m a null: wnen we re all watching our loonies so carefully, it's surprising to find out that the most popular denomination of our currency is the $1,000 bill. Demand for the bills has increased 63 per cent over the past seven years. This compares to a 20-per-cent increase for other denominations. There are two theories behind the high demand. The rmrt is criminal activity - drug deals and money laundering. But the seconddtheory suggests an underground economy is fueling the eman . In an effort to avoid taxes, householders are paying cash for services. And the provider? of the services are avoiding income taxes. There are 1.5 million $1,000 bills out there - have you seen one. T 146-4120 _ _ e___._-_ - w mus-mu. â€new. Hopefully, council will address these issues in this week’s session and provide an explanation of what the budget includes and what further cuts can be.expected. ' . Has the fear of flying kept you at home? High tech may solve this problem for you, Sky Games International reports that they have perfected a portable lgaming machine. It's now being marketed to a number of air mes. Here's how it's going to work. You arrange to rent a machine in the airport's department lounge. The machines, are activated when the lane reaches "international air space" and then you can gambre the flight away. Instead of worrying about flying, you can worry about running out of money. Pattie Moran is a corporate banker in Kitchener. What we really need to know is this: How much did it can to run the city last year. How much this year? But let's start on an even playing mM. That means we need to know the full costs ttt they are shuffled off to different pockets. an!“ .. ___,_,,-1 __ m ' . - ,V_____._-.. ..-... ........ r--.“ W. "um. Somewhere in this chain of events the taxpayer is not getting the full story. How’s the average taxpayer expected to know the ins and outs of a public budget? Taxpayers rely on their elected officials to look out for their interests Elected representatives receive their in,f,ormatiort from s.eni.or public servants. At a time when we're all watching our loonies so carefully, i omrUirur tn 4t.,a A“. an; LL- _.-.A - __ , . . ' - Just when everyone seemed to be patting themselves on the back for proposing this budget, Court. Telegdi came out with some interesting information'. Telegedi suggests that it’s not a 3.1-per-cent increase but a 5.&per-oent increase. New math got you confused? Well, here's the logic behind the statement. The 3.1-per-oent increase is after some creative accounting. An amount of $497,000 u being removed from the city's water and sewer administration budget. Where has it gone? Well, it's planned to show up on your water bill as a user fee. Some disappearing act. Reminds me of the magician and the disappearing rabbit - it's always in the hat; you just can't see it. I'm getting very confused over public budgets. Didn't we hear that the proposed City of Waterloo budget was for a 3.1 per cent increase? That's a far cry from a zero-percent increase which we heard words about during the election. And it's just about double the recently released figures on inflation which now has an annual rate of s 1.6 per cent. Budget confusion 545 KING STREET N., WATERLOO (won "an Comm lull) "ii)l2f5iaiiiiiiiijj:Fil' 0ND (MC Ml EEC MPION rTrPr'NmereT+ M-.--. DOLLARS MID SENSE BMW†Honda Civic includes . doth upholstery - mag wheels - all-season radials CIVIC IM “This is a win, win, win situation," said Waters of Grocery Genera. "We win, because we have the ability to start a new business, Mr. Grocer wins because he gets the increase in business and the customers wins because they are getting a great service.†The pair admits the service isn't limited to just seniors and is also available to anyone. For only time With a “page catalogue containing over 1,500 items at every day low prices, customers can simply make up their shopping list, give Grocery Getters a call and Waters and Murawsky will do the rest. The catalogue gives a product description, a code number and a, price for each product, The prices listed are only a general guideline to give customers a close representation of what each item will cost The product prices are determined and adminis- tered by Mr. Grocer and may fluetuate from time to My..- Seeing a need, then taking a risk by starting up a new business can, at times, pay off big and lead to a successful and fruitful career down the road, But the risk seems even bigger especially when others tried and failed under better economic conditions. Bill Waters and Brad Murawsky realize times are hard, but they also know that people, especially seniors and shut in with fixed incomes, are faced with the dimeulty of not only buying their weekly groceries, but then lugging them home. Recognizing there's a heed not only to deliver the , groceries, but to make shopping as easy as dialing a , phone, the pair has created Grocery Getters. in ' association with Jim Morris' Mr. Grocer in MM mgunt Plaza, Waterloo. Pete Cudhu Chronicle Staff Rate grocery shopping? fiiIll the Grocery Getters Grocery Gotten Brad Mumwsky, left of I box at cuckon. 7K - 72.9 mpg - EPA Highway Starting from " 795 stiiiM, , pr, trpm 3, WATERLOO CHM. WY. FEBRUARY 26, 1M - PAGE 21 (plus prop. from & mac) checks a grocery list while am when check: out the Mee u _ ___-...-. an“ m: y-upr: "ern "We didn't start out with a love of grocery shopping, but we were well aware of the need And, for the customer, there's less chance of impulse shopping. You get what you ordered" for more information of the Grocery Gamers call T K 9mm But, the speed with which they shop doesn't cut down on the quality of the goods they select They also realize that some of their customers are on special diets and they make sure to read the label guaranteeing the customer gets the proper Item "UG A:.J-u _‘-_A - A ._. . The pairs take the catalogues to the homes of their clients which gives them an opportunity to not only explain how the book works, but also a chance to introduce themselves. It takes the pair approxtmately 10 minutes to fill an average $60 to $70 order, Murawsky says they know the grocery store like the back of their hand and sometimes shop using two carts at a time With their business located In the back of the store, the pair know the Mr. Grocer staff and Vice verse They admit, it's a one big family atmosphere when working at the store, and when they're rushed or have a couple of big orders, a checkout and a cashier are made available to them. ".1" - "tW- wuwuacu. uuu Imurns' IF in tune with the needs of the public Most of his customers are seniors and they face a lot difficulty 2, realized that this would be a direct servnce to hrs c ienta." - _ ""1 ._.__ um _ 'rt)BVK5 a way to gel Trtern home, Grocery Genera will also deliver the grocer- its for $3. “Ofall the managers we contacted, Jun (Momsi Is in tune with the hand: at the, mam- " r I $7.50, which includes shopping and delivery they feel the price is more than fun. In addition. seniors and handicapped individuals receive a discount of $1.N per delivery. And, for those who do their own is,r,',',?,yr,tey?.i.ns but don't have a way to get them hnmn -...'._.-. I‘M.-.“ "Ft , . . _ 1 1 soo “cones "t,1r1ii'/'lldr/tif'd'r%r. ’ Wsth 'tMoped w: - -e-- PtrfecttttrRRtts 10.04% Rate (20 vr. term) WQLAND WALWYN 'gr'imrTek"irr'irr 8346mm . L' (519) 576-3391 “gunman-alum