"lllA00l'L""'", no you imam of "it0ntttttttttHtttt gambling mines in Ontario? Over Ftity Store. and Services. WBS’IMOUNT ROAD NORI‘H AT ERB STREET, WATERIDO Monday-Wednesday, Saturday 9:30 mm. to 6:00 pan.', Thursday and Friday 9:30 tun. to 9:00 pm. "Sure. It generates a lot of revenue from what I hear." “No. I iGTt suppTai-t gam- bling, The government should get their money from more humanitarian sources." Chad Dembaki Waterloo n. $ueut Jam a�! a J?iFseoe/ Dan Goldie Waterloo "No. Simply because with the cannon: the way it is, it prays on fofh who can least afford it." "yas, actually I do. It'll help get more money for the gov- ernment instead of the tax- pag'm aways picking up the ta J' Jeffrey Bilger __ Waterloo Don Weicker Waterloo i: 'if MINIATURES WEDNESDAY SATURDAY Three Waterloo eollegiate institute students will be headmg In California next month to participate in a North American marketing mamm- - -"ee _m__, ,.V....._. “Mr“...w. "W in February by the Marketing and Entrepreneurship Clubs of Candi Fleet and Glamor plated first and fourth respectively In the category of wholesale and retail food marketing While Maclntyre placed first in his category of hospitality and tourism and McLeod achieved a second-place finish in the fashion and desum category The WCI students, Andie Glazer, Jason Maclmyre and Llsa McLeod, andjoined by Peter Fleet from Southwood secondary school will he attending the national Career Development Conference of the Distributive Education Clubs of America, held April 29 to May 2 m Att,thei.rry There they will demonstrate then markenng slulls m a competition against some 8,000 high school students from the United States, Canada an.d the Virgin Islands. WCl marketing students to, compete In California The students making up tii, Weigh; county team were the top four r1rtaligta in their categories at the Ontario povincial compeuuon held _'- I‘_L__._‘ I Al .. I .4 . - The WLU students won outstanding delegation awards on four, and an honorable mention on the Mh, of the model league's five committees. Universities from across the United States and CAnada played the part of the league’s 21 tnembereountnes on as political. economic, social, cultural and Palestine committees The Laurier team included: Sandra Bender, Brian Fay, Dominic Gingrss, Greg Lobe. Julie Lufer, Krista Mair, James MacDonald. Kerri Mecartuy, Mare Tomlinson and Connie Kmpers Lev Gomck. a professor of political science, was the team's faculty adwser Laurier represented the United Arab Emirates at the mtemauonal event sponsored by American University, the Arab league office m Wehiy.tty.t, DC, and the Natioqal Council on U.S»Arab Relations A team of10 militias] science students from Wilfnd Laumer University won recognition as the outstanding delegation at the giant!) annual national Model league of Arab States m Washington DI) WLU team outstandl deleg 'I Washington poll-32f event WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY: _MARC" 25 on was our 'it% FREE DELIVERY WWW) ttttttot-r-ttut 1992 . PAGE 7