SCREEN FIRST RUN . WM. 90 King St. w., KM SPECIAL SCREENINGS Eton Conwnity The!" present: Another Season's Promise, April 23 to April 25, Atml 30 through May 2 and May 7, 8 and 9 at a pm. in the Theatre on the Grand, Fergus. Tickets. $10, Cali (549) 8469412 for ticket Motivation. )tthl2dlrrttlt,l"igt,'.'lt,t Maw" . on to 'e Humanities Theatre on Saturday. April 26 at 8 pm. Tickets, $22.50 for adults, $19.50 for students and seniors Kw Little Theatre presents a psychological drama by Warmer May 6 through May 10 at 8 pm. in Victoria Park Pavilion. Tickets, $10 and $8 for students and semors. availabte from We- tedoo Showtime, 7476765. Can 8860660 for more Information. The Umversity of Watedoo Fine Arts Film Society presents the European Show senes at 7 pm in room 1219.Easl Campus Hall, Thursday, April 16: Nathalie Granger, (France, 1972.) En gush subtitles. Admission, $2.50 film socety members, $4 others. REPERTORY CINEMA The Prince. Chum. 6 Princess St., Waterbo. Wed. Apr. 15, Wizards at 7 p m. and Highway 61 319 pm.; Thurs. Apt, 16, Drowning By Numbers at 7 pm. and Hwy 16 at 9:30 pm; Fri. Apr. 17, H 61 at 7 p.m..Tru1y. Madly. Deeply at 9:20 pm. and Highway 61 at 1130 p.m.iStt.Apr. 18, Beautyand the; for new inttxinatioo. The Theatre and fitrg,ugtg,t1', of Neil Simon's The Good ag 23 In the Water Smut Tho-m. Evil Centre. Find out what's funny I sarWohoismrtytodrtmnforttto- sneeze that refuses to go my. and a tamer who masts on hetping his Modes cent son complete his educatnn with a somewhat sleazy teacher. All shows at 8 p m. Thumgay tll Saturday. Call 5710928 STAGE no: a _ WATEMu$06MRtmtaE, man. u. up: Fairway Theatres, 500 Fairway Rd, s., Kitchener, 748-9166. Fredeuck Malt ct-, 306 FM St Kitchener 5769670. King's College Square Cinema, 238 Ami? St W _ Kitchener, 741-0755 Waterloo Theatre, 24 King St N., Waterloo 8861410. and Dead Ringers at 11:20 pm; tun. a'i'he,2rgtaa2,le Beast anpm. andHeanso! arknmat9p.m.;Mon. Apr. 20, Deadly Currents at 6:80 p.m. and Hearts of Batman tttP.30 p.m.; Tues. Apr. 21,B6ofanAmhitetat7 um. and Hearts of Badman: a no pm; Wed. Apr. 22, Homo! Darkness at7p.rn.an6TNrCoolt,TNrTNtrt,Kts Wife and Her Lover at 9 pm. Bengal _7_p_.m.. Higmygy_§1 at 9 Mt. AUrD3O_RS Sunni om. author of Matting 'edA'lU'll', 2lf,i,'t Our meurédz'y l Sagan mum. ',87itithots qrrtlt+eatWtmte1hltx1ttBoouirtUptotvn Snail-ya '"tetA1tfet, 93â€â€ 9117.00 ,prtatr'9rirrritiWii' Vicki Biyr.y' _ Altis, a+ M 2 tLtfoti Fytryhftmal Art Him-Mm mama-man om St. s.. ititottkit ' .aaitief ifiGE . "t Wed. m Fri., 10 mm. in . Sat. 9 32324 pm. O E“!!! Fr I. em Solutions in Maryhill presents an mm of new“. mom and oils by Mary ktthhtter through April 26. We» , Tttetttf.d, an trhittte.P! GALLERIES MAY my Juli-“lulu. Ill 1't1Ci'i"r""n m watts graduating fourth- me Am 2Ut tho Univenity 'lMltu'g', cynfmusetttmugttuay3atttteK-WArt mm â€can“ V ,3 3-9: Cr, _ 'h-ttttttttttttr-te _ tir, _i,"t,llil','i'l,'iy'i'ij'i'iilt)',',iii,tr, 1'litr, the ' ' p. Gi Ili-tttttx Ttthet., a for at. to. lot kids, sum antrettiom, an available at theSttotrtirtterboxomtmr4rAmt6,thtruw Tm Centre, 85-4280. a any Tm- m outlet. my Tttelk-ttttta-tttttmr-M-roms 'alt, 'tCii17i'liit 10 we and 'un. Jn. tlif,1'll'ltrl'lll'h'l'.'l'.'mhTidlfllifll'J', mm . 4 . Jonathan 373%». &â€mm.. m a. 1ittthtiettrrt,ttee!ytto.rtgtttyn 'tttht ttttttit 'ddr,ii2i,i,iilirii,'j2e.: Iconoc- rlos. mm In â€tor-duh and“ " em mid-thong“! It ETC. THURSDAY Helix plays Lulu's tonight. Tickets. MO at the door, $6 in advance. Pop the Gator presents Soul Ctty M. Funk Inc. tMts over The Comm Tm In Wynn! tonight. SATURDAY 1lt:tSHttma*sl's got Swan County ')iiiiiirif “was Wiiit MINI", 5 Sept" mm, ilthr g') s., In, an exhibition of mid gum yaks by RA. Math. T't" MES