The 1991 recipients include Warrior _ linebacker _ Benoit ies | F '9 h es « The awards are named after the late Mike Moser who died suddenâ€" ly while the Warriors were on an exhibition trip to Florida in 1975. At the time of his death, an endowment was established with the proceeds awarded annually to third or fourth year students in financial need who have an exemâ€" plary academic record and who have achieved a high level of accomplishment in extracurricuâ€" lar activities. Seven members of the Universiâ€" ty of Waterloo Warriors and Athenas will be recipients of the Mike Moser Memorial Awards to be handed out tonight during the halftime intermission of the Warâ€" rior and Windsor Lancers basketâ€" ball game. PAGE 28 â€" WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29. 1992 Seven UW athletes receive Moser Awards Contractors use Strassburger windows and doors to give beauty to homes and offices. WE MANUFACTURE ‘ AND INSTALL Locations: GRAND RIVER ARENA « QUEENSMOUNT ARENA « ALBERT McCORMICK ARENA INSIDE AND OUTSIDE Windows Make The Home! KITCHENER PaARK: aNno RECREATION M 646 Colby Drive, STRASSBURGER® _ \Waterioo _ _ JOIN US IN 1992 LEARN TO SKATE PROGRAM HAVE FUN and PARTICIPATE! CALL 886â€"KWSC All styles of strong , viny! windows Easy to clean Greater comvenience gives you more freeâ€"time Customâ€"built to fit any opening Reduced maintenance Drouin January 4 â€" March 14 Skating "«# Club Felszegi is in her third year of applied health studies. For all three years at UW she has been a member of the swim team and was last season‘s rookie of the year. This year, she is a coâ€"capâ€" Drouin is a thirdâ€"year mechaniâ€" cal engineering student. His outâ€" standing play with the football Warriors earned him a selection to the OUAA all star team in 1990. He was also the recipient of the Ray Owens Award as the most valuable player in the Waâ€" terlooâ€"Laurier annual football game. Drouin, swimmer Patricia Felsâ€" zegi, field hockey player Annette Koehler, basketball player Brenâ€" da Kraemer, field hockey player Caitlin McGregor, field hockey player Kylie Scoggan and hockey player Rod Thacker. 885â€"6380 LIONS ARENA WILSON ARENA * RINK IN THE PARK Koehier Koehler is in her fourth year of studies in Kinesiology. She has played field hockey for the Atheâ€" nas in all five of her years at UW. She has also been selected to the OWIAA Allâ€"Star team in four of her competitive years and made the provincial team twice. tain with the team. In addition to her swimming, she has been involved in the Campus Recreâ€" ation Program as a fitness inâ€" structor and coâ€"ordinator. Kraemer is a fourthâ€"year stuâ€" dent in Kinesiology and has playâ€" ed for the athena basketball team for all four years. She‘s consis tentlyamong the team‘e leading If you have not received a letter notifying you of the time and place of this registration, please contact your school office for information. It is important that the mother, father or legal guardian be present at Registration A birth certificate or other legal Frool of your child‘s age will be required, as well as your child‘s immunization record. Complete immunization information must be provided before September in order for the child to enter school. Children with special needs (i.e. speech and language impaired, visually impaired, hearing impaired, intellectually challenged, etc.) should register in the school in im Bems areg, _ _‘ N_ _ e Preschoo! Health Clinics will be combined with registration at the following schools: St. Joseph, St. Bernadette, St. Patrick and Sacred Hear in Kitchener and St. Peter and St. Gregory in Cambnd?e Parents at all other schools will receive a School Entry Immunization Information form as part of their pre-re?‘lslrahon packages and spring and summer Preschoo!l clinics will be offered for their children Junior Kindergarten and Klndugnrun registration will be held throughout the Region of Waterioo from February 3rd to February 28th, 1992. Children who have attended Junior Kindergarten in the Wateroo Region Roman Catholic School Board in 1991â€"1992 are automatically registered for Kindergarten To all parents of children born in 1987 (Kindergarten) and 1988 (Junior Kindgrganen). JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN AND KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION 1992 For further information regarding registration for Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten, contact the principal of your local school Mon:c‘gnor Gleason School Sacred Heart