Songs haveoa' way ?ti'i.ii, of fir'ingirttrMelt lei',;-).';),':',)';), the days of old i'rii.ii.ii'iii Ididitdottueethingsr-q-dt-Htdar. Don'taskertewuttttur-.rixi-lrFtotttettrt, dothem,butwuttitirarmithink,i9it-tt-,tti, silent eonrtdent,tu-thrse.Yas. Almt-oritimlt. It to 'avatars', I itliaifi. tninuteagtf'things,w I hit tablebeGeiGttsed,trrtimrttrrt-irigttt"- had. “Sun. Aadyet,asIprovedaeainatouraneld-Attr#ryift 4brthicanadianroaatattitkitioadthtttiArtmt temembertynutrrm+0r-9arttttthti9hy A nottseweioeartrtutuUir_t,trtttitreittgthV along,whereverlgoinlife. . hemwewmsittinsthne.flu0lmd}hlflyhim‘ 50sand60srmkandrrsllg-0" «may 'eiat,ii'vtghtchg,h,,th'e,,gt'l.t2'"""a" _ Instantly. mymNonilndI â€at 2t1hltltt lab-Ia. Ygd.i""r'?'y'"'"'"" ' to . nottnimirtga f T 7 "Victoria 'lllkll2'lll11"lte'llrt'G,aGurr-t . "aartseyu-tustui-thii"tftdeih" ' Myfatttirgrir-d,arikVA, _ . "iieverrrGdtttrt,ittro-t-h-re"xrtr" sortgthatia30r-oidr' r Nonihadthem. _ 'Ghjustmstitthi-,DuBedhetutir.r.ond mg praet, tlteetant mix: up minim but" 8tte'sright,de-. T l ' . 1u,rearato-ssot-tt-ur-teifiari off-me. tum-11mm : “Hamlin: uvetotteartttetimthrrtrV Hogan" ere-between “mm“! 1b†Friaaiii,nr"rGGit-orit.mf1a-qteetitr, amine from I†on. you " not 1'tgifgrg,td the relevnnceouohn Dmtrie'ianmtrrltrythb loan-0.x "iiiriiiiGiGGarrmedtemourdiurbmrdond ways. ' iFeurtgitattuuoaturaturdtrt+ileWep,e" atGeHGiiGiiir,Giia,-tiiotbqtirytyitet'tyq! Wellington St. in London bola-v every now: as: agitrtat ire"iGTijUt"inaiiikettptttsiet"ttinm-eit at Waterloo Inn. aturtheathietieursqtmts Andlsangitin my mowmitbmfowhllnupanmp. l have others, that instantly tmettetismirtAthadiuoiehaed Harris's MacArthur Park, in com tk lb. that that I danced Wlth a woman for longer than 12 numb vim. getting sweaty hands. Saturday night, 1973. Km Haul. hound floor dance floor. _ Then. let's see, there us Bob WI Night Moms, at I time m my lee whenlonly wiatt1watrmakiatgitoms AmHhmtiathe Wind by Kansas. when that’s exactly what I was at the ' And I mustn't forget the Meatloaf 5‘th Bu Out ofabll album took up permanent residence on my tunable in IMO. My alarm would go off in the morning, N uni-ll alk to the turntable m the living room, cue up Leif. 'ill'dE into ttte shower, and emerge, ready to to tackle the dan Indthe last four verses of the title truck. "And don't forgetthat FWD] ThemahhoardLightison that album too," said Beth. "I - 9mg word tothat one too, guess where I (vas when I rust heard it?" "Ah, let's see. at a weekend church m.†l asked, none. realizing that she wasn’t with ma. that it was obviously I memorable moment for her, and that no. I didn't exactly desire to Fress for details. . . h, . . "15121615 -iiiiirng though, that while I can't remember the tasttwotuiestoltt-rrred viektorehltre,alHmedtohmr aAafewbarsaatamiliar-,artditrtamdintatrthslries '3utieuessisttman'tttetraitifaHtN wouldn‘t“ now 'titiGiUriGtakethirtor_tots-de qerite my column. Wat-doom, .o-I- mama - _--------- 'B--""""-'"'-'-'-'"' .... $t,t COMMUNICATIONS. As-ttvent-ttttthe-ttl Woman C “WNW†COMPUTERS HEALTH AND LIFESTYLE 'aiiiii, - W2â€: work-mp titmittmpmterl 1mm Mugs-Begum Mug-Mutual mm ttriitit'a' FOR YOUNG mom: Mov-ttamine-tdems-Han-ty oeativecardMutrttr.irrrs.oidrrus REGISTER NOW! pounsgs START APRIL jam _ YOU MUST 'tEtttitrth..EL9rtt1e1tttt:!ydie,t, i ttttr.: cw iN-tPt-rr-- lawman! ', _' EVN MhMaMW) A [ REGISTRATION GIVENNAME: 'a) mums-mam HOUSE AND HOME Ti ', _ tror/ttttitrm--tuB_i,Brr' T mm; _ WWI-lame , 't-uifrrt-tr"trr*wrte*itorr ' W995??? Pundit-m . l ",. '. mu-mww Quinn's _ 2 mum-awaken- gewWhatt . 'F virtoeianPiiiowr.woe%ttop _ CHfLDREN’S WORKSHOPS Bending: Native Cm!!! L 0"de Dakota-10‘ 'ltPiua6ti,'tittiiriifi ERIE: mg. tEt) hiii2'i'ia Mlt,tik"ta,?, C)