"Doing a brief check, we could lose anywhere from 15-16 play. ers." said Brill. "But that’s stan. dard for our club, we're in this for the kids and to see them develop and move along. When that hep pebns, it means we're doing our Jo /' Kevin tkguin, Rob Schweyer. Joel Ptsiriér, Stet Mature and 15-year-old netminder Mike Wat. son. A native of North Bay, Watson would be under-age for the draft and would therefore have to be chosen in the ftrgt three rounds. As usual, Siskins will lose a majority of their players next season A handful will be attend. ing university, and likel four or fwe will go in the 'IB, draft. Qandidatea for selection include "lt was a good lesson for every. one, and a real valuable one for the kids. We had Iota of kids out there who have never been in a real intense series like that be. fore, they've come up through the ranks without being exposed to that pressure. Now, maybe they'll take that knowledge with them next year." 7 “I guess the bottom line is Stratford outplayed us those last two games," said Brill looking back on his club’s ouster. "We just never really came together as a team. Brill particularly saw the Strat- ford series as a lesson learned, from the top of the organization right down to the players on the Ice. iSiskins loss was a lesson learned: Brill It is neither a familiar position to be in, not one they are comfort- able with. that the Waterloo Siskins find themselves on the outside looking in at this point in the hockey season. Having been put out of the Midwestern Ontario Junior B playoffs 10 days by the Strat- ford Cullitons, 'liSi'l'i find them. selves with lots of time to polish up their golf clubs. But for club GM Pete Brill, who in his 12 years with the club has guided them to four Ontario championships and three other Midwestern titles, that's small consolation. Robyn is in grade 10 at Bluevale Collegiate Institute where her favourite subjects are art, history and family studies. She belongs to the graphic arts and music clubs and enjoys reading, swlmmlng. skiing and playing basketball. Her travels have taken her to Florida, Vancouver and South Carolina. She would like to teach small children in the future. For all her hard work as a Waterloo Chronicle carrier, Robyn will receive a gilt tmtiticatt, from Pizza Pizza. Dutside looking in Fifteen-year-old Robyn Breitmaier is this week's Waterloo Chronicle “carrier of the week." She delivers in the Margaret Ava/Murdock Ave. area. CARRIER OI? THE WEEK Robyn Breitmaier WWO’I'B making good things happen. Funds from lottery games are helping Ontarians enjoy sports. Every time you play your favourite lottery, you're helping to provide financial support for sports and recreation activities. It's just one way lottery profits are used all across the province Here are some of the projects in your area that have received lottery funding: Mlmm Wm modulo PM!“ I L i _ | JI l A l br. . I e In .t ,." may. as ', I', Y,' T _ " ' r" "'T. w" " rl , ' g aiiilixt Ati,. tit?, A , .I Mi Wm: . ., /iiiu)is (fi? lr/ . . T '. l' ES we; Bil FE EM c, ' 'i/ , MI " k' . _ .. "'gtij, " NI . - I] . ". ri] - ._' . . ' , n. 7 " " ' 7 - ' . " & i. , tt f Ft $iglll7itlllr. jrffp4, ’- « r' ilt ‘ .syk" 'hiiF" titatt Ib'it = , t "s _/r.- _ - , have to do with these? What do these, Name .............. .............. A! Address.............................. PostalCode ................. Phone# lam interested in carrying papers on ..... Earn extra money delivering the Waterloo Ch ronicle after school on WEDNESDAYS. Paper carriers are needed in the following areas ... MACDOUGALL ROAD JOHN ST EAST TAMARACK DR.’SORREL RLACE SPRUCE STJFIR ST. 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