Susan Sanderson, Chairperson ol the Board The public are invited to attend any or all of these sessions. Please call 57th0300, extension 4336, to confirm the time for each meeting. "I'd been to Europe in the early 7h and saw how people there use rivers. In Europe, they"re part of the landscape and part of the cityscape. But over in Canada, they seem to be the back door and the dumping grounds. We're try. ing to reverse that trend and appreciate the natural resources built-up areas around here, give public access so people could appreciate the Grand River - we knew the Grand River had great potential," Schneider says. The Waterloo County Board of Education will be holding discussions regarding the 1992 proposed operating budget. The tentative meeting schedule is: Thursday, March 26 Tuesday, March 3t Thursday, April 2 Tuesday, April 7 Thursday, Aprll 9 (possible budget approval) Friday, April to (it necessary, possible budget approval) Tuesday, Aprll " (it necessary, possible budget approval) l Happy trails VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Use ittfluence to help one who can GEMINI (May 21dune Mr. If you are not ready for commit- ment, stay at home. Romance will become serious. Take time to think things out carefully. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Though money may be tight, treat yourself to a night out. Enjoy the company of others; it will revitalize you. LEO (July 23-Aug. = A mys- tery develops. Don't be over. anxious to uncover the plot. You may be in for more than you bargained. TAURUS (Apr. 20-May My, Join forces with those who are able to get things done. Your perspective "on life will change and you with it. Your Week Ahead Horoscope Forecast Period.. More]: 29 -- April 4, 1992 ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19): Your, need to investigate may get you into trouble. Have a good alibi ready if you are caught. Don't take risks. NEW WA TERLOO LOCA TION Cargo: ' grldggpon ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS WITHOUT THE PACKAGING 725-2966 Working, Learning, Growing - Together The Waterloo County Board ot Education Bring your own containers (or use one of ours) ryenerations Those interested in becoming a member of the Grand Valley Trail Association may contact Lois at 745-5252. The GVTA is inviting the pull ic to participate in a "Clean-up Day", Saturday, April 11. Those interested will need sturdy shoes, work gloves and a garbage bag. Call local trail section leaders Isobel (746-7809) or Herb (894- 6337) before April 5 for further information. SAGI'ITARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. -21y. The time to rmalize an im- portant business deal is at hand. Don't put it off any longer; your good luck may turn bad. CAPRICORN (Dee, 22-Jan. 19): Older person makes demands that you feel are out of line. BE respectful. but stick to your guns. Your judgment is best. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. w, Take up new interest outside of home and career. It will give you what you have been looking for. PISCES (Feb. 19.Mar. ap. Your role has become that of teacher and demands patience. It will not last forever, so don't be testy, we: have around us." SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. Sly. Weather out the storm that is brewing around you, Better days are ahead. Don't let it get you down. tivity reach-é; G 311133 EEK: Be willing to get involved with resources who can showcase it. benefit from it, Your time is your biggest asset and you can afford to be generous. yl.8thqpt, 284hlt. 22r. em. KITCHENER LOCA TION Highland Hills Mall 741 -5035 Ray Ward, Director of Education (Continued lrom page a) _ neg. ova/length , 48 length . Ivory 2Sttt Mum FREE! . Discount: tttr Sonic: Guam, swam. and Panama . Gunpubdud ammo... . Var-Round Sonic. . Fas) PMâ€. Ind Accurat- Pluu gall for." Mtthnttmee Also at lbovt out PW A, Boo-Ing m Mr. 'ttttttrl K-Ws Best Tax Service " we G"-." (r 992395;?“ “Manhunt. mononucm: e I 'irlvhilr-r-arrtir-, FAIRWAY L,tJtgtBEiljric" ,, 7" 'i'iiiTiiiilagtm 1/2" It 3-1/4: Oak Flqoring tlift, 1 x 4 Spruce Dressed Four Sides 746-8688 Ia" x 12' may 2" x 4" x 8 Spruce Tongue & Groove Stain Grade Reg. 29.99/bundle 10.?! Coo-str-ik-Tease 664-2226 St. Jacobs 664-3400 Q [E H V“ ft W PriGiriiaint 2'x6'DeckGrade ' 4LrtreCan Cedar Reg 23 99/can f-"--'---, TOLL-FREE: "Oth26b4636 Platinum “is? nu a m "a.†664-2226 664-3400 SIFTO "Crystal Plus" [Water Softener [ Salt "PLUS" Mail In Coupon & Receive A $1.00 REBATE 'ssF'i1ii'ir'mi'c, Pressure-Treated Regina Street at Columbia Street Waterloo (Next to McDonakrs) 886-7001 Compare our Bulk Prices HOURS: Mon-Wed 7 30-6 " ft) Lve,ENuLoi2tryittxpEpsatrAv 7%? Reg, 9,49/bag PUMPKIN s" 100 oz. ---, ' 19 oz. mun- oocxuu. i0o oz. APPLE SAUCE 100 oz. 28 oz. i: Mon-Wed 7 30-6; Thurs and Fri 7 30-9: Sat 7 30-6 Baking Supplies Nuts Spices Visit our New Hamburg Store! 2x6' Nut & Baking Supply Free Delivery in Waterloo Region SALE ENDS Saturday April 4/92 1/2" x 4' x 8' Drywall Visit Our Custom Mill Shop CASH G CARRY 3 Arr 1' kg m04251002-PAOE9 unm- n,"