttt t . _ mm PARIS Window " my Palm pooling? Painting mid water-ttng comm? GEM; Mum or vinyl siding? .t.eeeiy,icriiiiiuor,a- '""t-dioutLriGCdi'- fleralWet68-iieot -rm"hmtq1-Tuu-ty “Milk.“ -N-aaima. u -At'"-o-r-ru-s.t Ira-mun -Nnm o-sq-liar.' “Tyne Neruth."tr-orrt-taros This nominar will mm anything hum staining and prmorvirtg dado. in puiniinu ratmtrNgt MI. " will leach you how in “awry and numb-i prottloms such " tttMate willow. the olrmsts of no“ rain and ropeuiod pooling ofplini: Mid: Ipplicuon are but suiusd for "in join how to rim and Inn aluminum and vinyl siding, Do you know who» to an a lmx Mimi band punt. how in mm pm"! imam! lumber nn doth. how In point stucco. Aluminum. brick, MW and old wood? All" purudpaung In this serum you will! MAY s, 1992 in room #03 at the CONBSTOGA COLLEGE WATERLOO CAMPUS at Tao pan. $35.00 per poison. Pmregistratiort appreciated 669-1234 (not long distance trom K-W) ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS WITHOUT THE PACKAGING Spring Water in Bulk Brim you on attttairtqm war LOCATION tor u“ †a a") n ttret-tet a. a micâ€; LOCATION 't1",,TJl,,t,',t'ttt' $2.33,.†mom-m: was un- 15$ Taq 6035 _ f""r'ux"'e1ttxEoer"esav., A“ " W-PME 41 PAINT and STAIN SEMINAR with Canada's foremost upon on palm. _ ttrgatte. Ind paint problnm solving Mr. Wally Dankwarilt We are mllEIt8'll'00lltElit EVERYTHING B_url? DRAW presents a the consumer education group tiEgniltaiilf RONMEN “bait!!! BAr.0ttt6:gtt LETUSFUT (â€THEIR bombed!