“at tAteitt.irttettti.ryirti9t1t"W8Asithtrtyut "I'VALUIIN ha0settt_'sUItintateNttttng3gtehtrm,trtg'hkit. oP%NamBmrmtn?ma.. 'ttttreturn-th-ttbrit-iq-tttina-tte men-mom bri11iantogin-htg,qtm1itrdtetatnrittmond-air Whatgmthtu-tsatamituntoemnttineth. driving pleasure. adBeimtt pee-{amuse a! We new lewd†fair-cylin- Fu-tbe1991modelyeer,BMWupdstedendimpmved tkrtttgittOrithtttes1dttixta1mtiahetit-sttinirthe tho826itMrrioutaetd,atth-titne,irttmhstsdtt topdown‘I'l‘bet'ejunwhsttbeBlsiCehrldetdoeqend ttor8i8ithhriouttttatdridvairBMWtnotmirtg ,itttittst-riFrt&r88M00,itauoemaidembl, for and" $84,000. Both Caheiokt models continue for ioeos.th"namiaithrmttoidrorattainisw-irBMw 1992 with further improvements; new options In avail. motoring. eble tor the 826i Cebriolet. Dilplecing 1.8 litre, the 318i Cebriolet’e engine feeturee Jt BMW Cebriolets ere compact. maneuvereble, .e.hynarpm dual.mrtsrheadeanuhaftt, hydraulic valve y automobiles with seating for four and identical liters, t.imr v.ahmts per cylinder, direct ignition and en styling. The 818i is powered by e tour<ylinder, the 826i by OMEN“ 9981†management will that renders most nah-gym mtgine;hMttfmtrsrstmotftheeatriet muhneencinemeintenenceunneeeuerthdevelopelM manuallyopmtedahriolempnnthoindum-y.mszsi hn"ett.a't1it"ttyot.hl.rtotnoetttante0nmtPt inveileblewithepoveredtopeswellumoreextensive 09m withthegtandardfiv-d manual transmis- stendsrd equipment. In e recent but ofGermeny'e Auto non, this little W1 tk an engine delivers clmic small. Motor and Sport meg-sine, author Kleus Westrup BMW driving pleasure, delivering lively, yet highly fuel. declared the BMW Cabriolet his favorite automobile: "A dBgient Wm. Tm show improved ratings, while classic that's still in production," he wrote. “whose charm getting ita drime involved in tt traditional BMW WI)" lies, "ttttttg on." things, in its long-prom: dtttoday Like its sixcylinder eteblemete, the 318i Cabriolet mentality." sports the deformable body-colored bumpers and Free sporty automobiles with mung for four and identical atrlittg.fttt818iirpmetlhtafour<riind1r, the 826i by ttaiur1imkrmtgine;htottt_onesoftheeatrimt 'ttttttttall-tad-att-inthe/gt-Nth' isavai1alsuwithap-dtoptt-11astttoe-tai" atanaedequi-t.htamrtrtstiartarofamttartr'sAtrto Motormtdth-ttttagaitm,atttttorrruttsWmtrttp declaredthnBMW Cabriolothishvoriw automobile: "A elude tltat'otillinpertduetioq"tei'whyetrhe Fresh-air motanhiii,Trnm style Page " ' Imam AND 1mtSAN,IE. A autumn coucsn...:xuuoin. , , It 1 B-k MOTORS llllllllrllllll- 485 King St. North eq . , 1ltlh1t', Ont. (li) Motors (519) 885-5090 I'll! 0mm“ DRIVING annual. IT'S HERE! J 3? WANRuRttMRtMtt-tt-.a-,t-..PaaE" ' 'a,, o BMW 318i cabriolet AM/nt lam radio/cassette player with a power amen Ill. Heated front seats are optional, as are air condition. inc, driver's-aide airbag and six speaker BMW sound system A six-disc CD player/changer is available for dealer insulhtion. Upholstery is cloth or leatherette. “nibble in a wide Ielection of colors with the top color. commuted to it and the body colors. Mather upholstery iaoptional. ".44, MM“. Poem headlighuthntupdmdthenylingand nighttime 1igtttyt1roftltoetBMto-r. Onecould "evercall t?t"9pahefokt'reeltgbndewivation-sita errlkyytmtttthe_tuiieeiniucu-ri, at>dshltra-.Iitthit,titosGhoreuarsimNieitvnrer 'tttte-ut-ight-set-tthi-ar. “It'nmeuy tqktoimmrtutmr,"reitort.dCarnndDetver,"ank ,rSnhtladtheteviusuitarasiice hard cover." Like in six-quads 'tablemate, the 318i Cabriolet coma undnd with ABS, alloy wheels (14 x 6Jin the clad: BMW radium: design), power/heated rumors, cant-:1 locking, heating for the windshield washer Jets and driver‘s door lock. multu4iuatable sports front seats. power windmt rent-window War and an anti-theft Dealer, Service Guide RING Page 17 (Comm-donate. 15)