School St. Anne School St. Boniface School St. Francis School St. John School St. Joseph School St. Mark School St. Patrick School St. Paul School St. Teresa School Waterioo Holy Rosarr School Our Lady of Lourdes St. Agnes School Sir Edgar Bauer School Maryhill St lgcml!ace School Kitchener Blessed Sacrament School Canadian Martyrs School _ ©errke WATERLOO REGION ROMAN CATHOLIC Chair of Board Louise Ervin Présidente du Conseil SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Junior Kindergarten will be offered in the following schools: Les classes de maternelle seront offertes dans les écoles suivantes: McGregor, a fourth year Bioâ€" chemistry student, has had an outstanding performance at UW, both academically and athleticalâ€" ly. While consistently anking first in her Coâ€"op Biochemistry class, being a member of the of the Chemistry Club, the Canaâ€" dian Chemical Society, McGregor has also been a member of the field hockey team for the past four years. She coâ€"captained the past two seasons and was named an OWIAA allâ€"star for the 1990 and 1991 seasons scorers and rebounders. Last seaâ€" son, she was Captain of the team, team MVP and selected to the OWIAA Allâ€"Star team. Medical Office of Health _ Dr. Ronald Sax au. 747â€"9005 886â€"4810 885â€"3180 648â€"2832 743â€"4401 743â€"2131 Médecinâ€"hygiéniste 745â€"5950 578â€"7579 579â€"0890 743â€"1691 745â€"7847 743â€"8011 745â€"4531 745â€"7793 742â€"4340 743â€"4682 Pour plus d‘information concernant l‘inscription de votre enfant pour la maternelle et le jardin, veuillez contacter la direction de I‘école de votre région. se in l Rieniieal i nriebatiiined eb h t th d ch ltcha h e e en Wt organisées en méme temps que l‘inscription aux ecoles suivantes: (St. Joseflh. St. Bernadette, St. Patrick et Sacred Heart a Kitchener et St. Peter et St. Gre%ry a Cambnd?e) Les parents des autres oles recevront un formulaire Informations médicales pour admission scolaire %u fait parti de la trousee de préeâ€"enregistrement. Une clinique Fré-scolaire sera offerte au printemps et & ‘été pour leurs enfants. Si vous n‘avez pas recu de lettre vous indiquant ‘heure et l‘endroit des inscriptions, veuillez communiquer avec le secrétariat de votre école pour plus de renseignements. || est important que la mere, le pére ou le tuteur, la tutrice légal(e) soit présent(e) lors de l‘inscription. Vous devez fournir un certificat de naissance ou autre preuve légale de I‘a?e de votre enfant ainsi que son dossier d‘immunisation. Toute linformation sur limmunisation de votre enfant doit étre fournie avant septembre pour qu‘il ou qu‘elle soit accepté(e) a l‘école. Les enfants ayant des besoins particuliers (difficultés Ianga%iéres. visuelles ou auditives, défis intellectuels etc...) devraient s‘inscrire a l‘école de leur quartier. Des cliniques de santé préâ€"scolaire seront Erench Language Schools Ecoles de Langue Francaise Cardinaâ€"Lege! (h) _ Cambridge Our Lady of Fatima St. Anne School St. Augustine School St. Joseph School St. Margaret School St. Patrick School St. Peter School St. Vincent de Paul New Hamburg Holy Family School St. Clements St. Clement School St Les inscriptions pour la maternelle et le jardin d‘enfants auront lieu dans toute la région de Waterioo du 3 au 28 février 1992. Les enfants inscrits en maternelle au Conseil des écoles séparées catholiques de la région de Waterloo en 1991â€"1992 sont automatiquement inscrits au jardin d‘enfants. A noter, ‘le jardin d‘enfants dans les écoles de langue frangaise est a temps plein. St. Agatha St. Agatha School A tous les parents des enfants nés en 1987 (jardin d'enfants)ret 1988 (maternelle) INSCRIPTION 1992 POUR LA MATERNELLE ET LE JARDIN â€"Noélâ€"Chabanel (C) CONSEIL DES ECOLES SEPAREES CATHOLIQUES DE LA REGION DE WATERLOO Thacker is in his fourth year Honors Economics and is also in his fourth year of play for the hockey Warriors. In each of his four years with the team the Warriors have been ranked in the Top 10 in the country. He is also the captain of the team this year. Scoggan is in her fourth year of Biochemistry and has been a member of the varsity field hockâ€" ey team for the past five seasons. She was also a member of the provincial under 21 team in 1991. In addition to her field hockey playing, she has been in many supportive endeavors of behalf of the Athena field hockey team. Director of Education Goorx Flynn Directeur de I‘Education 742â€"2261 623â€"5613 669â€"5271 662â€"1734 622â€"6100 621â€"8920 621â€"5211 740â€"0678 658â€"4041 621â€"6420 740â€"3530 747â€"1801