Council had given its support in Primi pal to the Manulife-Markborough regional shopping mall proposal Sept. 4 at a formal hearing, rejecting a plan to expand Cones. toga Mall submitted by Cambridge Shop ping Centres Ltd. and a mall proposal from developers 1?adillaerairview. Deborah Grand." Chronicle Staff Sticking to its guns at a heated city council meeting Monday, Waterloo city council gave the ofrieial go-ahead for construction of a $130.millitm regional shopping ttyul. Council approves Lexington Mall over candidate protest ï¬Ã©â€˜i‘iï¬dé Watérloo Regional Council supported the Stomler is considering taking legal ac- tion against the board', superintendent of education, after an incident at a school board meeting monday. At the meeting, Waterloo Region sepa- rate school board superintendent George FlymtbtgantortsadaupseehustatijGii given to him by a delegate who was unable to attend. The delegate, in his speech, wished to express his opinions of Stemmler, with whom he recently had dispute. But Flynn Chroma. tttiii" -..tkpar.ate-httol_board trustee Kalita o!iit,,t,tet* ngnidhggg issue’ for Stemmler Celtic balladeer brings ancient music to life Pagans Monday's city council meeting was im tended to be procedural, for the most part. Council met to vote on bylaw and bylaw amendmenta to allow for the mall‘s con- struction - a procedure which had been deferred from the previous week because of "uncertainties" in the agreement between the developers and the city. The amended development agreement was finalised just hours before Monday’s meeting. Manulife-Markborough proposal at a reg- ioel cpurgcil meeting Oct 17. But before council members took the issue to a vote, Waterloo council eandi. cross-country meet- Stemmler told The Chronicle, Monday evening after the meeting, that she had dealt with William Kim, manager of the Photo Master store at Weetmount Place, for the purpose of purchasing election campaign photos. On tht. 18, when Stemmler went to pick up her photos, she was told by Kim that they had ended up in Regina. Stemmier lost her temper and angry words were tia. we: stopped from continuing the speech exchanged. after reading its introductory sentencee. track down Trustee Stephen Heller said it was not the at a locatit appropriate forum to present such informs also sienna Viking Girls win BWOSSA io. 199 Water! loo, Onta "I can't report of one person who was in favor of the decision you have taken. All were in favor of the extension of Conestoga Mall," Connolly said. 'Tm sure your (Sept. 4) vote was taken for what you feel will be the interests for Waterloo, However, a Connolly, a candidate running at large, told council he had surveyed 1,500 people while canvassing, asking them their 0pm ion of the regional shopping mall issue. dates Mike Connolly, Pauline Richards and David Bussiere voiced their opposition to the proposal, and were subsequently accused by some councillors of turning the meeting into an alreandidates' debate. HoGir?/r, Kim was unable to attend the meeting, Flynn said, and so he read the statement. for Kim. tyttttttified..........A4t) exchmged, Stemmler was later able to track down her photos and picked them up at a location in Hamilton on Monday. She also stopped payment of a $20 cheque to Kim because she was dissatisfied with the service she received. Flynn said he received a phone tall from Kim, Oct. 18, late in the day, Flynn said Kim expressed his concern for the election process because of his dealings with Stem. mler and wished to prepare a statement for the board. Opinion .... Community . Short Story . Business -. .. Departments . A6 . M A13 A19 A28 r, , L" LE mm aKchfénsi 'e _» - Connolly said his concerns for the Manu lifeMarkborough proposal meluded pawn tial present and future costs to taxpawn and plans for the Inclusmn of an arts theatre, which he sand would compew with, Humanities Theatre, 3 facrhty he reponm as operating at a loss He went on to bay that if elected. he would attempt to change the decnsion that council has made. and work for the extension of Conestoga Mar, But coutwil members hadcémgggcks'fnr all of Connolly's concerns large majority of people do not agree u 2th you." Mix of Sun and Cloud. f High 15°C. Advertising supplements delivered mm toaighth Wlwrioo Chromcle [chm Mooreh, Pat Mchhon'. Entwn Automotive'. 'Selecwd areas only Fred Sage]. Stemmiery lawyer. said m an interview that he and hm chem are considering legal actlon agamst Flynn Stemmler believes Flyrtn's actions at the board meeung are "interfering mth the election process", "My understanding was that he wanted to report an incident to the board that he felt reflected on the appropnateness of a candidate for trutrteeahip, which I assumed is appropriate for a board meeting," Flynn said of his decision to read the statement Thursday’s weather wont-mod on page A3, (Cont-med on page A3.