"jll?j"ii"i:r:,i"sj"i"i,,'"i,Ci'j'" I'm Interested In any informe- tion on Michael E. Knight ot All My Chlldun. l wouId aha like an hlm. A. Michael E. Knight. Tad Mar- tin on All My Children. was born and raised in Princeton. New Jersey and graduated with a degree in theatre arts from Wes- leyan University in Connecticut. He began his acting career at the age of 12 in school productions and after a period with New York‘s Circle. In The Square Theatre he joined the cast of f YAMAHA & Roland \ BOXING DAY SPECTACULAR Gigantic Savings on Yamaha organs fill Inlanil I Yamalia ill'gital pianos reduced to clear FRI., DEC. 27th " a.m. " 9 p.m. _ Our biggest Boxing Day Sale ever! Many are one of a kind, floor models & demonstrators. Hurry for best selection! LB., Samba BOB GRAY MUSIC LTD. Delivery soap opera star Walt Willy who plays Jackson Montgomery on All My Children. Also where can I write to him? Thank you. A.M.C. in 1982. Since then he has appeared in numerous stage productions including Home turtteattndCa8Bats -A Duelln Ono Actee we" " the feature film Baby, " You and the made-tor- TY movie Charles And Diana. You can write to Michael c/o ABC TV, 77 West 68th St., New York, N.Y. 10023. 13 King St. S. (at Erb) Waterloo Q, I would like to know about from Chriatlne PI, Whitby 886-01 00 A. Born in Ottawa, Illinois, Walt Willey appeared in numerous stage productions at Southern Illinois University where he was an art major. Prior to joining the cast of All My Children Walt appeared in such plays as Bere- foor In The Park, Five Finger Exercise and (Mano de Bergerac as well as the daytime dramas Ryan’s Hope and Another World. In his spare time he designs greeting cards and computerized cartoons and enjoys scuba diving and snorkeling. Write to him c/o ABC TV, 77 West 66th St., New York, NY. 10023. Get a steal dual on a Yamaha piano Portable Keyboards Delivery from Q. Please settle a dispute I'm having with my babysitter. She says the tttttttttttt who played Nicole on Another World is Ar. lene Sorkins of America's Fun- niest People, I disagree. Your reply could give me one tree night of babysitting! Thank you. Arlene Gallantry, Brampton A. You got it Arlene! The name of the actress who played the role of Nicole Love on Another Worid is Anne Howard. She also guest starred in such series as Highway To Heaven and Crazy Like A Fox and had a leading role in the movie Prince Of Darkness from WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, This Christmas vusn the Schneider Haus gaHenes and take a stroll back m tune exper- ienong the tradmonal sohts, sounds and smells of these age- old market fairs Call 742-7752 for mtormaton The opentng of the Market was often accompamed by musuc and the dramattc appearance ot a chutd dressed as a gotden anget a hgure remtntscent of an ancient event In medteval times monk? who came to the tar saw a replica of the Chrtst Chlld In a manger dtsplayed m church It was cur tomary to (pve the Christ Chad away to chtldren In the torm of a doll Thus doll eventually became the Chrtstmas angel of today Here the locals (at my» PVE", thing needed tor the C'ircstras season - decorations for me home and tree toys candles and tradmonal German sweets and cakes assocnated WM venous regions of the tountry such as the Lebkuchen or gingerbread tor Wthh Nuremberg IS famous Schneider Haus Twmkhng ngmg "M the mgm With a warm qlow aw: enhcmg smells of gnned sausages gm gerbread and 'oasxec aumonos draw you Into worm stalls met flowmg mm guneung angels toy soidners and evergreer garlands Thus magmai scene ot a German Christmas Market Will be re. created this tesuve season at the Joseph Schneoder Haus tn Jan 5 The Chrstkmcysmaret new m many towns throughout Germany is one of the most celebrated holiday fairs The event beguns Dec 4 when a creche 1: set up 'rl the market square Otter "2FN3r the oldest town church am: 000% and stalls are erected a'owc " Q. I hope you can help me settle a bet, I say Mal Glbosn starred in a soap opera before his movie career She dw- poms. Who I8 right? Also. where can I wnte to tum? Thanks. thR., Thornhill A. Sorry CR I can fund no evidence that Amercan-txgrn Met Gibson ever starred. or even matte a quest appearance tor that matter, on any soaps either here or In Australia, where he began his career You can send man to mm we 72 Queen St Woolhorh» ra St NSW Australia 363 Kin? ' " N. Waterloo l DECEMBER 26, 1991 e PAGE 21 meme: ot Klng 5 Columbia! MOM! or YHE