's -"---er,",'3e, l743A)191, j Last night from 7-9 Fin, WCl hosted representatives from three Quebec umverSities; Concordia, McChll and Bishop's, for interest. ed students And, for those of you who didn't hear about this until now sorry. You missed out. 746-3711 Now Open Monday! Mon. t Thurs. " . ':30 Friday IO _ 7 Saturday " _ 5 westmount Fine Intimate Apparel E aye-1mg: the [Guinness _ We -'ns'trrte 'trr Wu? Jam reasons 56 Regma St, N F Wm be sure your Mends and family won't be expecting these 111 their stockings, with original artwork, or even their very own picture msnde Consider tt - all proceeds go to charity Jacuzzi For those of you who weren't in the capacity crowd watching the semor game, Adrian Watty's uni. form " hun much more advan. tageously this year, We're proud of you. Adrian, Do you want to get a head start on your Chrtstmas shopping this year' Are you med of the same old Falrvtew selection? Then pay Jttentxon to what mll be happen. mg m RTT, lower foyer, begin. mng with d button sale! You can S? l6 Well, It's been a boys' basket. ball weekend. Basically, the bold, boisterous, bodacious juniors proved they're better than Blue. vale. by beatmg them in their premiere game Saturday. Mean. whlle. thee semor brothers domi. nated over St. David. barely breaking a sweat to Witt the two- day lefnd Lauirer tournament. spa SGWICB OZOT‘BIOFS PAGE " . WATERLOO CHWELE. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER “Hers ‘ragrances Br Meg Holdein V 'iiFt -_'_ l - m theU..i..91f..PrvE, WCl fl} of tickets, I hope txrieiTtri'f people there to cheer on our KCI team and show that Raider Spirit! Dec. 4 is the date of our Sub. Eating Contest against Resurrec- tion, It will take place in the auditorium. Tickets will be sold in advance; listen to announce- ment for details. lfyou wish to be a part ofthe team be sure to listen to the announcements so you know when the tryouts are. Make sure you buy your tickets early because there is a limited number Our Blood Donor Clmic was a huge sum with 286 donors. Thank you to everyone who gave blood. It was very much appre- ciated. Hope to see you all again at the next clinic in the spring A big thank you, too, to all the organizations, stores, theatres and restaurants who donated pnzes. 1541 Highland L.iv.%iiieU, - - --_- - - 745-9876 OpenSundaysinDec. 12-5andbeginningDec.4Mon.-Frl.9-B;Sat.9- By Erica Williams Wax up your skis and tobog- gans: dig up that hideous old knit toque your grandmother made you, and have a great week! QUE HOLIDAY DEBT KCI YORK NURSERY 27, 1991 ' ga Tournament." Doros TiGiiii. ou was chosen as MVP of the tournament and John Harper was Winter teams are well into their second week of exhibitional play, The senior boys' basketball team looks as promising as ever. Last weekend, the Knights took home the victory in the Conem By Carolyn Stark Tonight, in the Bluevale cafe. torium, KRT is hosting "Movie Knight." For only $1 or a can of food (for next week's Food Drive) you can watch Kurt Russell and William Baldwin star in the blockbuster BaekDratt. This is one not to be missed, BCl! Next Monday marks the begin. ning of the traditional BCI Food Drive. Each home room competes to achieve a surplus in canned goods to donate to local charities. As a result, the winning home- room teacher wit be secretly kidnapped and the students will be free to roam! JW. - Your parents still want to see your report card. BCI Doinscttjas 6' wrapped with bow. leg. 9.98 only 6.99 reg. sale Canadian Pine 2' 18.98 12.98 3' 39.98 29.98 6h' 199.98 129.98 ' Ph' 259.98 199.98 Canadian Pine Garland - 9' . reg. 19.98 sale 9.98 ', Wreaths - reduced as tagged ' .ge"tr...e'v%.dtssase 'tteraxar,e Fresh ' , Cedar Roping 25' Coil On a more serious: note, Friday, Dee, 6, is the second year anniver. sary of the horrid "Montreal Massacre." This event, extremely discriminating towards the fe. Kitchener-Waterloo C.l. student lull: 2rtggt't hams it up with Rodney the Holder while giving blood du no a blood donor clinic at the school on Monday. KCl but the Red Cross target of 250 plnta by donating 286 plnu In the day-long ovgntu named to the All-Star team. Con. getulationa, guys! also Pine & Balsam Roping 6DECIAL€> Wicker Baskets - 40% on Drier) Baby's Breath & reg Spaniéh Moss - reduced as tagged _ - menu-mm male population, is being remem- bered mainly to make people aware of "tragie" occurrences such as this one. In order to raise money for the fund, we will be othiring buttons for $1 to those who support this issue. now 12.98 29.98 129.98 199.98