TEE - CABRIOLET: EVER-POPULAR m m SIX-CYLINDER FORM Eager, velvety-smooth perfor- menee from a 2.5~litre six-cylin- der engine heightens the pure driving experience of this BMW Cabriolet. Pogiighta, twoatage he‘d seen and We active ehea enuml ate undid. Other future- that dietinguilh the - Cabriolet from the 318i inhale DIED decision - the monk 'aG, invented in your vehicle and your own safety. So, be tumy. Ihpttthtmgh-iasatation ttr', been recommended to you, a time to periomuy inspect t.htPyenitetauatig6rourur thatthe-ieestatrtuirartitui bofyeeorttinittirtgroumett.. ‘nge’a I ly riding on your tins-n plan-tom .lr'lls1fy1'lA22lh'112S1't Howie-Ia them-tn- tion been in busing-7 Anya; 1atidudm'thtuir-ieethk attPrthte.mgh,petmtpttskik" madden if "w"m_n tt'l1h,lld',",'a',',','h'lit,t, You're form-nydtho JitTturr. 1"2Qt,t.t trteylt+-irruriitit W ,itirGGiFirti"iai';iiiiiii7i; I'feg'tNit'1 tder if , 'iiiii'ih1i!ttiii, 1",'J,',nt you you 'ii,?iil'illiii1,'s,'ii7,'i1'is!lr,t illSie,i!i1's'iil “mm; ard GiiiiiiiriiNi'iiii; that tpl1drd,tW2t,tt t'l'l'S'fg'g1',','g,'2tt,1t ir,'it,1,tlhtigr'""i't'" mt! manpo- your -run -tt1teniiiaurhttwhrtaGk 'l1tr,f,pu-,,s. r "rr, lg d " " "ttut-auto-it-tie- "tqetttatrntte"tttterA1titttttMitmttitt" tam-tmt-att-tees-Ara-tte-a"" $2995 i-titll.'; ,,,.C,",,,7,_iiiiiiliiiik'r'i,,,e,, 'ttaEttttruttttattttrtLTSt-til AAAA- 3 nan-uh I (“Minnowâ€) , TRANSMISSIONS LTD. _ SPRING SERVIQI" MNteNAL qtitaouehasmWrt14x6.6g) Minthowhicml-mh design, tttrm-ated cabriolet Window-bk OnhoordCom- puter,andqtion_iiahiiitrd afounpoed aatoenatietmnamir During the 1991 modal you, tsmrtqrtitmpaeugasthrtultil6i Cahrioutm'11tt-ailahuwhieh di-is-wh-ttmaine; swab] Muhammad mice In!“ and: and a written guarantee to cover all Minimise. It'aitttportanttoe-therthat thochlrgowillincludepu-umd hing. The 1tt,rgctt - I Wt, .11 itttrrandoh,fftoermqruts "mailman" isdoing his â€.m’llboinfotmodofthialong before he begins thework. You'll alaohemadiammsottmrunex. tut0ttttmatettmtrttttf unex- ;l)'ki'l'4li'lle'L"2l'igU,fri inked what you Willi GUiiiiG ___ cum and my. particular at.9.'ttioettormritti!tiiihi-r. Well, your tttt Md willâ€! mm - when mm vehicle In: Windwhntnpdnm tgtggt',2',.t,',,1i"yar"hai I-fe-inet Trsh-right/ot-d yithymrtmraii4toaAaiiiiG Eli! Ywmhlpmudlnh'nby anâ€. list his? your “and“. ittgtmy _titettr.trrhieh.itt-r-t rTl1T'2',tl'dl'i,.,,,i- yo8dtthavet?gofirtoftndacarthat'soutorthiswosi.Youneedgo no further than your local Saturn dealer. You'll Md an exceptional car that comes loaded with standard features like demand rust-resistant polymer bodysidc panels and four-speaker AM/FM stereo. And down to earth prices, starting as low as 39.9953 7 . K I T c H E N E R " fiii"GihiUG'ilcu,Tei"l ‘ . choosing a mechanic A DIFFERENT KIND OF COMPANY. A DIFFERENT KIND OF CAR 'etr_tt-etr'ttdett-ntsoqdtettatos--temmt-miss9s9srtxioo-, Hay-uMVSF-v ""eGsr"sr,itt-rtreart0r-esartisatter-er-ettt-seenmiiAa,iirL/r, 450 BELMONT WEST, Kitchener Where on earth you can fhtd Saturn. ,wmnotitmudtLmtatsrtt 'tytieerrmtrhiek.tkfetrm. Minimum don’t [unit ettgtttgtg- in‘the Minsky; Wheathewwkilcompktad, rmd4mtrmrmhidorightu- tNhmtu$tttMM'tttu.tmt'tmtttAv,arrtio.,x-.raaEts 744-581 , 'htaiir, ifyou’ve been unified. tt1ltim. Better mill, tell a friend. may. interested" - 'V'iia'iéa} aa; LT,] e! upon anything that in? nV.huormtruihnieiueanmau