PAGE ao _ WATERLOO CttAtmttXE, WY. m a. "" (ill3t2!,ti itjllitj Cr--"""--'-"'-'"?,",.",".]')'-,:-,--),?.,-, T_r_i_:peat athletes Bluevsle collegiate’s Chris Marlene hurdled his way to two gold medals at e pep meet held in London on Saturday. McFarlsne's medals came in senior boys 4004mm and 110-111 hurdles. Rich Woroch also picked up gold in the senior boys that put while Neil Cave, although finishing second in the junior boys 400m, acquired s gold standard result in the event. Staph Watson picked up a second injunior boys high jump; Shannon VenKoughnett third in senior girls high jump; Brandon Mellow third in midget boys 400m, Tera Feeney fourth tn tyietgirishighJurrtptuidApiiiuoktitthinoiengirii 400m hurdles. The following athletes received silver and bronze standard results: (Silver) Steph Watson, high jump; Mark McVicar, senior 10G200m; Harper 400m hurdles; Tyaeey Heinbecker, junior girls 400m, 200m, Brandon Male, midget boys 400m, 200m; Like Lepperd. midget M0ihn: (bronze) Kelly MeTavish, junior girls 200m and 800m; Joelle Carmiehael, junior girls Ano... arm... I)-.. c:,,,, .1 . . . i_- A,, __ _ a -----" - 0"" 400m, 800m, Bev Simpson. midget girls 400m, 800m; Mark McVicar. senior boys 400m, Susan Hooper, junior girls 800m hurdles, 100m, 200m; Gareth Cunningham, junior boys 400m; Brad McGill. junior boys M00rn, Stave Mole, midget boys 200m; Nicole Werenko. midget girls lOOm; Jason Cave, midget boys 200m; Steph Mitchell, junior girls 100m; 1ranKoughnett, senior girls high jump; Sarah Thompson Junior girls 800m, 1.5mm; Julie ihGm, inns..- girritrtG,Wtiiii,"'u'r; Hunter junior girls, 100m, 200m. 400m. tgtUMQeg. which-EH; iiiGGiGriii McFarlane wins BCI double gold ' -ePflllll ' v " In-.. a. a Luz union the girls won WCSSAA by Mpointa while the boys narrowly edged Gait Collegi- atebyaslirnhalfpoint. "Will there he plums-e to n- peat(WC8MAeumpioetar?Yesr, Ithinkthenwillbe.Wewantto keepqrithirttuto-trisetsoois) bumm’uboenlhaufortha -tnine-,"Cahnieueusid oftheKnighu. In 1988 Bluevale finiahed fourth in the standings, but ao. cording to the BCI couch, that watsabuilding you which proved to be M. The following yettrtltetmttt-stontoeasstum 'itahreCW0tSAtraekandtuid title and the 'leMrrurtt has a. oelledeverlince. Priortolpendingthepmm you: at Galt collegiate, Cami. duel I" one of the founding members of the Blunle truck program and has new higheali. Pete Cudhel Chronicle Btatf ituutietmigttthtartintrtaeU, Bluevnle Knight track Ind fuld coach Doug Cunnichul bu his team rounding the bend headed for home senior girls prop-am this your has 'uttered a major blow with the Nation of ell-Ontario athletes Val Lingual and Jill Mellon. who over their five years It the school were involved with winning nine alMhttario medals. Last year the pair, along with Tracey Heinbecker, April Harper ind Julie Wrnm were members of the ell-Ontario bronze medal win- nine 4x10thn relay team. The team, which fimt began to take Knights, buck-whack winner: of the last two Waterloo County high school titles are also prepai- ing to defend its Central Western Ontario high school champion- ship from last you, but awarding to Carmichael, if the Knights wanttopauonthebatonof sum they may have to work a little harder this year if they "peetanoturrrrpeat. Bluevale aims for third WCSSAA title , County high school Within.“ bile the Waterloo nLJm‘ ,iia7 'ttlitter-tttht-tos-l-rand-tMoat, h-natthdBiu+ql1ogiautomaltitutttttelrtttpmthittgirt hlgtteehttegtrktandfhtd. thetmekiteenebrataemini988, won all-Ontario gold led by Staph humane, Lisa McCormick, Mal. lon And Lingud. The following you Mullen, Lingud, Brown and Julie Ruhr won all-Ontario Wt,deqiutheio-tehingard andMhllon,tutseniorgirue pun still has some con-intent pointgminnthletusuchu Shannon VanKoughmtt and ArilBatr,tmsalrrxrund Ith- Herper, the leader at the eenior girls team, is " emotive on the field " Ae is on the track and la Inn to gain valuabVpoinu in each event she enters. In the past, maintaining their competitive edge included a Mug midget wognm " well " high<alibrrt transfer students. The preeenee of trader studente is very notiooble on the senior boys whiten: with the addition of Sean McKillop, Neil Cave (a junior) and Chris McFulane, all former Waterloo Collegiate stu- dents, something Carmichael feels any whool is fortunate to have. The trio, who are members of track and fteld clubs, along with Mark McVicar and Pane: Nojntie comprise of the 4x100 and 41400 relay teams, which weeni- ing to Carmichael, has the ability to amuh existing high acheol Open Thum & Fri. till 9 pa 32 King St. S. Uptown Waterloo Yet, in looking at the club athletes and their abilities, Car. michael has nothing but praise for nonduh athletes such an McVicer and Harper, who have tttaintairtedahighd-dtrua excellence and conaietency throughout their tr-r' at Bluevale. A: well " maintaining an 'A' average while holding role models for nondttrathietm. "You can't hue a whole team on club athletes, you need thee core athletee if you expect to remaintain within the top two teams in the county. “We otrer the prognm and the athlete decidee how committed he. or she will become. We’re very fortunate at Bluevale to have many athletes like these who commit themselves to track and field over the years." Theeeniorboyeteamwillbethe mum at the school, led by McFarlane who Carmichael can see winning anywhere between 21m30pointethroughthereley teams and 400m: and 110m "Nat relay team in really strong and deep with talent, but tlteyetillumstossaastubaton tutddoitright.itturdie Mmhthtopthmuttho (Wanna)